grell851 | 13 points | Jan 04 2018 14:14:04

[Movie] Mighty Joe Young 1949 Dvdrip x264 1.01 GB

decode with base 64


A slick nightclub owner (King Kong veteran Robert Armstrong) discovers the giant ape frolicking in Africa as the beloved pet of a young girl (Terry Moore). He brings both to Hollywood as a floor-show sensation, until some no-goods ply Joe with booze and the blitzed behemoth goes bonkers. Highlights such as Armstrong's henchmen trying to lasso Joe cowpoke style, Joe playing tug-of-war with musclemen and plenty of Joe-to-the-rescue action make Mighty Joe Young mighty fine entertainment.


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Jan 04 2018 14:15:05

Subtitles for this movie:

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