Servanov | 45 points | Feb 02 2018 23:08:03

[MOVIE] Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Widescreen LaserDisc Rip (720x540, 5.44 Gb, SD, 6.72mb/s)

I got an LD copy in widescreen of this classic and ripped it for your viewing pleasure.

Raiders of the Lost Ark LaserDisc Rip





[-] sirkaracho | 3 points | Feb 02 2018 23:18:40

I am not 100% sure, but there might be some stuff that was deleted from the audio and is intact in this version. Namely one of the bad guys saying something racist. So this version might be interesting contentwise for people who hunt for rare versions of movies.


[-] FoleyisGood | 2 points | Feb 02 2018 23:24:11

Who said what, and at what point in the movie? I would like to check my copy and see if it is there


[-] moatmai | 3 points | Feb 03 2018 00:07:42

According to the IMDb, the laserdisc had a different sound effect in one scene. Couldn't find any other differences of note.


[-] sirkaracho | 2 points | Feb 03 2018 00:06:45

I cant find the information right now to give you an exact time and quote. But i think it is the scene after the submarine trip when Indy gets himself a uniform from the nazis. One of those walking around there says something racist about jews. Spielberg had the line removed at some point because he thought it was in bad taste. But that i read about this was so long ago.


[-] moatmai | 1 points | Feb 03 2018 13:06:13

That sounds a lot like an urban legend - much like the one about Raiders' alternate ending.

Let me know if you find the line. :)


[-] sirkaracho | 1 points | Feb 03 2018 13:25:03

yeah there are a lot urban legends about movies, because people remember stuff wrong, because the movie made them think they saw something when it was just very effective in a way transporting the event in another way and stuff like that, but i am pretty sure i read it in a legetimite article from some respectable source


[-] moatmai | 0 points | Feb 03 2018 13:37:36

Anyway, the racist overtones in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" can't be removed by eliminating a single line.

By some standards, the whole movie is tinged by a steady racist undercurrent.


[-] fnvmaster | 2 points | Feb 03 2018 21:49:33

That writer has no idea how Raiders was based on old adventure serials. Fucking moron.


[-] sirkaracho | 1 points | Feb 03 2018 13:45:17

A non-key line cant change the context of a movie, i agree. But i can understand when Spielberg says it was in bad taste and did remove it because of that. Especially since he is a jew himself.


[-] anastusfocht | 1 points | Feb 03 2018 15:08:31

I think beardo is...stretching a skosh, c'mon what about Tintin?


[-] ImAlex1 | 2 points | Feb 03 2018 00:41:31

this is awesome, thanks alot :)


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Feb 02 2018 23:09:05

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] MrMahn | 1 points | Feb 16 2018 05:17:10

Any chance you could put up a version with uncompressed audio?
