NayrbEroom | 621 points | Mar 22 2018 01:31:10

[META] /r/megalinks alternatives? Due to subreddit ban?

With Reddit banning subs that have illegal activities should we start looking for alternative posting points?

Welp megalinks has just restricted any submissions! We're screwed everybody.


[-] VirginSaesenthessis | 293 points | Mar 22 2018 01:51:33

Reddit has completely gone to shit the past few Years. Time to find a new place. They even banned Bestiality, these monsters!


[-] MrFlagg | 42 points | Mar 22 2018 03:10:18

long live /u/violentacrez


[-] DanWolfstone | 21 points | Mar 22 2018 15:59:23



[-] wisdom_and_frivolity | 95 points | Mar 22 2018 17:13:32

Violentacrez was two things for reddit.

First off, he was a troll. A real good one. Maybe the best I've seen. He would argue any side of any topic just to fuck with people that were on the tipping point.

Second, he was a porn god. He created niche subreddits for practically everything because he found so much porn that he wanted to use reddit as his private database I guess. He was given modship of a bunch of already existing subs too so that he could post even more porn because he was running into reddit's automated spam system.

Then he got doxxed and left reddit. /u/pepsi_next pales in comparison but that's as close as we get to having a proper porn god anymore.

edit: pepsi_next got banned? ugh. this site sucks.


[-] Curlgradphi | 105 points | Mar 22 2018 18:18:17

He created niche subreddits for practically everything

Yeah, including "jailbait"...

You say this site sucks now, yet seem to talk wistfully of the time when the second most popular search was for pictures of underage girls.


[-] DisastrousProgrammer | 57 points | Mar 22 2018 18:42:30

Yup. Also, he was close friends with a lot of the top people are reddit. They even gave him an award statue. Even when Reddit was receiving a shit ton of complaints about sexualized pictures of underaged girls.

Several parents and girls were shocked and horrified to find their pictures in that sub, not to mention the nasty comments by pedophiles.

Reddit removed the individual pictures, but still didn't remove the sub.

Finally Anderson Cooper started shaming them about it. Reddit still hoped it would go away. When it looked like the story wasn't going away the begrudgingly removed it.

ViolentAcres may have gotten all the blame, but the pedophile admins who were close friends with him and did everything they could to support the sub are still there today. Nobody ever got fired.


[-] wisdom_and_frivolity | 19 points | Mar 22 2018 18:26:40

Jailbait was legal though, even according to American standards. They just looked young. The big deal about removing the sub was specifically that it wasn't breaking any laws World-wide but still got booted.


[-] Curlgradphi | 86 points | Mar 22 2018 18:41:45

Jailbait got shut down because someone posted a picture of an underage girl, and the comments were full of upvoted requests for the naked pictures the poster claimed to have of her.

Another violentacrez subreddit was dedicated to creepshots, upskirt pictures of young women taken without their knowledge.

And yet you seem to want to lionise him as an epic troll and porn god.

Violentacrez and the people who visited the above subs were cunts, and nobody here should be defending either of them just because we want piracy allowed on reddit. Free films, TV, and music, and disgusting shit which encourages sexual assault and child molestation are not the same thing.


[-] wisdom_and_frivolity | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 19:55:28

Ahh, well, that's the first I heard about that. That's not what the sub was supposed to be and the moderators were heavy handed against actual underage pictures as far as I could tell at the time when it was in the news.


[-] usery | -2 points | Mar 25 2018 03:06:37

And when distasteful speech is censored, it never stops there, as we are finding out now.


[-] Doomu5 | 5 points | Mar 25 2018 23:38:47

There's a massive fucking difference between "distateful speech" and "posting naked pictures of underage girls and sexual images obtained and shared without permission."

If your idea of freedom of speech includes freedom to be a dangerous sexual predator then you've got bigger issues than what happens on Reddit.


[-] DisastrousProgrammer | 31 points | Mar 22 2018 18:37:03

They were still posted without permission of any of the girls.

A lot horrified girls and parents to find their underaged girls in a hypersexualed pedophile subreddit.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 19:13:26



[-] DisastrousProgrammer | 16 points | Mar 22 2018 19:19:25

I'm not saying it was illegal, I'm saying it was a despicable thing to do and despicable that the same pedophiles who supported the sub are still working at reddit today.


