vcdupper | 44 points | Feb 27 2018 16:29:23

[MOVIE] Black.Panther.2018.NEW.PROPER.HD-TS.X264-CPG [2.34GB]







[-] akkbar | 7 points | Feb 28 2018 12:28:21

go see it in the theater


[-] TheGoodSheep | 38 points | Feb 28 2018 14:25:35

I hate these comments. "You know, everything else on here is fine to rip, but I'm really into this overhyped movie and you should definitely see it in the theater." Because if you need to support an artist, it's definitely Disney. How else will we get another 25 superhero movies until 2020?

Thanks for your opinion.

PS: Here is a realistic review of the movie.


[-] akkbar | 11 points | Feb 28 2018 20:09:15

Ya well... You HATE these comments? That’s a very strong emotion to have over comments on a TS of a movie. HATE?! heh, okay you’re very passionate. TS are never very good, this is an action movie with big time effects. I feel that situation plus it being a good movie means you should watch it in a theater. Sorry I triggered you.


[-] mTbzz | 10 points | Mar 05 2018 03:39:53

You wont tell me what to do, i saw this at the theater and was ok, i'll pirate this, thanks.


[-] akkbar | 3 points | Mar 05 2018 08:00:22

I have, do and will in the future tell you what to do. I control your thoughts, actions and fantasies! You are a pawn on my chess board. Free will is only an illusion for you.


[-] Asswipe44 | 2 points | Mar 11 2018 19:11:10

killing in the name of


[-] talldude7 | 2 points | Mar 11 2018 23:38:47

green screen superhero movies are all the same. thats why I don't like them. superhero + nemesis = nemesis loses, superhero wins. they are writing the script for the sequel and it will be the same thing


[-] Froqwasket | 4 points | Mar 02 2018 19:07:00

I don't disagree but I think he was more referring to the poor quality than the ethics


[-] OllieUnderTheDesk | 0 points | Mar 05 2018 19:01:21

because black people? Is this a genuinely good movie, or is everyone giving it bias? Its hard to tell with all the crazy things ive seen surrounding it. The one objective review ive seen on it panned the film as being status quo and poorly written. I get the impression its nothing more than a popcorn flick, yet treated as some important social movement, like we will be discussing this film 30 years from now or some BS. Ive seen photos of people holding up their fists at the screen, which i find to be absolutely absurd. Just as absurd as the idea that black people are somehow misrepresented in American culture. They are adequately represented, if not excessively.

Wake me up when Asian Panther comes out. Peace and love, all else being equal.


[-] akkbar | 9 points | Mar 05 2018 20:03:30

dude please... you seem rather triggered over a black super hero movie. Oddly so. It is simply a comic book super hero movie that happens to be about a black superhero from Africa. If that means that black people find it empowering because they finally have a superhero that looks like them, thats great. Is it the biggest thing since MLK for black empowerment? No, obviously. Is it good? Yes, I enjoyed it. I like Marvel comics and the MCU, yet I am rather critical of all movies. Many of your statements are ignorant in my opinion and I have no interest or time to deal with all of them. Are black people sometimes misrepresented in american culture, I suspect they are. Is your assertion that black people are in no way dealt a shitty hand with institutional racism misinformed? Fuck yes

Chill, its just a movie


[-] OllieUnderTheDesk | -1 points | Mar 06 2018 01:46:12

Im not triggered over the movie at all. Neither triggered nor hyped. Im zen as fuck. I was hyped when Blade came out. Havent seen this one yet, so my judgement isnt about the movie, just the media's reaction to it and the weird shit ive seen on social.

Black people misrepresented? How so? Please give me examples. And im not trying to be snarky, I genuinely want to know.

Dont pull the institutional racism card, because Ive seen institutional racism towards white people as well. Racism goes up down left and right. The fists in the air, and the comments ive read about "white people going to the theater to see this movie is racist" "White people stay home" is just fucking insane. You have to agree with me there. I would be just as perplexed had it been pointed toward anyone. And please dont assume im ignorant until youve walked in my shoes. Im just sharing my perspective with you.

If a movie empowers you, then im happy, its a beautiful thing if its positive. I also like comic book movies too dude. I think theyre getting better at making them, though I do wish Hollywood would take more risks and come up with original ideas more often.


[-] akkbar | 6 points | Mar 07 2018 03:02:03

I’m not triggered at all, now read my novel.


[-] deptford | 3 points | Feb 28 2018 08:44:06

Too much hype. Now I don't want to watch in case it's garbage.


[-] Oberoni7 | 24 points | Mar 01 2018 00:45:28

What a weird way to enjoy movies


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Feb 27 2018 16:30:05

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] MakoRuu | 1 points | Feb 28 2018 08:28:17

Aah, I'm so tempted to watch it.


[-] Be_live | -12 points | Feb 27 2018 16:55:13

can someone post it under 1gb...quality of hdts is not even worth the data of 2.3gb


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 5 points | Feb 27 2018 18:40:58

Maybe not for video/audio quality, but for bitrate, most definitely.
