AabidS10 | 16 points | Jan 21 2018 04:23:46

[EBOOK] I Am Spock by Leonard Nimoy

Filled with behind-the-scenes anecdotes about his years on the Star Trek television series as the remorselessly logical Mr. Spock, the actor and director reflects on his relationship to his hugely popular character.

The long-awaited memoir by the actor behind the most beloved character from the Star Trek universe--Leonard Nimoy's Mr. Spock. From the first incarnations of the character through Nimoy's triumphant appearance on a special episode of The Next Generation, this memoir gives a faaascinating behind-the-scenes look at the making of a phenomenon--and the creation of a legendary character.



[-] BungPiece | 1 points | Jan 21 2018 13:16:59

Cheers for the upload, it's a PDF if anyone wanted to know.
