RabbitsLair | 16 points | Mar 11 2018 18:12:21

[MOVIE] [SILENT] Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages 1916 (720p BluRay x264) [1.38 GB]

This is the Public Domain version of the film with the running time of 2 Hr 48 Min 31 Sec.


Base64 encrypted link and key. Decode here.


Link + Key:



[Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intolerance_(film)) | IMDB | Screenshots


[-] bigtittygothbf | 3 points | Mar 11 2018 21:18:10

Really curious how is it possible for a bluray to exist for a movie this old.


[-] [deleted] | 6 points | Mar 12 2018 01:25:21

Film works differently from digital media. i.e, there's no resolution on film.



[-] DiogenesTheHound | 2 points | Mar 15 2018 05:25:50

Film has has a really high definition. 35mm film has around 20 megapixels while 4K has around 10.


[-] masterchubba | 1 points | Mar 17 2018 06:03:59

Good quality modern film stock can preserve an image at 20 megapixels under ideal lighting circumstances however a film this old like this has seen degradation and the cameras and lighting were stone age tech compared to what film cameras can do today. Also film is analogue so the detail is not consistent throughout the film each frame will have a slightly different resolution but my guess for this film is that it likely holds no more than 4-5 megapixels of detail max and around 3 megapixels average considering its age and degradation.
