os10 | 13 points | Feb 04 2018 03:13:28

[Movie] Adam's Apples (2005) Danish, English soft-subs x264 1130x492 2.54GB

IMDB Ivan is a priest in a rural church known for the apples that grow on a large tree in front. He's odd: seeing the world through rose-colored glasses, in denial about personal facts, and convinced he's at war with Satan. The rectory is a half-way house for recently paroled convicts. Adam arrives for 12 weeks, a large, tough neo-Nazi, first baffled by Ivan's thick-headed optimism, then angry. He vows to break Ivan's faith. Meanwhile, in exasperation at Ivan's insistence, Adam sets a personal goal: to bake an apple pie. All goes awry for the tree: crows, worms, lightening. The Book of Job gives Adam perverse insight, and his hooligan mates provide the resolution's spring.

Starring: Mads Mikkelsen (Dr. Hannibal Lector)



[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Feb 04 2018 03:14:05

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