MiniTick | 14 points | Feb 07 2018 17:58:20

[GAMES] (Kinda) (3DS) aeskeydb.bin

This file is needed to decrypt games on a "cracked" 3DS. You can use the guide on godmode9's github page on how to do so.

Base 64 encoded link:



[-] AnhellScipion | 1 points | Feb 09 2018 00:14:50

What does this file do? is like a key file for the freeshop?


[-] MiniTick | 2 points | Feb 09 2018 22:41:30

If you use it as a support file with godmode9, it allows you to decrypt game cartridge rips which you can then install on a microSD, also using godmode9. More details are on the GitHub page:

 For certain functionality, GodMode9 may need 'support files'. Support files should be placed into 0:/gm9/support. Support files contain additional information that is required in decryption operations. A list of support files, and what they do, is found below. Please don't ask for support files - find them yourself.

aeskeydb.bin: This should contain 0x25keyX, 0x18keyX and 0x1BkeyX to enable decryption of 7x / Secure3 / Secure4 encrypted NCCH files, 0x11key95 / 0x11key96 for FIRM decrypt support and 0x11keyOTP / 0x11keyIVOTP for 'secret' sector 0x96 crypto support. Entrypoints other than boot9strap may require a aeskeydb.bin file. A known perfect aeskeydb.bin can be found somewhere on the net, is exactly 1024 byte big and has an MD5 of A5B28945A7C051D7A0CD18AF0E580D1B. Have fun hunting!


[-] AnhellScipion | 1 points | Feb 10 2018 16:59:06

Thnks for the info !


[-] waterlubber42 | 1 points | Mar 28 2018 16:51:11

Thanks a ton. This is probably the "known perfect" one referenced in the guide. :)
