grell851 | 7 points | Mar 11 2018 09:59:04

[Movie] California Suite 1978 DVDrip x264 637 MB

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CALIFORNIA SUITE is the story of five couples who have come to the Beverly Hills Hotel for diverse reasons and who must all confront some rather amusing personal dilemmas. Sidney Cochran (Michael Caine) becomes the victim of wife Diana's (Maggie Smith) outrage when she misses winning an Oscar. (Smith won a real Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in this role). Marvin Michaels (Walter Matthau) must somehow explain to his wife (Elaine May) how a sexy blonde got in his bed. Wisecracking Hannah Warren (Jane Fonda) is uneasy about her ex-husband's (Alan Alda) new California lifestyle. And Dr. Chauncey Gump (Richard Pryor) must contend with his friend's (Bill Cosby) increasingly imposing manner


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Mar 11 2018 10:01:05

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