indigo6alpha | 38 points | Jan 08 2018 03:13:56

[DISCUSSION] Weekly General Discussion Thread [07/01]


[-] nikesta | 15 points | Jan 08 2018 23:46:45

So I've posted about this before and I guess no one gave a damn or saw it.. anyway I've spent countless hours creating a base64 decoder and Encoder.. I'm not a programmer but I learned how do these stuff. I've been using this site for a while and It makes my life easier and you'll make mine easier with all these stuff you all post.

Anyway please consider checking it out. Let me know what you like or hate. and issues you have.

EDIT: This version has an issue fixed.

Thanks for being awesome peeps.


[-] uwotm8_888 | 6 points | Jan 09 2018 01:34:35

Good job man


[-] nikesta | 7 points | Jan 09 2018 01:39:44

thanks man, That means a lot. Experiment with it see what you like and what you don't I'm always working on adding more feature. but as I said I'M NOT A PROGRAMMER. I have to learn these things and it takes time.... And a whole load of Youtube tutorials.


[-] nikesta | 2 points | Jan 10 2018 19:04:37

I fixed an issue, Here is the link to a newer version


[-] rodcla | 2 points | Jan 11 2018 12:45:26

First of all, thank you for such great application mate!

I have decoded a link and pass but keep getting the error message "Failed to launch the link" even if ran as Administrator.

Any thoughts?



[-] Himechi | 3 points | Jan 11 2018 20:33:25

So I've posted about this before and I guess no one gave a damn or saw it..

Upvotes and feedback are poor metrics. If you want to see how many people actually grab your offerings put the link on When you visit that link later it will show you a visit counter after you get past the password/captcha.

Remember the 1/9/90 rule. Using has shown me that it's fairly accurate. My most-popular submission has (last time I checked) 202 upvotes and most of the replies were to ask about compatibility problems. visits? 1305. Give it a try.


[-] nikesta | 4 points | Jan 11 2018 22:58:00

thanks for the idea dude.


[-] [deleted] | 9 points | Jan 08 2018 10:35:29



[-] I-am-what-I-am-a-god | 5 points | Jan 08 2018 13:00:52

I use a vpn to get around the the download limit.


[-] PM-me-girl-nudes | 5 points | Jan 09 2018 05:09:48

Another work-around is to restart your router if you live outside the US.


[-] cobalt-green | 3 points | Jan 09 2018 02:24:49

The official megasync client will pause when you hit the limit and then resume whenever it's ready. So it might take some time but you'll get the download eventually. It's not a perfect program but it gets the job done.


[-] Dannysia | 1 points | Jan 14 2018 00:08:44

Just so you know, if you open the transfer manager and go to the download tab and right click > pause then right click > unpause whatever download you hit your limit on, it will most likely finish that download then 50/50 chance go on to the next download as well.


[-] Qrusher14242 | 2 points | Jan 12 2018 04:00:16

i use Real-Debrid. It doesn't have a limit for MEGA


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jan 09 2018 08:29:48



[-] elmandegafas | 1 points | Jan 10 2018 03:41:28

How? I tried downloading something these days but it kept showing an error :(


[-] Eucbevt | 1 points | Jan 11 2018 06:17:09

I've noticed that it only seems to work for some people. Also, I didn't mean to delete my comment.


[-] gruffity | 1 points | Jan 14 2018 10:33:15

i pay £5 and i get to download 1tb lol


[-] HatFinisher | 6 points | Jan 08 2018 04:10:19

New to using MEGA on my iPad and I’m having trouble playing .mkv files, the loading bar will progress fully but the media will not load and when I back out it says transfer cancelled and marks the item as queued. Any suggestions?


[-] exhippy | 11 points | Jan 08 2018 08:30:03

Apple doesn't support .mkv, which is a pity as almost all the files here are in mkv containers.You have to install a third party player or convert the files to .mp4.Just one more reason not to buy apple I guess.


