grell851 | 7 points | Mar 09 2018 10:34:33

[Movie] spring break massacre 2008 Dvdrip x264 381 MB

decode with base 64


The kill scenes are basically segregated to the final 25 minutes; and there's two in the first 45. You've got to love the short running time (keeping up with the other movies). And the best part is; not only is this filled with bad dialogue, vapid characters; low production values and cheesy one-liners - it also contains extended cameos from Reggie Bannister (who is almost a star here) and Linnea Quigley. A must see for 80's aficionados.


[-] pm_me_your_vudu_code | 1 points | Mar 10 2018 04:24:12

Thanks for this one!