[-] Broodax | 0 points | Mar 22 2018 22:29:39

/r/nomorals wishes to have you as a visitor :D


[-] ReasonableStatement | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 22:42:38

It's been banned too.


[-] anonymousredditor0 | 3 points | Mar 25 2018 07:26:07

lots of other terrible subs, too.


[-] Broodax | -3 points | Mar 22 2018 22:28:01

who cares? if your not actively looking for them you wont find regular old porn subs were awesome.


[-] Curlgradphi | 8 points | Mar 22 2018 22:42:21

I guess personally I consider a site exponentially less shit when it's not populated by paedophiles. Is that just me?


[-] QSCFE | 39 points | Mar 22 2018 17:33:14

WTF reddit why /u/pepsi_next get banned?


[-] RudyRoughknight | 12 points | Mar 22 2018 18:47:25

User suspended

Goddamn this place is really going to the shitter isn't it.


[-] cpt-insaneo | 7 points | Mar 23 2018 00:47:34

Skankhunt42 was the best troll ever.


[-] MrFlagg | 3 points | Mar 23 2018 03:10:10

When his wife wasn't pissing on his face


[-] cpt-insaneo | 4 points | Mar 23 2018 03:16:20



[-] Dildo--Swaggins | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 01:35:01

yeah, he's one of the best trolls I have ever seen.


[-] bert0ld0 | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 12:34:19

I'd love to hear and read more about them


[-] AverageBearSA | 22 points | Mar 22 2018 21:17:21

Pedophile who apparently still has worshippers


[-] MrFlagg | -4 points | Mar 22 2018 16:54:35

Reddits first troll


[-] franick1987 | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 19:37:17

You may agree with what they ban, but the biggest issue is it sets forth a precedent to do it again in the coming years. This was exactly what was predicted when places like FPH got banned.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 23:15:39



[-] VirginSaesenthessis | 9 points | Mar 23 2018 00:41:38

Thats the most confusing puzzle I ever saw.


[-] Zandt88 | 3 points | Mar 23 2018 00:52:45, replace the t's with d's


[-] VirginSaesenthessis | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 01:09:59

I only found a .ME but no .COM...


[-] Zandt88 | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 10:52:51

Yup, my bad.


[-] waylonk | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 20:57:37

I really hope this place doesn't get shut down, 100,000 subs here versus almost 800 on raddie. I'm just going to have to get a vpn and go back to torrenting :/


[-] moebb | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 10:47:24

save this for later..


[-] suzyq816 | -6 points | Mar 22 2018 07:08:59

figures.just found them in 2016,thanks to founder's docu,aaron swartz


[-] BloodHawkDarkWolf | 123 points | Mar 22 2018 04:45:49

If anyone is interested in why Reddit is doing this, it may have something to do with this.

Basically the law that says that websites aren't responsible for what happens on their site is being amended. Companies will be more culpable legally.

A bill has passed the senate and is being sent to the President to sign. Despite all this, the reddit policy bans transactions, but only for certain goods or services.

It's debatable whether this subreddit qualifies for the transactions listed under this policy change. This subreddit might be affected by this policy change, it might not. Reddit might also decide to ban it for other reasons that have nothing to do with this policy change.

For those unaware the moderators of /r/megaporn were apparently told a while back that that subreddit was going to be banned.

No one knows what's going to happen, but maybe some concrete information will help some people feel better. At least you will know what's going on instead of pure speculation.

It's been an honor knowing all of you. Thanks so much to everyone, everyone who shared you made a very sick person in desperate times much happier. You made my life bearable, and i can never thank you enough.


[-] bert0ld0 | 25 points | Mar 22 2018 07:25:48

But this shit only happened in US. What if Reddit bring the headquarter abroad?


[-] ElegantBiscuit | 30 points | Mar 22 2018 17:43:03

That would be far more expensive than just banning a bunch of smaller niche subreddits, and Reddit has become so big that it can definitely take the hit. At this point the site might as well only be normie tier memes, animal pictures, askreddit and shower thoughts, a little bit of the big events going on in the world and sprinkled with a few political echo chambers. Most casual users wouldn't even notice a thing. We might as well be browsing a slightly edgier, marginally better version of facebook or twitter at this point, and we've been shoved to a tiny little corner. The niche communities being driven away in favor of appealing to the average social media user to be able to sell to big data or just for increased ad revenue or whatever you want to think, was an inevitable step. Remember when facebook started as a way to network between college students and youtube started to share a video of Janet Jackson's titty? Selling out to the lowest common denominator is inevitable because those who dont are left behind in the dust trying to make money dealing with numbers in the thousands instead of millions.