[-] I-am-what-I-am-a-god | 9 points | Jan 08 2018 12:59:33

Get the VLC app


[-] ownageboard | 1 points | Jan 10 2018 21:50:31

VLC on iOS is amazing, especially with browser content syncing


[-] Nowthinkaboutyourdad | 7 points | Jan 08 2018 05:02:29

Use a computer to use mega. Then convert it with like handbrake or whatever.


[-] Sunny_Cakes | 2 points | Jan 12 2018 09:21:17

Well this advice is terrible. Why re-encode? You'll introduce quality loss doing this. /u/HatFinisher just needs to play the files using VLC, else a repackaging with ffmpeg is all that's needed to convert the file to an mp4:

ffmpeg -i input.mkv -acodec copy -vcodec copy output.mp4

No quality loss. Done and done


[-] n_unjum | 6 points | Jan 08 2018 17:09:24 guys are awesome. I may have downloaded 100 odd gbs because of you.


[-] Axelstrife | 4 points | Jan 09 2018 00:53:02

Only you ONLY downloads 100 odd gbs lol


[-] n_unjum | 0 points | Jan 09 2018 04:05:00



[-] [deleted] | 5 points | Jan 09 2018 01:43:28



[-] [deleted] | 9 points | Jan 09 2018 09:23:17



[-] [deleted] | 3 points | Jan 09 2018 10:08:46



[-] TwiztidJuggla420 | 8 points | Jan 10 2018 10:04:55

When encoders remove the grain they are altering the original film as it was.


[-] Himechi | 5 points | Jan 11 2018 20:20:53

It depends on a few things. Encoding is like dancing - there are many ways to dance but not all of them look good. Whether or not grain (and how much of it) appears in an encode will depend on the source movie, any filters applied by the encoder, the codec (x264 or x265, etc) and tuning. Grain can be distracting if there's a lot of it but if an encoder removes it too aggressively it can and will also remove fine details.

A notorious example of bad grain removal is the Predator: Ultimate Hunter Edition blu-ray. The studio used DNR (digital noise reduction) to try to remove the grain but it was so aggressive it wiped out much of the fine details. It isn't particularly noticeable for most of the movie but it really stands out in any close-ups of Carl Weathers - his face looks slightly out of focus and has no pores.

The counterpoint to Predator: Ultimate Hunter Edition is Aliens. They also tried to remove the grain but did so with much greater care and had much better results. When the movie was released in the 2000 Alien Anthology dvd set it was covered in grain (a result of the film stock the movie was shot on.) When the Alien Anthology was re-released on blu-ray in 2010 they did the grain removal and the movie looks fantastic.

The look of James Cameron's Aliens, comparatively, may be slightly divisive. Fans will no doubt remember the director's remarks, a few months ago, concerning the film's remaster:

"It's spectacular. We went in and completely de-noised it, de-grained it, up-rezzed, color-corrected every frame, and it looks amazing. It looks better that it looked in the theaters originally. Because it was shot on a high-speed negative that was a new negative that didn't pan out too well and got replaced the following year. So it's pretty grainy. We got rid of all the grain. It's sharper and clearer and more beautiful than it's ever looked."

The statement understandably got people—videophiles especially—riled up, envisioning Aliens DNR'ed into oblivion, much like the recent Predator: Ultimate Hunter Edition. Well, rest easy—not all of the grain has been removed. There are scenes where it's definitely apparent that some noise reduction has been used, but most of the time the image still appears natural and filmic. That is, grain isn't "frozen" in place, and there's none of the smeary, blurry quality you normally associate with heavy-handed DNR. There are a few shots where faces take on a mildly waxy look, but these are thankfully rare. In this case, noise reduction has been used selectively and—for the most part—unobtrusively. The film certainly looks better than it ever has. While fine detail is sometimes limited by the graininess of the original high-speed negative, the leap in clarity from DVD to Blu-ray is immediately appreciable. Black levels aren't quite as tight this time around, but color is strong and there's a nice sense of depth in the 1.85:1-framed picture. (Aliens was the only film to be shot in this ratio. All the others are in 2.39:1.) A solid presentation, overall, but not quite as impressive as Alien.

