achilles1515 | 28 points | Feb 13 2018 00:05:26

[EDUCATION] Udemy - Build an Amazon clone: Nodejs + MongoDB + Stripe Payment [2.46 GB]

Course Details!t4oRHyTxC!1_nBySpXxzCv_cKSaBVkHXw

Remove the bold letters.


[-] MrAlakija | 2 points | Feb 13 2018 06:50:44

Thanks for this.

Please will it be possible to get these from Udemy as well?

1. 70-532 Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions Certificate

2. The Complete Walkthrough Of Microsoft Azure Services


[-] ManikandanRaji | 1 points | Feb 28 2018 13:10:38

Can you pleade provide:

  1. Colt Steele's The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp

  2. Brad Traversy's Materialize CSS from Scratch with 5 Projects
