jaelp17 | 8 points | Mar 11 2018 03:07:56

[MOVIE] Hounded (2001) DCOM: Disney Channel Original Movie

Jay Martin (Tahj Mowry) is a 13-year-old who is competing for a scholarship with the headmaster's son, rival classmate Ronny Van Dusen (Shia Labeouf). But when the headmaster steals Jay’s speech, Jay concocts a plan to break into the Van Dusen’s pool house to get it back! Everything is going as planned until Jay realizes he has accidently stolen the Van Dusen’s show dog, Camille. Jay soon realizes taking care of this dog is no walk in the park.


Initial Release: April 13, 2001



KEY: IV9pUkJnQ25nVllNMkIyYnd6Uy1sUW5iaThzcmh3WmtTS1lydnVkVGppLWM=

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File Size: 1.03 GB | Media Info




[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Mar 11 2018 03:11:04

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^opensubtitles.org ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] DesertBlooms | 1 points | Mar 11 2018 03:21:00

ahh yassssss thank you for this
