spiritatbay | 71 points | Feb 15 2018 02:16:39

[TV]Six Feet Under (2001) (COMPLETE SERIES) DVD/720p [21GB]



Season 1 & 2 are DVDRip, 3-5 are 720p WEB-Dl. Media info for each: DVD | 720p


Decode link with base64.


[-] Zodep | 2 points | Feb 15 2018 02:17:56

I was just thinking about this show! Thank you!

I haven't watched it yet, but it sounds interesting.


[-] AllUrDogsRBelongToUs | 5 points | Feb 15 2018 05:55:25

It's an incredible show and definitely worth watching. If there are parts that leave you disinterested, it's absolutely worth pushing through them and watching until the end.


[-] dragontology | 2 points | Feb 15 2018 12:19:02

We can talk all day about how good this show is, but if someone tells you the end is the best ending to a series ever, they're not kidding or even exaggerating. This is noted on Wikipedia with over a dozen publications rating it as the best or one of the best (obviously opinions will vary) ending to a series of all time. Of course they all contain spoilers. Whether they're talking about the last 10 minutes or the last 3 episodes, it doesn't matter. The show could be a 6/10 and it would be worth the slog to the end, but I think I gave it either an 8 or a 9 on Trakt... it was actually very good all throughout, which made the ending that much better.


[-] giveMeSteamKeysPls | 2 points | Feb 15 2018 13:48:31

I always thought people were full of shit when they said that the ending was the best. But that ending fucking changed me as a person.


[-] dragontology | 1 points | Feb 15 2018 23:15:12

Yeah, maybe not full of shit per se, but like, "the best of all? That's just like, your opinion, man." And then you see it, and it's just like... "damn."

There's the thing that happens 3 episodes out from the ending that sorta came out of left field. There's plenty of stuff leading up to the ending. And then there's the epic final 10 minutes that gets all the attention. But I think after all this time, what gets me is the very start of the last episode. How they did X rather than Y. Incredibly moving, especially juxtaposed with the ending. The show itself was very good, but the ending was superb. Most shows have bad or weird endings, but Six Feet Under's was perfect.

Also, for what it's worth, if you have Amazon Prime, you can actually watch the whole thing on Amazon Prime Video. All the old (pre-Game of Thrones, I think) stuff is up there, so Sopranos, Wire, Oz... I think Mad Men was HBO? Might be too new. I'm not sure.


[-] chazzzer | 2 points | Feb 16 2018 10:52:22

Mad Men was AMC.


[-] dragontology | 1 points | Feb 16 2018 12:19:30

Thanks for the correction. :)


[-] abcdefgrapes | 1 points | Feb 15 2018 06:07:06

amazing tv show about life and death.


[-] Qrusher14242 | 1 points | Feb 15 2018 06:58:29

Just an amazing show. Thx!


[-] superchrged | 1 points | Feb 15 2018 08:18:48

This is one of the best series ever.
Highly recommended.


[-] DiscoRage | 1 points | Feb 15 2018 23:54:45

Got a Zippy?


[-] spiritatbay | 1 points | Feb 16 2018 01:00:18

I don't, no.


[-] bombaybicycleclub | 1 points | Feb 16 2018 00:13:59

