taimourmasood | 61 points | Feb 05 2018 07:08:25

[Education] Udemy - Introduction To Python For Ethical Hacking (263 MB)

https://xxx.nz/#F!hiIkFCxb (Replace xxx with mega)

K= !bjk-NvMw1XMz9hEvdieFvg


[-] crackdavid | 4 points | Feb 05 2018 16:25:06

All I need to know is If the course is by an indian dude


[-] eazolan | 2 points | Feb 05 2018 20:37:18

All I need to know is if this is Python 2.x or 3.x


[-] bighugenerd | 2 points | Feb 05 2018 22:49:38

The videos are time-stamped August 2016 and he uses 2.7.11 because it was the most stable release on a Windows 10 machine at that time.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Feb 06 2018 02:06:47



[-] eazolan | 1 points | Feb 06 2018 04:30:39

We're on 3.6

"Python 3000" was released over 9 years ago.

When they released it, Python 2 was only 8 years old at that point.

What does it take for you to consider Python 3 to be "mature"?


[-] bighugenerd | 1 points | Feb 05 2018 22:46:47

The domain country code in the video is Germany, and having been raised in a German family, I'd say the instructor's accent is faintly but not deeply German. I don't know if that means the dude is a German of Indian descent, or whether you mean someone specifically, but it's not difficult to understand the gentleman.


[-] crackdavid | 2 points | Feb 05 2018 23:38:32

That's what I wanted to know. I have difficulties to listen to an indian accent for a longer time. I'm not a english native speaker.


[-] bighugenerd | 3 points | Feb 06 2018 00:40:05

I know what you mean. I taught English to adult non-native speakers and Asian students usually needed to focus more on correcting their accents than learning English words and grammar. It actually was fascinating, that human beings can hear the same sounds differently from one another, even when they share a language.


[-] MrAlakija | 1 points | Feb 13 2018 06:54:16

Thanks for this.

Please will it be possible to get these from Udemy as well?

1. 70-532 Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions Certificate

2. The Complete Walkthrough Of Microsoft Azure Services
