countygeneral | 15 points | Jan 17 2018 05:16:02

[DOCUMENTARY] The Edge of Obedience (2018 Deutsche Welle DocFilms) [720p WEBRip | x264 | 96 AAC] [809MB]

Ahmad Zakii Anwar is one of Malaysia’s most well-known contemporary artists. He became famous for his realistic depictions of animals and still-life paintings.

Ahmad Zakii Anwar’s paintings of naked male bodies are both provocative and fascinating, especially in a country like Malaysia, where Islamic Sharia law is applied. But they also reference homosexuality in a society that still feels nudity and being different as taboo. 62-year-old Anwar, who is one of Malaysia's most sought-after artists in Western countries, sees himself as an urban realist seeking confrontation. This is the documentary to take a detailed look at the painter and his work, and examine its meaning in both a radicalizing society and a liberal one. The film makes a very personal journey into the Malay artist’s surreal world, where even paintings of fruit and vegetables can manage to evoke subtle erotic associations.

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previously on DW DocFilms: Unfair Game: How Trump Won | Measuring Emotion | The Angel Chronicles | The Mia San Mia Phenomenon: FC Bayern, An International Success Story | White Waves: Surfers Fighting Pollution
