whitewolfghost | 87 points | Jan 11 2018 20:37:42

[INFO/GUIDE] Remove BOLD using Javascript bookmark

I saw you can decode base64 using bookmark. So I attempted to remove bold letters with bookmark. I found this code. And I just did the cut and paste job. I am not a javascript programmer. I have only tested it in Chrome.

Remove Bold: Use this to remove bold letters from selected string.

javascript:function c(){}function cleanHTML(e){var t=/(\n|\r| class=(")?Mso[a-zA-Z]+(")?)/g,n=e.replace(t," "),o=new RegExp("\x3c!--(.*?)--\x3e","g"),n=n.replace(o,""),c=new RegExp("<(/)*(meta|link|span|\\?xml:|st1:|o:|font)(.*?)>","gi");n=n.replace(c,"");for(var a=["strong","style","script","applet","embed","noframes","noscript"],r=0;r<a.length;r++)c=new RegExp("<"+a[r]+".*?"+a[r]+"(.*?)>","gi"),n=n.replace(c,"");for(var i=["style","start"],r=0;r<i.length;r++){var l=new RegExp(" "+i[r]+'="(.*?)"',"gi");n=n.replace(l,"")}return n}c.prototype.get=function(){var e="";if(void 0!==window.getSelection){var t=window.getSelection();if(t.rangeCount){for(var n=document.createElement("div"),o=0,c=t.rangeCount;o<c;++o)n.appendChild(t.getRangeAt(o).cloneContents());e=n.innerHTML}}else void 0!==document.selection&&"Text"==document.selection.type&&(e=document.selection.createRange().htmlText);return e},c.prototype.set=function(e){var t,e;if(window.getSelection&&window.getSelection().getRangeAt){(t=window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0)).deleteContents();var n=document.createElement("div");n.innerHTML=e;for(var o,c=document.createDocumentFragment();o=n.firstChild;)c.appendChild(o);t.insertNode(c)}else document.selection&&document.selection.createRange&&(t=document.selection.createRange(),e=3==node.nodeType?node.data:node.outerHTML,t.pasteHTML(e))};try{var d=new c,e=cleanHTML(d.get());d.set(e)}catch(e){alert(e.message)}

How to add these as bookmarks in Chrome

For testing: notboldbold

Just incase someone wants the full Source Code:

function c()

// removes MS Office generated guff
function cleanHTML(input)
    // 1. remove line breaks / Mso classes
    var stringStripper = /(\n|\r| class=(")?Mso[a-zA-Z]+(")?)/g; 
    var output = input.replace(stringStripper, ' ');

    // 2. strip Word generated HTML comments
    var commentSripper = new RegExp('<!--(.*?)-->','g');
    var output = output.replace(commentSripper, '');
    var tagStripper = new RegExp('<(/)*(meta|link|span|\\?xml:|st1:|o:|font)(.*?)>','gi');

    // 3. remove tags leave content if any
    output = output.replace(tagStripper, '');

    // 4. Remove everything in between and including tags '<style(.)style(.)>'
    var badTags = ['strong', 'style', 'script','applet','embed','noframes','noscript'];

    for (var i=0; i< badTags.length; i++)
        tagStripper = new RegExp('<'+badTags[i]+'.*?'+badTags[i]+'(.*?)>', 'gi');
        output = output.replace(tagStripper, '');

    // 5. remove attributes ' style="..."'
    var badAttributes = ['style', 'start'];

    for (var i=0; i< badAttributes.length; i++)
        var attributeStripper = new RegExp(' ' + badAttributes[i] + '="(.*?)"','gi');
        output = output.replace(attributeStripper, '');

    return output;

c.prototype.get = function()
    var html = "";
    if (typeof window.getSelection != "undefined")
        var sel = window.getSelection();
        if (sel.rangeCount)
            var container = document.createElement("div");
            for (var i = 0, len = sel.rangeCount; i < len; ++i)
            html = container.innerHTML;
    else if (typeof document.selection != "undefined")
        if (document.selection.type == "Text")
            html = document.selection.createRange().htmlText;
    return html;

c.prototype.set = function(html)
    var range, html;
    if (window.getSelection && window.getSelection().getRangeAt)
        range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
        var div = document.createElement("div");
        div.innerHTML = html;
        var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(), child;
        while ( (child = div.firstChild) )
    else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange)
        range = document.selection.createRange();
        html = (node.nodeType == 3) ? node.data : node.outerHTML;

    var d = new c;
    var e = cleanHTML(d.get());
    // alert(e);


[-] lpjunior999 | 7 points | Jan 11 2018 21:11:48

This is interesting. I mostly browse on Android and just set up a way to decode base64 with Tasker, I'll have to try adding this.


[-] AabidS10 | 2 points | Jan 12 2018 13:38:45

Can you tell me the Tasker way?


[-] lpjunior999 | 2 points | Jan 12 2018 16:06:34

Tasker can convert variables to and from base64. I use a plugin app called AutoShare to grab the encoded link, decode it, and copy it my clipboard. I'll do a write-up sometime, I'd also like to find a way to make it remove letters, etc.


[-] duckwizzle | 1 points | Jan 17 2018 16:38:06

Do you also download on android?


[-] [deleted] | 7 points | Jan 11 2018 21:43:59



[-] MALON | 2 points | Jan 12 2018 02:38:37

I see nothing bypassing bold in here, am i wrong


[-] tyler_swift | 4 points | Jan 12 2018 01:57:24

Where can this be useful? Honestly asking.


[-] ruralcricket | 6 points | Jan 12 2018 03:25:27

Some posters add a couple of Bold letters to the mega link or key and ask you to remove them as part of confusing the DMCA bots. Of course after cutting & pasting into a URL, they are no longer bold...


[-] tyler_swift | 1 points | Jan 12 2018 04:22:29

I see, thanks.


[-] xipharg | 1 points | Jan 12 2018 04:42:10

wouldn't it be fairly easy for a bot scraping the sub for links to simply throw out the those characters enclosed in strong tag?


[-] Pissymon | 5 points | Jan 12 2018 05:36:20

Yeah, pretty much. People like to think they are so smart and genius by coming up with these "methods," but in reality, really all they are doing is delaying their demise.


[-] prometheus371 | 9 points | Jan 12 2018 06:33:38

isnt that the point though? to delay the death of the link?Even if its just for a little bit?


[-] xipharg | 3 points | Jan 12 2018 09:23:43

maybe, but it's a very simple addition if they pay any attention to this sub at all. Someone who can create a proper bot to mine these links can probably update it to work around this in a couple of minutes.


[-] un10able | 3 points | Jan 11 2018 22:46:56

you, I like you


[-] cyberdoggy | 1 points | Jan 12 2018 01:44:13

Perfect just what I needed thanks!


[-] mteg | 1 points | Jan 12 2018 18:26:39

Thanks a lot, that's really great (especially because it leaves everything but the bold in place, without having to open a dialog like the base64 javascript bookmark I've been using.


[-] HTPC- | 1 points | Jan 13 2018 16:41:08

Dude this is awesome!! thanks very much. Between this and now the b64 addon I have, decrypting links is a breeze!

again, thanks!


[-] Mr_Soupe | 1 points | Jan 21 2018 15:47:38

This thread should be pinned up for ever on r/Megalinks ...
