taimourmasood | 28 points | Feb 03 2018 08:27:52

[Education] Udemy - Cryptocurrency Investment Course 2017 Fund your Retirement! (1.95GB)

https://xxx.nz/#F!B7w2HBpY (Replace xxx with mega)

K= !w_A7CE29seHhFPrv9GaVOw


[-] nick_pl | 14 points | Feb 03 2018 09:19:08

find your retirement! 15% of the time...


[-] doot_doot_doot_doo | 8 points | Feb 03 2018 09:58:11

so has anyone given this a read?

Is it even remotely useful or is it just common sense stuff with any actively traded market?

Is there a section on mining? If not, it should read "buy a card for $1000 kids. do it, do it now. you'll ROI in .... um, eh ... a few months from now. I know it!"


[-] Kill_Me_Now_World | 2 points | Feb 03 2018 16:47:19

From my understanding and what little research I've done it's better to just buy and HODL if you are not a stock trader by day OR you have a ton of cash to lose while learning how to trade cryptos.

As far as mining goes... that boat sailed in 2008. You can mine smaller alt coins but yeah your gonna spend 1k on a machine and maybe make $900 in one year mining say, monero.


[-] doot_doot_doot_doo | 2 points | Feb 03 2018 17:54:53

technically mining is still profitable with ROIs as low as 4 months with ethereum or mine for ethhash algos and pay in ethereum. ones like btc/ltc, yeah mining has kind of sailed unless you buy the really pricey asics.

but the gpu card market is so ridiculous now that it's really hard to get your hands on any cards.

course the recent price drops is likely putting a damper on that market along with the fact that the craze started during winter for a lot of folks ... which means once summer comes around a lot of the people with 50 cards heating their house wont be able to run any more

to your comment about buy and HODL, yeah same can be said about traditional stock markets(s).

too many cryptos out there are just shit coins and/or pump and dump with lots of marketing while the devs just wait till they hit their profit #s, and cash out thereby killing the market


[-] Kill_Me_Now_World | 1 points | Feb 03 2018 17:58:27

traditional stock markets

hah, true...

ICOs are worth looking into though. I see this course briefly mentions it. I've been spending some free time on airdropalert.com and have yet to pocket any free alt coins but I'm hoping to get on the "in" on one of the coins early off and make $100 in cypto doing that.


[-] doot_doot_doot_doo | 2 points | Feb 03 2018 19:25:48

had a conversation with a friend recently who was completely sick to his stomach over passing on the intiial ehteruem buys. he'd be retired by now if he did, or he could have just as easily lost all his money.

i mined altcoins to trade for bitcoins and sold 3 or 4 years ago. pretty much cried myself to sleep when btc was nearly 20k

hindsight is always 20/20 and all that stuff ...


[-] Kill_Me_Now_World | 2 points | Feb 03 2018 20:02:35

For real. I remember staring at my phone when everyone was going crazy about bitcoin hitting $300 and wondering if I should buy in or not. Fml.


[-] Candus1 | 2 points | Feb 03 2018 16:47:35

First of all it's a video series. And the videos in the mega repos are titled so you can search for the parts you are interested in.

Going through the titles myself, it feels like it's all things are common knowledge if you've been following the market for a month or 2. Also, no mining.


[-] railod | 1 points | Feb 03 2018 18:52:58

t shows folder is unavailable


[-] taimourmasood | 1 points | Feb 04 2018 14:33:12

Which folder are you talking about?!

Working Fine at my End !


[-] railod | 1 points | Feb 04 2018 16:32:35

sorry my bad.

i was typing the full url with keys.. now understood. thanks man


[-] taimourmasood | 2 points | Feb 04 2018 17:00:41



[-] Kaimaniiii | 1 points | Feb 16 2018 07:54:48

The decrypt key is not working


[-] taimourmasood | 1 points | Feb 16 2018 08:53:00


Just checked, it Working, Check are you copy +Paste it rightly


[-] Houtarou | 1 points | Mar 13 2018 17:43:34

do you have any of the other ones from the series?
