vcdupper | 112 points | Jan 14 2018 17:10:55

[EDUCATION] You Can Stream Files With Megasync

Finding out that some of you aren't aware that this is possible, so if you wanna watch something that you're going to delete after or if you want to see the quality of a movie before downloading it this is how you do it.

Open megasync, if you aren't already logged into a mega account do so now, right click on megasync running in your toolbar, click stream, click public link, enter your mega link & click ok, click choose application & make your way to program files then to the VideoLAN folder then VLC folder then click vlc.exe, VLC will open & buffer for a few seconds then start playing the file like it was on your pc.


[-] akhil609 | 8 points | Jan 14 2018 17:14:07

thanks! but will the streaming stop in the middle due to 'bandwidth limit exceeded' thing?


[-] vcdupper | 6 points | Jan 14 2018 17:15:11

YW, makes it nice with the BW limit you can see what a film looks like without wasting your quota.


[-] Bakadroid | 7 points | Jan 14 2018 17:31:24

except that streaming hurts your quota, just buy premium, the cheapest plan should be more than enough, it is for me at least


[-] vcdupper | 8 points | Jan 14 2018 17:34:27

No different than downloading it does.


[-] howsyeronions | 1 points | Jan 14 2018 23:02:46

So it downloads the entire video file before it plays?


[-] Sunny_Cakes | 5 points | Jan 15 2018 00:07:37

No, it streams while it downloads.


[-] zunit3z | 1 points | Jan 15 2018 01:24:47

is it downloading while streaming? what directory is it downloading to?


[-] ejm097 | 5 points | Jan 15 2018 02:41:14

Streaming implies downloading a temp file i think, in mega it gets saved in RAM.


[-] lpjunior999 | 2 points | Jan 15 2018 06:06:37

Couldn't get this to work with VLC and the official app on Android unfortunately. Still a good tip.


[-] Blood502 | 2 points | Jan 16 2018 08:28:12

Tag should be [Meta]