[-] bert0ld0 | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 18:34:02

This would mean I’ll lose any access to the shady things that eventually cross my mind. Where would I go to get informations? I feel lost.


[-] BloodHawkDarkWolf | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 20:34:03

Reddit is not going to move to another country just to avoid complying with a new law. They'll just comply with the law. Reddit is just a business at the end of the day, like every other business.


[-] [deleted] | 0 points | Mar 22 2018 17:48:05



[-] bert0ld0 | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 18:31:14

So that’ll solve the problem


[-] QSCFE | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 19:38:53

I don't think reddit will transfer there headquarter outside USA, there no real benefit for them to do that.


[-] bert0ld0 | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 20:24:25

I know but that would solve the problem


[-] ReasonableStatement | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 22:44:46

I think the point is, by Reddit's (the org's) standards, there is no problem.


[-] ElegantBiscuit | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 13:56:35

It would solve our problem but at a huge cost to reddit which they are not willing to absorb just to keep us around. Honestly if I were in charge of reddit, and pushing out these niche communities like here in order to appeal to the public would net me millions, I would do it in a heartbeat. Its just a shitty situation that we need to adapt to, and hopefully someone will come up with a good, preferably not very politicized, version of reddit that we could migrate to.


[-] bert0ld0 | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 14:03:03

Sure that but US regulations and in a way censorships are becoming very unbearable. They could act this way as a protest if they really are for the freedom of the internet. US laws are becoming every day more funny tbh, we had enough


[-] ElegantBiscuit | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 15:11:43

Complying costs a lot less than relocating to a different country, and they’d still have to deal with US laws if they still want US traffic which is where a lot of the traffic comes from


[-] Bullet_King1996 | 12 points | Mar 22 2018 07:42:42

Thankyou! Seems like reddit is killing itself because of it though.. people will move on if the platform gets too restricted. It’s not like there aren’t any alternatives.


[-] LlewelynMoss1 | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 16:31:32

Ridiculous. Thanks for the update. This site is basically adding everything I didn't like about different sites to it.


[-] BloodHawkDarkWolf | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 20:32:25

I don't like this either, but the point of the post is that this isn't really a "reddit" thing. The law is changing, and reddit is enacting a policy to comply with the law before it's enacted because it's easier to just get it out of the way.

All websites will be affected by this. Any site where users post, and social media especially. Facebook, Instagram, whatever. It's part of a general trend to lock down and corporatize the internet and destroy privacy overall, for sure. We already saw ISPs gain the ability to sell our info and the repeal of net neutrality last year.

This is just par for the course.


[-] StubbsCastaway | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 14:06:25

It's debatable whether this subreddit qualifies for the transactions listed under this policy change.

Stolen goods;

lol not really. Morally? maybe. Legally? You're not going to win this argument. It's well defined under US and international law. Which is all Reddit is gonna care about.


[-] shy247er | 0 points | Mar 25 2018 01:49:08

Which is all Reddit is gonna care about.

No. Reddit is going to be like this: "All these movie companies are paying us money to promote their movies and their actors' AMAs, maybe it would be a good idea not to have our site host the links for downloading those movies."


[-] StubbsCastaway | 2 points | Mar 25 2018 03:08:41

lol. They're not doing all this to boost ads sales. They're doing it to avoid prosecution under the new law. Before they were not legally responsible for piracy on their site. Now they will be.


[-] Mortos3 | 0 points | Mar 25 2018 13:07:41

The decisions to ban certain subs and keep others are somewhat arbitrary and inconsistent. Many people pointed this out in the comments of the big policy announcement post:


[-] StubbsCastaway | 2 points | Mar 25 2018 13:32:51

Arbitrary and inconsistent or not, they're doing this in response to the new law. It's their property. They can be as arbitrary and inconsistent as they want.


[-] dwqy | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 21:16:20

The mods of this sub should do what they did too, at least there'd be a backup of all the posts here.


