grell851 | 10 points | Jan 04 2018 11:16:59

[Movie] Pat Garret & Billy the Kid 1973 DVDrip x264 507 MB

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Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid may be the most beautiful and ambitious film that Sam Peckinpah ever made. The time is 1881. Powerful interests want New Mexico tamed for their brand of progress, and Sheriff Pat Garrett (James Coburn) is commissioned to rid the territory of his old gunfighting comrades. He serves fair notice to William Bonney--Billy the Kid (Kris Kristofferson)--and his Fort Sumter cronies, but it's not in their nature, or his, to go quietly. Peckinpah's theme, more than ever, is the closing of the frontier and the nature of the loss that that entails.


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Jan 04 2018 11:20:06

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