iPhunwa2 | 29 points | Jan 01 2018 02:14:26

[DISCUSSION] Weekly General Discussion Thread [31/12]


[-] ManikandanRaji | 19 points | Jan 01 2018 03:50:06

Just wanted to wish you guys: Happy New Year to all


[-] duelcard | 4 points | Jan 01 2018 04:46:49

Thanks very much! Happy New Year's to you as well!


[-] DummiesBelow | 11 points | Jan 02 2018 04:35:22

Just found this sub. Wow it is a gold mine. Filling in gaps in old shows that I could not find in torrents. Thanks a lot guys.


[-] Numinak | 3 points | Jan 04 2018 03:17:47

I know how you feel. It's great.


[-] anepwanpis | 1 points | Jan 05 2018 12:28:10

I know right! Same with me at the first time found this sub. Its more than a gold mine.


[-] EGDoto | 6 points | Jan 01 2018 05:51:39

Can sidebar be updated with new "exe files" posting rule, think some people who missed big discussion thread post without knowing about new rule as it is not mentioned anywhere in sidebar. Thanks!


[-] indigo6alpha | 4 points | Jan 02 2018 04:22:01

Rule added to sidebar.


[-] peskypotato | 1 points | Jan 01 2018 19:30:06

Like me, I'm here often but I must have missed it. If you don't mind filling me in, I'd like to know.


[-] EGDoto | 5 points | Jan 01 2018 21:41:28

Annoucnement post: https://www.reddit.com/r/megalinks/comments/7k3xkj/announcement_requirements_to_post_games_or/

PSA post: https://www.reddit.com/r/megalinks/comments/7jz6mx/psa_cuphead_okami_hdwatch_out_for_malicious/

But yeah, this is missing in sidebar, so people post without knowing about new rule and post gets removed.


[-] peskypotato | 2 points | Jan 02 2018 08:51:07

Thank you, I was unaware.


[-] LlewelynMoss1 | 1 points | Jan 02 2018 23:51:38

Oh damn. Did this effect the Adobe software like photo shop, premier, and after effects by that one poster who put all of them in like a week


[-] EGDoto | 1 points | Jan 03 2018 08:10:26

Yeah that was virus too, he got banned, posts removed.


[-] arastu1 | 2 points | Jan 02 2018 07:20:10

Happy new year and may god bless u all:-)


[-] Jmac91 | 2 points | Jan 03 2018 02:39:15

So I have the Pro Lite account, the $6 a month account. It says I have 1Tb transfer quota. But it blocks me after 7gbs? It says 1% used and blocks me saying it I've met my transfer quota. The whole reason I bought the damn non free version was to avoid this shit. Wtf?


[-] acid2 | 2 points | Jan 04 2018 13:28:30

I don't know how this can be. Are you downloading using Megasync? Make sure that you're signed in with your pro-lite account as that seems the only possible reason you've a limited daily-transfer quota. Hope this helps.


[-] Jmac91 | 2 points | Jan 04 2018 14:13:18

I ended up signing out everywhere and signing back in and it worked. I was using mega sync but I guess it didn't sync with the website. All good 👍


[-] acid2 | 2 points | Jan 04 2018 15:08:07

[-] CakeDebris | 2 points | Jan 04 2018 17:06:28

Is zippyshare safe to use? Would my ISP know what im downloading from them?


[-] AabidS10 | 5 points | Jan 05 2018 12:01:08



[-] simplefilmreviews | 2 points | Jan 04 2018 22:10:08

Just for the sake of comparison....


[-] exhippy | 3 points | Jan 05 2018 01:35:26

I think netflex streams at around 5000 kbps but amazon does 8000 kbps.Which is why AMZN web downloads are so highly prized.


[-] simplefilmreviews | 1 points | Jan 05 2018 02:27:54

Oh those are pretty legit numbers (especially Amazon).

  • Curious about TV channels (like AMC, FX, ABC, Fox, Starz, etc). Probably lower than Netflix?


[-] exhippy | 1 points | Jan 05 2018 03:14:13

I would think so but I don't know much about US tv.I try to keep away from US hdtv because of the watermarks & other distracting crap all over the screen.I think some US networks,the ones that play a lot of sports,broadcast in 720p because of the 60 fps of 720p against the 30fps of 1080i.


[-] simplefilmreviews | 1 points | Jan 05 2018 03:18:47

I feel ya. I figured they half assed it and put out low bitrates for their HD content! (Plus like you said, it's maddening they cut not only for content (graphic, etc), but simply for time! Cut out scenes just to fit in a time frame. Ridiculous))


[-] Hirsute_Kong | 1 points | Jan 05 2018 21:21:07

For my personal collection I have recorded Netflix streams. This bit of info may change that practice. Do you know what Hulu broadcasts at? Also, while I personally record streams with PlayOn, am I behind the times or is this generally how people get web downloads?


