AabidS10 | 32 points | Mar 03 2018 15:58:49

[EBOOK] Even the Stiffest People Can Do the Splits: A 4-Week Stretching Plan to Achieve Amazing Health by Eiko

Experience amazing health benefits by learning how to do the splits in just 4 weeks!

Whether you spend your days running marathons or slouching over a keyboard, everyone can benefit from stretching and the increased flexibility that comes along with it. With only five minutes of stretching a day, you'll be doing perfect splits in four weeks and experiencing a host of health benefits such better circulation, fewer joint injuries, toned muscles, improved balance, and much more!

With world-renowned yoga teacher Eiko's revolutionary program, people of any age and fitness level can say goodbye to those mysterious aches and pains that are caused by stiff, contracting muscles, and see unbelievable results. All you need is this book, two legs, and a floor, and you're on your way to doing the splits!



[-] qmandao | 3 points | Mar 03 2018 20:06:07

THank you so much


[-] StarvingWizard | 1 points | Mar 03 2018 20:43:27

I've been waiting for this! Thank you!


[-] FoxRaptix | -2 points | Mar 04 2018 03:52:29

seeing a malware popup for the Snahp site

edit: guess people don't like the warning?


[-] AabidS10 | 1 points | Mar 05 2018 12:47:06

Snahp is a well known site that almost every uploader here use. Must be a false alarm or it was triggered by an ad.


[-] FoxRaptix | 1 points | Mar 05 2018 19:09:38

yea i know it's well known, been using it for awhile here. started getting virus warnings recently, but they've since gone away. FYI i wasn't the only one. Someone else also pointed it out getting the same warnings in another link
