grell851 | 5 points | Feb 22 2018 11:01:02

[Movie] Exam 2009 Dvdrip x264 373 MB

decode with base 64


Like Saw for corporate go-getters, in EXAM eight young people vying for a sought-after job are locked together in a room and given one hour to finish their exam. But the exam is a blank piece of paper and the eight candidates soon realize their only competition isn t a q& a but each other. Hot rising talent Stuart Hazeldine is Hollywood s in-demand rewrite artist for top sci-fi and thriller fare and now he s established himself as a behind the camera threat with this brilliant genre spin highlighted by actor Luke (28 Days Later) Mably s swaggeringly solipsistic bad-boy charisma as the job applicant most likely to succeed by stabbing you in the back. Like Saw for smarties or the B-movie gem Cube, EXAM is one test you can look forward to bring your number 2 pencil and hope you don t get cut.


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Feb 22 2018 11:58:27

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