shorpipo | 5 points | Feb 23 2018 18:13:53

[TV] Sun Battles / br x265 / 1080p 6ch aac [16 GB] / 720p 2ch aac [7.8 GB]

[16.0] Sun Battles - x265 1080p 6ch aac @ #F!OEoCSAIgC Key: !ynUl4TDnhRkpGSPLaL5F_1g

[7.8] Sun Battles - x265 720p 2ch aac @ #F!vZZSEEYra Key: !-h9OQzYeu6S0Hgpirc_MBPg

To generate links remove all bold letters from the #linkpart and the !keypart, and put the usual in front of the #linkpart. x265 8-bit for maximum hardware playback compatibility.