[-] [deleted] | 108 points | Mar 22 2018 03:19:46



[-] PhiWeaver | 30 points | Mar 22 2018 04:11:02

There should be a Retroshare Channel/Group as a backup

Edit: or


[-] matt99me | 8 points | Mar 22 2018 06:35:58

raddle, retroshare, both are good, mods must invite all members there,


[-] Salyangoz | 3 points | Mar 23 2018 18:14:29

inv plox.


[-] carbolymer | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 03:22:40



[-] Cyromaniap | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 14:09:57

Never heard of that before but seems like a solid option. Basically a p2p network. Are you able to have multiple different networks at once? like Zippyshare as well for example?


[-] jsu70033 | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 05:14:26

retroshare seems awesome, where to get a "forums" thou?


[-] waylonk | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 20:47:55

What was the comment above you? Seems like the guy got banned or something.


[-] bubbleharmony | 29 points | Mar 22 2018 05:11:36

Raddle is the best place, believe me

Sounding like Trump isn't exactly inspiring the most confidence here.


[-] lbt | 33 points | Mar 22 2018 05:14:01

Raddle is going to be YUUUUGE, believe me!


[-] TonySharkks | 12 points | Mar 22 2018 05:30:51

It's got many rad-leftists from what I'm seeing. Regardless, they're against censorship and that's what matters. Don't like the politics? Don't go to those subraddles(?).


[-] RL3 | 19 points | Mar 22 2018 09:15:12

I don't think they're really against censorship, it looks more like they're concerned with running a political operation. Anything not aligned with their ideology probably isn't getting protected.


[-] leftous | 8 points | Mar 22 2018 16:07:02

Anything not aligned with their ideology probably isn't getting protected.

Piracy is very much in line with our ideology. We have huge guides and resources dedicated to it.

Anyone who follows the ToS is protected


[-] RL3 | 15 points | Mar 22 2018 17:01:33

Content is prohibited if it

Promotes white supremacy, homophobia or heterosexism, transphobia or cisgenderism, misogyny or patriarchy, classism, ableism, body shaming, antisemitism, Islamophobia, colonialism or age discrimination.


Apologizes for police or military brutality, imperialism, eugenics, genocide.

Given that we've seen elements of the far left complaining about every major movie franchise for one bullshit reason or other, this kind of list is a cause for major concern. People have consistently shown themselves to be incapable of separating ideas they disagree with from genuine bigotry.

I mean, has the James Bond franchise been deemed to be "promoting the patriarchy"? Are older films featuring homophobic slurs going to get taken down? Do war movies glorify military brutality?

Any site which has an administration who want to police content for political ideas is not going to be a safe haven for MEGALinks or similar subs. They've already banned pornography.


[-] leftous | 12 points | Mar 22 2018 17:56:35

We banned pornography partially since we were getting flooded with porn spam, and also because porn is pretty easy to find elsewhere online. So it wasn't a moral anti-pornography decision, in fact we have a forum to discuss issues that affect sex workers. The ToS can actually be changed/voted on by any established community member who calls a vote.

Moreover, you shouldn't confuse genuine leftists and anarchists with IDpol SJWs/progressives. The only cases I've ever seen people banned are those who are unapologetically racist or enabling violence against powerless groups. Posting and discussing movies, tv, or books is a totally separate issue. A lot of the content we post and discuss deal with these themes.

I would actually say Raddle is one of the best in terms of consistent moderation and anti-censorship since you have to very clearly violate our guidelines and you're given every chance to own up to it. There are also other protocols and procedures for more established users (mediation and voting) to prevent reactive moderation. Many forums will simply ban and censor people who they don't like, but this "banning on a whim" violates the moderation and admin guidelines of raddle.


[-] RL3 | 11 points | Mar 22 2018 18:12:22

We banned pornography partially since we were getting flooded with porn spam, and also because porn is pretty easy to find elsewhere online.

This is fine, point is that MEGAPorn aren't going to be welcome whatsoever, and that's part of the network here.

The ToS can actually be changed/voted on by any established community member who calls a vote.

Good god that is a terrible idea. Mob rule is exactly what'll grant the ability to make the site increasingly draconian. You've founded the site on pandering to one ideology, so any hope of fairness to other groups is immediately out the window.

Moreover, you shouldn't confuse genuine leftists and anarchists with IDpol SJWs/progressives.

