grell851 | 7 points | Mar 03 2018 12:48:30

[Movie] Gun Crazy 1950 DVDrip x264 740 MB

decode with base 64


One of the most vital of all film noir pictures, Gun Crazy has more cinematic gusto and sexual heat than almost any movie of its time. It's a variation on the Bonnie and Clyde story, but with a bizarre set-up: firearms enthusiasts John Dall and Peggy Cummins (neither of whom were ever this wild again) meet as sharpshooters in a carnival, then turn to crime. The direction, by Joseph H. Lewis, is like a spray of hot lead from a gun barrel, capped by an amazing sequence--shot in one long take--of a bank robbery seen from the backseat of the getaway car.


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Mar 03 2018 12:51:06

Subtitles for this movie:

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