[-] exhippy | 1 points | Jan 05 2018 22:53:19

I don't know what Hulu streams at but they don't seem to have a very good rep,just going on some of the comments I have seen here.If you right click on a file in Windows 10 & choose properties/details it often tells you what the audio & video bitrate is.


[-] Eucbevt | 1 points | Jan 06 2018 21:00:00

Hulu has about 5500-6000 kbps and they have the WORST audio of any streaming service. They only have 64 kbps stereo audio.


[-] OneObi | 2 points | Jan 06 2018 15:47:05

Windscribe 60Gb voucher available here https://sharewareonsale.com/s/windscribe-vpn-giveaway-coupon-sale (use a throwaway email to get the voucher code).

Only available for 2 days so act fast.


[-] finest_pirate | 1 points | Jan 07 2018 22:57:50



[-] exhippy | 1 points | Jan 01 2018 02:56:55

The problem with contest mode in the requests thread is we can no longer sort by "new".We will have to trawl through hundreds of requests to find the latest ones.I'm all for something that helps with the bot down voting but this just makes life difficult.


[-] Eucbevt | 2 points | Jan 01 2018 04:34:37

Yeah, I don't like the contest mode.


[-] exhippy | 1 points | Jan 01 2018 05:33:31

It has been turned off thankfully.Thanks to the mods for trying to do something.Not trying to be super critical or anything.


[-] AabidS10 | 1 points | Jan 01 2018 04:02:11

What's contest mode?


[-] exhippy | 0 points | Jan 01 2018 04:14:52

"this thread is in contest mode - contest mode randomizes comment sorting, hides scores, and collapses replies by default"That is what it says on the request thread.


[-] [deleted] | -1 points | Jan 01 2018 04:21:23



[-] exhippy | 0 points | Jan 01 2018 04:29:36

It is just going to be a real bugger to sort through if the postings are in random order.


[-] [deleted] | -1 points | Jan 01 2018 05:38:47



[-] exhippy | 0 points | Jan 01 2018 05:41:39

When was the last time it only got 200 posts per week?It has been over 500 lately.


[-] doctorwho6904 | 1 points | Jan 01 2018 06:49:51

Happy New Year everybody! And i have hopes for a good year.


[-] [deleted] | 0 points | Jan 01 2018 15:53:05

haha you too... i mean, life is suffering please kill me cause i don't have the courage


[-] doctorwho6904 | 1 points | Jan 02 2018 04:11:38

There's still happiness in life. Try going to smell flowers or watching your favorite TV show/movie. Life's not over. There's still lot's to do.


[-] redlegend96 | 1 points | Jan 01 2018 08:26:57

What software would one use to encode a x264 film to x265? Bit of a noob here...


[-] exhippy | 3 points | Jan 01 2018 09:48:12

Handbrake is a commonly used one


[-] Lyfultruth | 3 points | Jan 01 2018 11:22:27

What preparation/settings would be recommended for this purpose with Handbrake? I have some movies that are much larger than I'd like, but I'd like to keep all the subtitle options and audio options.


[-] Numinak | 2 points | Jan 04 2018 03:20:05

Honestly, the presets work pretty well for standard use. I'd do a test run with the various speeds for a single movie, and find one you like that gives you the size and quality you are looking at. (for most of the old stuff I've done, I just did a fast or Very fast since they are old enough the quality won't really noticably drop).


[-] KeptSayingTryAnother | 1 points | Jan 05 2018 19:27:33

Can you (or someone) eli5 x264 and x265? What are they and the difference between them?


[-] Hirsute_Kong | 1 points | Jan 05 2018 21:59:29

H.264 and H.265 are video codecs. H.264 has been around a long time, since the early 2000's. H.265 came out as a replacement, or rather an extension of capability, around 2013. H.264 is widely supported and is the standard codec used in blu-ray (I don't know if this extends to the 4K discs). Therefore, many components out there support the ability to decode H.264. H.265 is suppose to be able to compress a video even more than H.264 without a loss in quality while using the same bitrate. There's various opinions out there about H.265 though.

The important thing to know is what codecs your video equipment can decode (as well as supported audio codecs for playback and passthrough). If you can't decode H.265 then don't bother with it unless you want the computer serving up the files to transcode everything to H.264.


[-] KrangyKrangles | 1 points | Jan 06 2018 19:44:11

Super simplistic, x265 is the updated version of x265.

More in depth - As of recently, x265 will almost always be better quality at equal bitrates to x264, especially with animation.

Some older hardware can't handle 265. I've got a few 5-year+ computers that handle it just fine, but if you've got a low-end Roku from a few years ago or something, you might have issues.

x265 isn't magic or anything, but it's a good tool for the job. It's especially stunning what it can do with more simple animation. I've got 200ish mb Futurama and Adventure Time files that look nearly as good (without pixel-peeping) as rips 5x the size. Live action is a lot less impressive, but still decent.

