Berthier23 | 9 points | Mar 01 2018 06:26:52

[DOCUMENTARY] Traffic Stop (2017)[768x432p] [AAC] (337mb)

Link Password: the name of this subreddit.

encoded Base64 key: IVA1RlZsdFVJaVhyMHZPTldMM3RlRVE=

Nominated for the 90 edition of The Academy Award (Best Documentary Short Subject)

Extrated from the HBO webpage.

English Captions included in the folder



[-] SilkyFandango | 1 points | Mar 05 2018 04:48:23

The link seems to ask for a password, and if it's the key above, it no longer works. can anyone help me out?


[-] another_broken_cog | 1 points | Mar 07 2018 08:23:45

the password is written in the description above.
