grell851 | 3 points | Jan 23 2018 10:45:01

[Movie] What Price Glory 1952 DVDrip x264 640 MB

decode with base 64

aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyMhZVZjMmtMNUshN0gtYVdCWEJ2empqa0lEcmFVaERVNnFZanVhcnNxU0lMQ0JGNjQ2LURtYw== 1952 movie directed by John Ford starring James Cagney as Captain Flag, a 'tough-as-nails' Marine company commander in World War One. Just after returning from the front line trenches to rest and refit his company, he receives a new top sergeant, Sergeant Quirt played by Dan Dailey, to get his new replacements ready for the next tour on the lines. Sergeant Quirt is probably the best in the Marines, but he's also a wild rival to Captain Flag and they soon show their stuff after Quirk's arrival with a quick fistfight in Flag's office.

The Marine company is full of senior battle-hardened veterans portrayed in an entertaining manner by numerous actors including William Demarest (Uncle Charlie from "My Three Sons") and Henry Morgan (Colonel Potter from "M.A.S.H."). A youthful Robert Wagner stars as one of the newly assigned juniors who falls in love with a local girl during the company's training period.


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Jan 23 2018 10:48:05

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