All of that said, AV1 (I believe that's what it's called) is slated to be released soon and it's supposed to be better than 265 at the expense of encoding time. Since it's an open format, it'll be adopted by hardware more quickly, but it's still going to take a while before it's a "norm" like 264/265.


[-] KrangyKrangles | 1 points | Jan 06 2018 19:39:25

Handbrake is the best for quality, but it can take from a while to "for freaking ever" depending on what kind of CPU you have.

StaxRip is far, far, FAR faster, because it can leverage your GPU, but it doesn't reach the same compression or quality.


[-] Hable061 | 1 points | Jan 01 2018 09:22:29

Damn this "achievement" system sucks. How can they advertise "50GBs free storage" when more than half will be deleted in a month?


[-] s1256 | 1 points | Jan 01 2018 18:13:56

Is there a way (or can there be) to sort the request thread by filled requests? Some stuff pops up there that I didn't know I wanted.


[-] 3atwa3 | 1 points | Jan 02 2018 07:04:04

Hello, I have a suggestion to this subreddit..Why we don't use eMule-Network with this subreddit , so if anyone have downloaded a file can just put it in the "shared files" and it will last forever for others to download ,even if the filehoster link was gone... of course the mod would make a thread that will organize the network (it wont even need this).i think its a great idea....after all no DMCA can takedown the files from our computers.


[-] AabidS10 | 2 points | Jan 02 2018 08:25:18

And then you'll have the problem associated with torrents. Namely no one willing to share and waste bandwidth, only "seeder" not available, low download speeds


[-] 3atwa3 | 1 points | Jan 02 2018 10:19:44

+AabidS10 with this hundreds of "hits" i see trust me there will always be sources also low download speeds is better than "a dead link" ...eMule is different to torrent ..in torrent its hard to re-seed . in eMule just put the downloaded files in the "shared files" and your good to go...


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jan 02 2018 15:30:22



[-] exhippy | 1 points | Jan 02 2018 18:50:58

It looks alive to me.


[-] neosinan | 1 points | Jan 02 2018 18:59:28

I meant abandoned there is no new stuff.


[-] exhippy | 2 points | Jan 02 2018 19:53:01

On holiday?


[-] aaa03800 | 1 points | Jan 02 2018 23:49:55

Can someone explain how to use jDownloader? I copy the snahp.it links and it says it cant find any downloads


[-] iPhunwa2 | 1 points | Jan 03 2018 00:59:40

Read the instructions I had posted here


[-] aaa03800 | 1 points | Jan 03 2018 12:45:16

I reinstalled jDownloader and got it working, happy cake day & new year :)


[-] iPhunwa2 | 1 points | Jan 03 2018 13:09:39

Glad you got it working. Thanks and happy new year to you too! :)


[-] F13thFreak | 1 points | Jan 03 2018 01:13:08

I know this is probably a stupid question. But is zippyshare and snahp it jus5 as safe as Mega?


[-] AabidS10 | 1 points | Jan 03 2018 12:19:08



[-] Doip | 1 points | Jan 03 2018 04:38:41

Happy cake day u/iphunwa2


[-] iPhunwa2 | 3 points | Jan 03 2018 05:17:52

Thank you :)


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jan 03 2018 20:21:03



[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jan 05 2018 05:21:55



[-] igotsomegreypoupon | 2 points | Jan 05 2018 18:12:16

Remove the sync folder from MegaSync. You don't really need to have a sync folder setup since you can manually select files to upload.


[-] AabidS10 | 1 points | Jan 05 2018 12:00:04

to anyone who want that new trump book, here's an excerpt to pass the time until it releases: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/01/michael-wolff-fire-and-fury-book-donald-trump.html


[-] montr2229 | 1 points | Jan 05 2018 17:25:01

One of the drives I use to temporarily store files has failed, is there a way I can recover the files.

Using dskmgmnt it says it's not initialized but fails to initialize it.

Drive makes some noise when connected , but doesn't show a drive in my computer

Any help is appreciated


[-] KrangyKrangles | 2 points | Jan 06 2018 19:59:57

You can try bringing it into Linux and seeing if it'll see it and let you copy the files off quickly. Also, if Photorec can see it, it might be able to pull some files.

That said, hard drives tend to fail catastrophically in my experience, so don't get your hopes up. Same shit happened to me a few years ago and luckily I had backups of most of my important stuff.


[-] montr2229 | 1 points | Jan 06 2018 20:29:18

Thanks for the help, there's nothing particularly important on that drive, but still a hastle since there was no back up.


[-] KrangyKrangles | 2 points | Jan 06 2018 21:04:38

No problem, hopefully something I said can help you out. You can also look into making a Linux rescue disk/usb. They usually have all sorts of tools on them. Good luck.


