kaching335 | 7 points | Feb 14 2018 13:45:28

[E-Books] Star Trek - Killing Time (Uncensored First Edition; Kirk/Spock Slashfic) [EPUB]

I included the censored version in my masterpost originally, but the history of the novel was brought to my attention and I have uploaded the uncensored as well.



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[-] matiasbaldanza | 2 points | Feb 14 2018 18:39:03

Man, you are full of ST and SW surprises! Disclaimer: when I say "man" I mean man/woman/borg/droid/whatever fits... :-)


[-] kaching335 | 2 points | Feb 14 2018 18:39:53

Hehe. There's more yet to come ;)

For the record I am a man :P
