grell851 | 3 points | Feb 03 2018 11:57:20

[Movie] The Villain 1979 DVDrip x264 864 MB

decode with base 64


He's dressed in black from boots to hat and he's twirling double iron. His name is "Cactus Jack" Slater and he's THE VILLAIN. Kirk Douglas stars as the ne'er-do-well highwayman in this screwball gunslinger comedy co-starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as Handsome Stranger and Ann-Margret as the lusty Miss Charming Jones. Charming's father, Parody, has sent her on a risky overland errand, providing crooked banker Avery Simpson with the perfect chance to double-cross Parody out of a silver fortune. And when Simpson offers to buy Cactus Jack out of the Snakes End Jail if he'll do the dirty work, Cactus Jack schemes to double-cross the double-crosser. But his plans are foiled when Arnold Schwarzenegger weighs in as Handsome Stranger. He owes Parody Jones his life, and the payback is pure pistol-popping laughter as the blue-eyed do-gooder does his duty: protecting the loot and the lady with a white-hatted paladin's good luck


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Feb 03 2018 11:59:05

Subtitles for this movie:

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