grell851 | 51 points | Mar 05 2018 09:33:17

[Movie] UHF 1989 DVDrip x264 824 MB

decode with base 64


A lot of TV stations have forgotten what ’quality’means. But not Channel 62. They NEVER knew what it meant.

In the cult classic UHF, Weird Al Yankovic is George Newman, a daydreamer who becomes the manager of a small TV station that's losing money as quickly as it’s losing viewers. Before long he’s programming shows like ’Stanley Spadowski’s Clubhouse, ’ ’Wheel Of Fish’ and ’Raul’s Wild Kingdom. ’ But can Channel 62’s new popularity save it from sinister forces? To find out... don’t touch that dial!

Starring Weird Al Yankovic, Michael Richards (Seinfeld), Kevin McCarthy (Invasion of the Body Snatchers), Fran Drescher (The Nanny), Gedde Watanabe (Sixteen Candles), Victoria Jackson (Saturday Night Live)


[-] Juniperme | 7 points | Mar 05 2018 10:48:33

Love this movie!


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Mar 05 2018 09:36:04

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] MrFlagg | 1 points | Mar 05 2018 20:11:19

we don't need no steenkin badgers


[-] averygirlygirl | 1 points | Mar 06 2018 00:36:34

absolutely NOTHING!!! You so stupeeeeed!
