AabidS10 | 20 points | Dec 30 2017 12:22:32

[MOVIE][HD-720p] The Relic (1997) BluRay

The Relic (1997)

110 min|Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi|10 Jan 1997

A homicide detective and an anthropologist try to destroy a South American lizard-like god, who's on a people eating rampage in a Chicago museum.

Director: Peter Hyams

Creator: Douglas Preston (novel), Lincoln Child (novel), Amy Holden Jones (screenplay), John Raffo (screenplay), Rick Jaffa (screenplay), Amanda Silver (screenplay)

Actors: Penelope Ann Miller, Tom Sizemore, Linda Hunt, James Whitmore

Source .........: 1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-FGT

Video ..........: AVC | 1280x544 1060 Kbps

Audio ..........: 2CH AAC English

Runtime ........: 1h 49mn

Subtitles ......: English Softcoded

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[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Dec 30 2017 12:27:08

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