The TOS are literally written like an IDpol wet dream. We've also seen the whole "we only ban the really bad ones" play before, and that tends to be stuffed by a tendency to declare mundane actions as racist and the like. Any talk of "enabling" is also an easy excuse to axe whatever the administration pleases, rather than referring to genuine behaviour. I've seen numerous people even on Reddit who argue that to support Trump is to "enable fascism".

The bottom line here is that any community with political administration is inherently not a trustworthy place to build a platform unrelated to the desired circlejerk. I'd like to move away from Reddit to a less politicised site, not to one which doubles down on it.


[-] leftous | 12 points | Mar 22 2018 18:21:30

Your confusion between corporate liberalism of reddit or the IDpol of SJWs, and what anarchists actually believe is funny. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised if you're one of those folks who think Trump supporters are so oppressed LOL.


[-] RL3 | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 18:30:57

Your confusion between corporate liberalism of reddit or the IDpol of SJWs, and what anarchists actually believe is funny.

We're not strictly talking about anarchists here and it's time to stop pretending otherwise. Any website that governs itself on purging opposition politics and restricting what people can express is not an anarchist site. It's the usual exercise in lumping in additional political ideas with the brand.

But I guess I shouldn't be surprised if you're one of those folks who think Trump supporters are so oppressed LOL.

I figured you might fall back to something like this, but let's make something clear: I'm sick of Reddit being consumed by two political groups taking over subs and competing for the front page. They're constantly screeching about how their opposition is literal evil and needs to be banned, even though you'll find unacceptable behaviour on each side of the line. A replacement site needs to be somewhere free from that shit show, not one side's clubhouse.


[-] BlackFlagged | 9 points | Mar 22 2018 18:49:23

make your own site then, champ

stop ragging on other people's work and be a doer


[-] leftous | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 19:55:43

We are talking about anarchism, your understanding is just clouded by liberal and alt-right media. We don't consider just "one side's politics" to be harmless and inconsequential from an anarchist perspective when we see the real harms, hierarchy, and oppression that comes with it. Do you really call it "free" to be at the mercy of people who want to attack or kill you?

That's why we don't want it anywhere on a free anarchist site...there's already voat and a host of other sites to be subjected to brutal, toxic, and authoritarian bullshit.

I should note that your concerns about "mob rule" and problems with democracy do have merit. But direct democracy for meta decisions and allowing subforums to determine their own policies beyond that are much better than the strict hierarchy of being at the mercy of mods/admins, which is the case of pretty much every other forum.

We're also in the process of looking at alternate decision making models (e.g. the Konsent project) to facilitate more consensus based decision making as an alternative to abuse-prone democratic voting.

Overall, I'd say raddle as a model for the autonomy, self-determination and freedom of anarchism does a great job. However, if megaporn is a huge deal you may need an alternate solution for the "meganetwork".


[-] BlackFlagged | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 18:43:37

If you want mega porn links to be allowed there, all you have to do is ask for an exception in f/meta. It's up to the community what is and isn't allowed, the rules are always open for negotiation. The no porn rule was added because people were flooding the front page with kiddie porn - and it showed up in the thumbnails. A sticky thread for links to mega videos is a different matter and I'm sure they'd consider it.

Furthermore, the site's been up for more than a year and none of your fears about mod overreach have some to pass. On the contrary, mods that banned without good cause were removed from their forums.


[-] MayMeiMaiMae | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 23:08:24

As a hippy liberal, all this anti free speech stuff makes me sad, my favorite animu is hellsing ultimate because I like the kickass church characters and the fat cyborg Nazi guy. SJWs would shut it down so fast.


[-] BlackFlagged | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 18:41:54

You're confusing anarchists for 'far leftists'. Most of us aren't even leftists. If mods on raddle tried to ban people for talking about fucking Bond movies, they'd be removed as mods. The ToS and f/meta require mods be kept to a high standard. Every action a mod takes is logged and publicly available - and every mod that oversteps can be removed by popular vote. Unlike reddit where mods are defacto dictators.


[-] RL3 | 9 points | Mar 22 2018 18:48:30

You're confusing anarchists for 'far leftists'. Most of us aren't even leftists.