So, after all that... grain in an encode suggests that the encoder didn't alter the picture much. Further, x265 tends to do a better job of preserving grain than x264. You might ask yourself if you prefer a clearer image no matter what, or if you more strongly prefer watching a film as it was originally seen by audiences.


[-] [deleted] | 4 points | Jan 08 2018 16:47:02



[-] igotsomegreypoupon | 5 points | Jan 08 2018 17:40:44

For the shadowban problem - does your other account have enough karma to post here? 10 comment karma is the minimum otherwise your posts don't show. if you've got the karma you might be getting picked up in the subs spam filter somehow.


[-] harris_kid | 4 points | Jan 08 2018 23:52:06

x265 can get bit rate savings up to about %50-60, however, the codec shines at lower bit rates than higher ones. So your 10gb x264 rip will look exactly the same as a 10gb x265 rip. This is why most x265 torrents are quite small.

It's your choice really.


[-] exhippy | 3 points | Jan 08 2018 17:04:22

I think x265 is,realistically, only 20-30% more more efficient so your 10g x264 file will be much better quality than the 3g x265 one.


[-] Axelstrife | 2 points | Jan 09 2018 01:12:11

The best quality you can get for SG-1 is 576p which is the Pal dvd resolution.


[-] Eucbevt | 1 points | Jan 09 2018 22:11:22

What are the horror movies?


[-] TwiztidJuggla420 | 1 points | Jan 10 2018 10:24:30

Hmm...I am interested in the horror movies as well as The IT Crowd series, if they are better quality than the ones that I have. :)


[-] Kill_Me_Now_World | 1 points | Jan 10 2018 17:14:24

IT Crowd in higher quality would be dope.


[-] DynamiteG | 1 points | Jan 13 2018 03:18:49

Fam I need that IT Crowd. Please post it!


[-] gruffity | 1 points | Jan 14 2018 11:07:31

x265 from what i can assume is just a much more efficient way to "pack" certain files which makes them smaller but have the same quality


[-] dnlg | 4 points | Jan 09 2018 09:27:29

Is there some kind of happy hour? Waiting for my limit to exceed so I can download from anpther host, but I've downloaded about 25GB and its still going.


[-] AabidS10 | 2 points | Jan 10 2018 13:06:54

its hit and miss. sometimes you can download more than 5 gb, sometimes less. it all depends on their server load


[-] TwiztidJuggla420 | 4 points | Jan 10 2018 10:03:00

Is there any way to delete/edit comments that somebody leaves on my upload posts? I only ask because it would be nice to be able to delete comments when people post the decode the link/key for my upload and then post the direct link in the comments. This completely voids my efforts to obfuscate the link and my attempt to try to keep the content available longer before getting reported for DMCA, at least in theory any way. Thanks in advance for any assistance that you may be able to provide. :)


[-] indigo6alpha | 5 points | Jan 10 2018 10:08:16

No, there's no way you can do that. What you can do is report that comment directly to the mods. We will delete the comment and warn the user.


[-] TwiztidJuggla420 | 2 points | Jan 10 2018 10:09:46

Thanks. I replied to his comment nicely asking him to delete the direct link and explaining the situation to him, perhaps he is a new user and don't understand how things work yet. Thanks for the quick reply and helpful information, sir. :)

EDIT: I have never reported anything before. Is it just the report button under all comments that will report it to the mods?


[-] indigo6alpha | 4 points | Jan 10 2018 10:12:37

Is it just the report button under all comments that will report it to the mods?

That won't notify the mods. Send a message directly to /r/megalinks (Use this link as a shortcut).


[-] TwiztidJuggla420 | 4 points | Jan 10 2018 10:17:23

Alright then. Sorry for all the questions. I am still kind of new and inexperienced to Reddit. How would I go about doing that then? Click the button that says "message the moderators" on the /r/megalinks page and explaining the situation or is there a different or more preferred way of doing this? Thanks again, lol.


[-] indigo6alpha | 5 points | Jan 10 2018 10:20:35

Yes. Click 'message the moderators' and send a message including the link to your post and a short explanation.


