grell851 | 23 points | Feb 04 2018 12:25:04

[Movie] IT! 1967 DVDrip x264 488 MB

decode with base 64

aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyMhMURZbEREYUshSTNfb254cVJiSXNJVjk1RXY5ZXdzaGRkR3NlSkhrSk90Z2VJT2Q3bjlUNA== What starts off as a deliberate PSYCHO ripoff evolves into a kooky film experience with Roddy MacDowell playing the script for all the dark humor he can get out of it. His Arthur Pimm is such a polite madman that he becomes a parody of every proper upright Englishman. He is actually fun to watch even more so after he really starts to lose it. Grafting PSYCHO onto THE GOLEM story deserves credit for chutzpah if nothing else. As for the statue itself, the real Golem was made out of clay not stone,