The featured subs on that site include Communism, Socialism, AntiFa, Decolonisation... I could go on. I'm not sure if you're deliberately misrepresenting this to put on a friendlier face or simply don't realise what kind of bed you're lying in, but come on.

Every action a mod takes is logged and publicly available - unlike reddit where mods are defacto dictators.

We don't have to disagree with every policy that's been instated, the point is that the site clearly holds a political bias and, given the trouble such biases are causing on Reddit, I don't think raddle constitutes a good solution.


[-] Himechi | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 12:45:00

The situation reminds me of Laurence Fishburne's character in Predators. They don't mind and may even appear to help us but they do not share our priorities and could turn on us at any moment. Anyone signing up there should expect it to collapse/implode/vanish without warning at any moment.


[-] dragonoa | -4 points | Mar 22 2018 14:01:58

Anarchy isn't really an ideology, it's a struggle to free your mind and body from artificial controls placed on you by tyrants.


[-] RL3 | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 14:13:15

It's not really an anarchist site, they're having to manufacture an echo chamber by banning dissent under the guise of "enabling fascism".


[-] FrancisOfTheFilth | -1 points | Mar 22 2018 16:04:52

Anarchy is really fucking edgy, and if you actually believe in it after you're 15, you mentally did not age past 15


[-] Houkeichinpo | -11 points | Mar 22 2018 06:19:29

That's not how the the minds of our little right-wing snowflakes work.


[-] PowderedWigMachine | 9 points | Mar 22 2018 07:46:32

the place is clearly left-dominated though.


[-] zackogenic | 22 points | Mar 22 2018 05:09:47

The mega sub there looks cool but the rest of the site looks like a left version of voat, only worse.


[-] lbt | 23 points | Mar 22 2018 05:12:57

It’s fairly new and was created to focus on anarchism but is open to all. Reddit started as mainly for programmers and tech geeks. Look at it now!


[-] zackogenic | 9 points | Mar 22 2018 05:15:15

Reddit is still a lot of programmers and tech geeks.

The front page there is almost literally all politics.


[-] TonySharkks | 34 points | Mar 22 2018 05:55:32

The rest of the site doesn't matter. We only need to look at the megalinks sub


[-] PowderedWigMachine | 9 points | Mar 22 2018 07:45:23

once you subscribe to a forum the front page changes to only what you're subscribed to.


[-] Scaramussa | -1 points | Mar 22 2018 21:29:45

"Anarchists" that have laws against fascist talks. Hahaha


[-] RL3 | -7 points | Mar 22 2018 09:12:11

I wouldn't really trust that a far-left site is going to commit to having a free platform.


[-] jiokll | 5 points | Mar 25 2018 14:21:18

Oh boy, if you want to leave Reddit you have to choose between communists or nazis!


[-] Houkeichinpo | -15 points | Mar 22 2018 06:18:30

Who cares. Oh, that's right, a Dumpf snowflake does.


[-] zackogenic | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 06:24:09

That's real mature. I just can't stand overly political websites, voat or raddle. Was hoping it was like voat but actually usable, but it isn't. But I'm fine with just using the one sub there as I said.


[-] ChickinNuggets | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 04:32:30

Yo! That looks really good! I will sign up tonight! Thanks dude :)


[-] VIP_Ender98 | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 11:34:15

I thought he asked for a sub replacement, not a Reddit replacement lol.

All jokes aside, that exists. Wow.


[-] alwayzhongry | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 20:35:55



[-] RL3 | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 09:18:08

Safe, secure, anonymous. What more do you want?

A site which actually commits to non-censorship, rather than "non-censorship but only within our political leaning"? Their FAQ/wiki is basically a political manifesto.

This is basically a Voat clone for the far left. I wouldn't trust any radical group with administration of a broader community.


[-] EmojiProphet | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 13:54:51

Completely agree, they literally go on a rant about r/the_donald in the FAQ, and it looks like a quarter of all its subs are dedicated to the political left.


[-] uberafc | 0 points | Mar 22 2018 15:56:31

But they have their own the_donald sub. I think they wouldn't care about a sub like this. Worth a try anyway


[-] ElegantBiscuit | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 17:24:49

Their the_donald is vehemently anti Trump


[-] uberafc | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 18:16:45

Oh wow I didn't realize that.


[-] EmojiProphet | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 16:07:57

Yeah it'll definitively work for hosting this sub, just saying that it's not a reddit replacement for me.