[-] TwiztidJuggla420 | 4 points | Jan 10 2018 10:27:17

Alright. Thanks again for your time and effort to respond and help a Reddit newbie out, lol. Have a nice night. :)


[-] indigo6alpha | 4 points | Jan 10 2018 10:34:23

No problem :)


[-] Superalice | 3 points | Jan 08 2018 10:51:08

any reason to why base64decode is down?


[-] indigo6alpha | 5 points | Jan 10 2018 04:40:02

Browsers already have a base64 encoder/decoder built-in. Use these bookmarks to invoke those built-in functions:

Decode selected text: Use this to decode a base64 encoded string in-place (Source)

javascript:function c(){}c.prototype.get=function(){var a="";window.getSelection?a=window.getSelection().toString():document.selection&&"Control"!=document.selection.type&&(a=document.selection.createRange().text);return a};c.prototype.set=function(a){if(window.getSelection){var b=window.getSelection();b.rangeCount&&(b=b.getRangeAt(0),b.deleteContents(),b.insertNode(document.createTextNode(a)))}else document.selection&&document.selection.createRange&&(b=document.selection.createRange(),b.text=a)};try{var d=new c,e=atob(d.get());d.set(e)}catch(a){alert(a.message)};

Decode entered text: Use this to input a base64 encoded string and get the decoded string back (Source)

javascript: try{var sText=prompt("Enter base64 encoded string: "),decodedText=atob(sText);prompt("Base64 decoded string:",decodedText)}catch(a){alert(a.message)};

JS code snippets I've posted are minified. I've added the source links for reference.

How to add these as bookmarks in Chrome

Sample Base64 text: U2FtcGxlIEJhc2U2NCB0ZXh0


[-] Superalice | 1 points | Jan 10 2018 10:40:08



[-] doctorwho6904 | 2 points | Jan 08 2018 11:06:17

Must be just on your end. Base64decode is working find for me.


[-] Superalice | 1 points | Jan 08 2018 12:29:39

Working now as well for me


[-] doctorwho6904 | 0 points | Jan 12 2018 02:08:19

Good. Must have been just a glitch then,


[-] Superalice | 1 points | Jan 13 2018 02:57:57



[-] abrokepcbuilder | 3 points | Jan 08 2018 11:11:57

My download speed constantly drops close to 10 kbp/s for hours despite being able to consistently pull off 2 gb/s. What's wrong with Mega's servers? Is this their new way of limiting bandwidth for free users?


[-] Numinak | 4 points | Jan 08 2018 18:52:53

I find when that happens, I have to restart the mega client, and it goes right back up. Issue in their programing I think.


[-] doot_doot_doot_doo | 2 points | Jan 08 2018 19:10:47

they say bandwidth can be restricted due to overall bandwidth levels as well as bandwidth on speicific shares. Could just be a case of the file(s) you're grabbing are high traffic ones and it's kicking the limit in


[-] AlphaGamer753 | 0 points | Jan 12 2018 10:12:34

2 GB/s? Gigabytes per second? Are you sure? That's literally a 16Gbps connection you've got there. Impossible.


[-] TheToiletSeat | 0 points | Jan 13 2018 10:30:08

He wrote 2gb/s. Do the math.


[-] AlphaGamer753 | 2 points | Jan 13 2018 11:22:08

gb means nothing. GB means gigabyte, Gb means gigabit. I assumed GB, i.e. gigabyte. There's no maths to do.


[-] Cara-De-Pedo | 3 points | Jan 08 2018 16:05:41

Which VPN do you recommend?, I can pay for one around $10 monthly.


[-] isaacbarron02 | 5 points | Jan 10 2018 03:55:39

I use NordVPN. Bought the two year subscription at ~$3/month. Works like a charm!


[-] exhippy | 2 points | Jan 08 2018 19:09:15

The more servers the vpn company has the better.Otherwise it only takes one person in the world to use up the 5g available for each ip address every 6 hours.Probably cheaper to buy Mega pro lite if you just want to get around the download limit.


