grell851 | 15 points | Feb 04 2018 11:34:10

[Movie] House of Strangers 1949 DVDrip x264 717 MB

decode with base 64 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyMhd1hRekhDaFMhS0hVdFhsM2FuZEtzaVNkbGdqcFdzSE9UMG40NERrVi1neGFiRnBURVY3aw==

One of the very best Film Noir movies, which was released in the late 1940s. It is believed to be the best performance that Edward G. Robinson ever made and was about an Italian Immigrant Banker, who treated his three older sons rather shabbily, while favoring his youngest lawyer son. The three sons hated him and chose not to help him in his time of need. To reveal more would be to spoil the suspense of the movie. Fine performances all round by Richard Conte, Susan Hayward and of course Edward G. Robinson.


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Feb 04 2018 11:39:10

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