[-] PowderedWigMachine | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 07:44:12



[-] Jonnythebull | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 08:34:26

Never heard of it but I like it! Looks similar to Reddit. Hopefully this gets lots of upvotes and everyone moves over :) Everyone join the revolution!


[-] Houkeichinpo | -1 points | Mar 22 2018 06:17:45

believe me

OK, but is everybody telling you that? Other than lying Ted Cruz of course?


[-] uploadrocket | -7 points | Mar 22 2018 12:25:55

FYI any Raddle promotion are from bots


[-] lbt | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 12:30:26

11 year old account and not a bot.


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 14:53:09

Not true at all.


[-] gand_khau | 100 points | Mar 22 2018 03:53:06

NOooooooooooooooooooooooo. Please don't let this sub die. It's the only great thing about reddit that's keeping me off depression.


[-] marginallyOCD | 52 points | Mar 22 2018 06:11:04

Reason to live decreasing every day.


[-] viper8828 | 45 points | Mar 22 2018 11:23:34

i wish i could afford $35 a bluray and #120 a month for cable and $10 for netflix and hulu and amazon and spotify but i doesnt work like that. im right there with you, i need this entertainment :(


[-] kirkum2020 | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 13:03:21

Am I missing something? Are torrents not an option for some people now?


[-] wobuxihuanbaichi | 73 points | Mar 22 2018 14:23:14

I haven't found many torrents with multiple audio tracks and perfect soft coded subs like here. The quality of the submissions here is much higher.


[-] kirkum2020 | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 14:27:40

That's a good point. Finding perfect subs for one of many slightly different files can be a nightmare.


[-] HumphreyBarcode | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 14:55:57

Goto /r/trackers and read the sidebar information on how to join private sites. You'll find much higher quality encodes and curation there than you did here or will ever find on public sites.


[-] luigikiller1000 | 47 points | Mar 22 2018 18:47:38

What if I don't feel like sucking a power tripping admin's dick just to get onto his tracker?


[-] sneakpeekbot | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 14:56:03

Here's a sneak peek of /r/trackers using the top posts of the year!

#1: Ajit Pai and the FCC want it to be legal for Comcast to block BitTorrent | 138 comments
#2: Comcast throttling BitTorrent was no big deal, FCC says | 211 comments
#3: What.CD 10-year anniversary mixtape

^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^Contact ^^me ^^| ^^Info ^^| ^^Opt-out


[-] terminal8 | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 15:39:57

Kodi + add-ons my friend.


[-] LlewelynMoss1 | 9 points | Mar 22 2018 16:37:50

Kodis quality of add on dropped pretty significantly IMO. I use incursion, Gaia and Bob but it's nothing like it used to be


[-] viper8828 | 6 points | Mar 24 2018 11:46:32

i used windscribe vpn and still got isp copyright emails from my isp, idk what i did wrong but i cant do it.


[-] kirkum2020 | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 16:08:30

Another good point. I totally forgot that was happening in some countries.


[-] Muh_Condishuns | 4 points | Mar 25 2018 01:06:26

Did you step out of a time machine from 2005? I stopped using torrent after my first cease and desist from Universal for a single Office episode. Yea. They capped my throughput at 20k too, like less than dial-up speeds. Torrents are the best way to get your activity noticed.


[-] Lurking_Grue | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 18:59:11

There are these things called VPN's.


[-] Shurae | 3 points | Mar 23 2018 07:36:25

You don't need everything. I only have a netflix and spotify subscription and that's more than enough. Sure, there's stuff on other platforms I would like to watch but I have enough stuff to last a lifetime on netflix alone. If I really want to watch something that's not on Netflix I just pirate that stuff or get the blu ray. I buy blu rays maybe once a month tops.


[-] viper8828 | -1 points | Mar 24 2018 11:45:48

netflix is fucking garbage since they got rid of all the fox shows lol, i like to watch tv so id need everything if i wanted to stay current on shows i like...


[-] factorysettings | 5 points | Mar 24 2018 12:57:10

there is a ton of good content on netflix. Branch out a little, man.


[-] compuserveuser | 58 points | Mar 22 2018 01:38:41

I really hope this place escapes reddit's ban hammer but who knows what could happen. Hopefully someone has something of substance to add in addition to my statement.