[-] Jobenblue | 1 points | Jan 06 2018 01:52:05

I found DBZ on Blu Ray. Waiting to get them all downloaded before I risk losing my source and being left with an incomplete collection. Better than the orange bricks, which appear to be what the popular link is. Only episodes, can't find movies, but it appears that the blu ray movies are in that link.

This is the comparison between the two: https://youtu.be/XQBl3YeOVUQ


[-] doot_doot_doot_doo | 1 points | Jan 06 2018 04:58:48

dhd encode? dragon box? doesn't matter where you're getting it, but rather what you're getting


[-] TRUMP2016BUILDWALL | 1 points | Jan 06 2018 20:21:20

which encode is best? I see DHD is posted on this sub @ around 43gb


[-] doot_doot_doot_doo | 1 points | Jan 06 2018 22:37:51

i think that's a real subjective question. there's the DHD (or is it DBNL I've lost track) from the funi BR, there's the dragon box r2 sets (non HD i believe), there's the encodes that have the Faulconer theme, there's the Ocean dub versions and I'm sure countless others.

All depends on what you're after. Want BR 1080p rips, i think DHD is your answer (or the cleo x265 1080p version). Want nostalgia? I think you'd be after ocean dubs along and/or some of the dubs with faulconer score

Again, super subjective just on the content, before even looking at video/rip quality


[-] AlexanderHorl | 1 points | Jan 06 2018 08:07:27

Is there any source to get movies with German audio as direct download?


[-] antisocialvert | 1 points | Jan 06 2018 14:22:49

TIL my sony tv won't play some blu-ray rips (it says "playback not available" after 30 mins) because of some DRM bullshit. It's kind of frustrating


[-] TRUMP2016BUILDWALL | 2 points | Jan 06 2018 20:14:29

that's sony for you


[-] antisocialvert | 2 points | Jan 07 2018 01:23:37

Yep, forced me to set up a plex server lol. Which is actually quite good as it can play x265.


[-] KrangyKrangles | 1 points | Jan 06 2018 19:47:49

Was the Mega limit lifted temporarily or something? Some days since the new year it's felt like I've been able to download 20 gigs of content without tripping limits.


[-] Himechi | 1 points | Jan 07 2018 17:42:38

Did Mega lower the free account capacity? I uploaded a rip overnight and this morning there's a notice that I'm over my limit. When I went to the account the limit is now 15GB with an offer to unlock more space if I use 'services'. My uploaded file is gone. Is this old news and I'm just late finding out or what?


[-] exhippy | 2 points | Jan 07 2018 19:51:04

I just checked a couple of my accounts & one of them says 92% of 50 gb & the other 12% of 50gb so nothing seems to have changed.


[-] Himechi | 1 points | Jan 08 2018 02:09:43

Weird. I hope whatever's happened to mine isn't a sign of things to come.


[-] exhippy | 1 points | Jan 08 2018 02:28:15

Indeed.It would not be good.


[-] Himechi | 1 points | Jan 08 2018 20:15:37

I checked an old account and it's still at 50GB. I made a new account and it offers 50GB. No sign of the 15GB cap. The only difference I can think of is that while I was doing that uploading I was on a VPN set to Finland. Mega hates Finns? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


[-] exhippy | 1 points | Jan 08 2018 23:48:19

Doesn't everyone?


[-] Gandalior | 1 points | Jan 08 2018 02:56:52

Do the achievments even work? i donwloaded the APP and the sync and they haven't popped up


[-] DynamiteG | 0 points | Jan 06 2018 08:09:46

Hey, my Seagate 4 Tb hard drive crashed tonight and I am fucking pissed.

What’s another good drive around the same price point?


[-] AabidS10 | 1 points | Jan 06 2018 11:17:23

r/datahoarder and r/piracy may be better places to get advice.


[-] sneakpeekbot | 1 points | Jan 06 2018 11:17:39

Here's a sneak peek of /r/DataHoarder using the top posts of the year!

#1: [NSFW] I archived >1TB of Eroshare, enjoy! (x-post)
#2: Looks like Amazon is pulling the plug on unlimited cloud storage. | 801 comments
#3: I hit a bit of a milestone today | 351 comments

^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^Contact ^^me ^^| ^^Info ^^| ^^Opt-out


[-] [deleted] | -1 points | Jan 01 2018 03:54:17



[-] [deleted] | -1 points | Jan 06 2018 12:45:45



[-] AabidS10 | 1 points | Jan 07 2018 06:12:27

wrong thread


[-] Croshing | -2 points | Jan 05 2018 00:15:03

What are the best websites to download movies?

What are the best android apps for downloading movies?


[-] [deleted] | -3 points | Jan 02 2018 23:52:04



[-] PrimodialStrain | 2 points | Jan 03 2018 09:01:43

Wrong thread.