[-] I-am-what-I-am-a-god | -1 points | Jan 10 2018 22:36:40

Never had that problem when I was using free ones.


[-] Kill_Me_Now_World | -1 points | Jan 10 2018 17:13:03

tunnel bear


[-] iliketoqq | 2 points | Jan 08 2018 14:29:46

Does MegaDownloader not work anymore? I use it exclusively to dl files larger than 5gb but it doesnt seem to recognize the new urls mega is using.

If it's not just me being stupid, i would welcome a method to download large mega files, since jdownloader also is not able to.


[-] shadows4n1c | 2 points | Jan 08 2018 16:48:31

they fixed the error/loophole back in early autumn or so. Have to pay, or change IP address every 4-6 gigs now.


[-] doot_doot_doot_doo | 2 points | Jan 08 2018 19:11:39

megasync. it does files >5GB no problems. Can start/stop/pause/resume as well.


[-] frey1337 | 2 points | Jan 13 2018 21:24:38

i think i know what the problem, you need to cut this part of link: ( https://www. ) for me this works


[-] exhippy | 0 points | Jan 08 2018 19:18:45

I don't know why it is different for different people but I can still download 50g at a time with megadownloader & it will start files of any size.Just like before they fixed the "loophole".Absolutely no idea why it still works for me which doesn't help you though.


[-] singitbitch | 2 points | Jan 10 2018 01:01:55

Does anyone know what the minimum specification are for playing X265? I tried googling and honestly, I couldn't really find anything definitive. Are any of the tv add ons like Firesticks or Chrome's dealy able to play x265 from an SD or on board storage?


[-] TRUMP2016BUILDWALL | 1 points | Jan 11 2018 16:08:53

Minimum specs you want if buying new is hardware decoding. Fire stick does 8 bit hevc I think. The new fire tv 4k does 10 bit 4k hevc, I have one it works great to supplement our shield


[-] Himechi | 1 points | Jan 11 2018 20:23:07

People have posted that Kodi is able to play x265 10bit and I think 12bit as well.


[-] reilly31 | 1 points | Jan 11 2018 15:00:34

is there any other sites that post megalinks too? Or just this subreddit?


[-] Jaten_savani | 1 points | Jan 14 2018 17:27:36


[-] Quikmix | 1 points | Jan 11 2018 22:21:30

Does Stephen King's IT (2017) come out this week?


[-] Sunny_Cakes | 1 points | Jan 13 2018 07:34:44

Looks like it already came out


[-] Joshk96 | 1 points | Jan 12 2018 10:37:23

so basically, will my low range tv even be able to play 10bit files in a way where it's watchable?


[-] n0197exe | 1 points | Jan 12 2018 23:51:14

Is there a new mega limit or something? Look this, I have been downloading some files with size <5GB, but the amount of these exceeds 5GB, maybe the limit warning exceeded is only for 5GB+ files?. or I was just lucky this time.


[-] Kill_Me_Now_World | 1 points | Jan 13 2018 22:30:42

can anyone recommend a good site for mac games?


[-] gruffity | 1 points | Jan 14 2018 11:11:03

check igg-games and pcdownload-games, just google those ones


[-] PizzaInAJar | 0 points | Jan 08 2018 22:19:38

The King of Queens S01-S03 DVDRip upscaled using Waifu2x


[-] iPhunwa2 | 7 points | Jan 09 2018 12:01:04

Wrong thread


[-] Sunny_Cakes | 2 points | Jan 12 2018 21:38:40

Isn't waifu2x only viable for cartoons?


[-] [deleted] | -2 points | Jan 09 2018 23:01:47



[-] TwiztidJuggla420 | 3 points | Jan 10 2018 10:03:46

You are in the wrong thread, bro. This isn't the request thread, lol.


[-] Vepanion | 1 points | Jan 10 2018 10:21:38

oooooooohhh ooops.


[-] TwiztidJuggla420 | 3 points | Jan 10 2018 10:28:14

Yeah. You'll have much better luck finding what you need in the request thread and you might not get downvoted in that thread. :)
