greatryry | 51 points | Jan 17 2018 18:38:23

[MOVIE] Waterworld (1995) (Blu-Ray MP4) [1080p][x264] [11.1GB]

Waterworld (1995) (Blu-Ray MP4) [1080p][x264] [11.1GB]
Waterworld (1995) - IMDb

Read decryption instructions.


Public Link|Enter Password, DECODE Key, Enter Key :--|:-- M: PROTECTED


Size......: 11.1GB
Video.....: 1080p (1920x1080) @ ~11.3 Mb/s, 23.976 fps
Audio.....: English DD 5.1 @ 493 Kbps
Chapters..: Unsure
Subs......: No


Decryption instructions:

Any password = name of this sub

Decode Key

Problem|Solution :--|:-- It's not working|Increase brainpower 30% and try again What's the password|back to school How do I decode key|back to school I can't find a link|back to school


[-] SloppySushi | 4 points | Jan 18 2018 02:11:18

For those interested in the uncut extended version, here ya go!


[-] I-am-what-I-am-a-god | 3 points | Jan 17 2018 19:31:32

Is this the extended version?


[-] Dancecube | 5 points | Jan 17 2018 22:27:25

The extended version was censored because it was a TV-aired version. Which means no violence, no one smoking etc etc. You might want to check out "the Ulysses Cut - revised Edition". It's the extended with the censored material put in again. It's the best version of the movie which is out there IMO


[-] I-am-what-I-am-a-god | 1 points | Jan 18 2018 00:28:22

Never heard of this thank you.


[-] SloppySushi | 6 points | Jan 18 2018 02:10:48

uploaded the Ulysses Cut a little while ago. Enjoy!


[-] I-am-what-I-am-a-god | 1 points | Jan 18 2018 04:24:15

Already downloaded my friend. Thanks I remember trying to buy waterworld on VHS and they wanted 100 bucks for it. So we rented and bootleg ourselves.


[-] greatryry | 3 points | Jan 17 2018 20:13:33

The runtime on this video is 2 hours 15 mins. I think the extended runtime is 2 hours 49 mins.


[-] SubZorro | 2 points | Jan 17 2018 18:41:05

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] [deleted] | -1 points | Jan 17 2018 19:59:17



[-] greatryry | 5 points | Jan 17 2018 20:27:35

Right now this is all I have and use. I haven't and don't really have time to dive into zippy. Mega Sync works perfectly fine for me though and would suggest using it.


[-] Mike072292 | 2 points | Jan 17 2018 20:11:06

jdownloader megasynch?


[-] rh_underhill | 1 points | Jan 17 2018 20:11:31

Not really to answer your question or request, but semi-relevant:

Why aren't you using megadownloader/jdownloader in combination with Windcribe anyway? You can pause and resume downloads, regulate speeds, and almost never really have to deal with the mega site or mega app.