[-] aManPerson | 30 points | Mar 22 2018 03:43:02

it's only a matter of time. ever since they decided celeb fake videos was digitally raping people and removed it, they are now quicker to widdle shit down.


[-] bert0ld0 | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 07:24:27

What are they banning other than watchpeopledie?


[-] _AddaM | 8 points | Mar 22 2018 08:36:29

WPD is not getting shut down. They only made a few changes to the rules so the sub is still going


[-] compuserveuser | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 07:38:28

Here is a partial list I saw circulating earlier.


[-] -TheBabadook | 48 points | Mar 22 2018 02:43:39

Praying it works out. Discord is rather convoluted. Reddit is easier to navigate and view.


[-] Sir_Crimson | 18 points | Mar 22 2018 12:39:40

The problem with the Mega discord is that every channel is full of spam and chat messages, there is no channel where people can follow a format and post uploads in a consistent way.


[-] LiquidAurum | 11 points | Mar 23 2018 21:01:07

it should be moderator only submissions, and a group of dedicated moderators shift through submissions and only submit legit content


[-] Sir_Crimson | 5 points | Mar 23 2018 23:16:13

That sounds reasonable to me.


[-] iamapapernapkinAMA | 3 points | Mar 23 2018 13:44:07

Happy cake day!


[-] IsuruHerath | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 14:19:57

What about telegram ?


[-] kunarh | 30 points | Mar 22 2018 04:06:56

A telegram channel and telegram group would be idle we can even share files upto 1.5 gb there.


[-] DerGunter | 8 points | Mar 22 2018 08:12:05

I second this


[-] ustbota | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 19:36:42

[-] IsuruHerath | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 06:36:40

I’ve been on Telegram since 2013, And I would highly recommend it. Considering the amount of possibilities it has. It’s the best Option


[-] Dant3067 | 25 points | Mar 22 2018 02:09:23

I'm now on the discord but yeah reddit has been going towards dumpster diving for a while now..... which is kinda sad


[-] NayrbEroom | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 02:12:58

What's the discord server for megalinks?


[-] trasheusclay | 17 points | Mar 22 2018 02:19:04

This is the one in the sidebar over there >>>

I just joined tonight in case something happens soon.


[-] greatryry | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 02:33:23

This discord seems setup and ready to go so it’s logical that it starts getting pushed in here.


[-] Gothams_Finest | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 16:04:47

Says the invite is expired


[-] ubercaffeinated | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 09:33:39

Invite expired? The link doesn't work anymore


[-] LiquidAurum | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 21:02:13

invite expired, please update


[-] trasheusclay | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 21:21:34

Updated, but everyone can look in the sidebar for the link >>>


[-] TheGoodSheep | 3 points | Mar 24 2018 16:21:10

Aaaaaaand it's gone.


[-] trasheusclay | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 16:23:53

Yea that's weird that the link keeps expiring. You can still go to discord and enter #mega to get there. The invite isn't necessary afaik


[-] Ace1h | 3 points | Mar 24 2018 17:45:37

I really dont understand how I could join the discord server with that? can you give another link maybe?


[-] trasheusclay | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 17:55:57

Either go to discord and search #mega or the link in our sidebar seems to have refreshed to a working link again.


[-] TheGoodSheep | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 16:24:29

Good idea, thanks


[-] therealmgo | 22 points | Mar 22 2018 01:46:38

Maybe a Discord would be good?


[-] isaacbarron02 | 50 points | Mar 22 2018 02:23:50

We have a discord


[-] Askjeevesisgay | 10 points | Mar 22 2018 07:46:33

Invalid / expired? :(


[-] nachog2003 | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 20:57:44


[-] Alseid | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 13:58:19

still appears invalid to me


[-] nachog2003 | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 14:19:49

It's in the sidebar


[-] redshoe1 | 2 points | Mar 25 2018 22:49:47

Even that link says it's expired


[-] nachog2003 | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 22:52:03

They probably change it often. Wait until it gets updated.


[-] Alseid | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 14:26:12



[-] theomnipotent1 | -9 points | Mar 22 2018 15:50:13

It's case sensitive!


[-] OCKWA | 8 points | Mar 22 2018 03:23:11

So if the sub goes down would discord be the first place i should look?


[-] MagnusAuslander | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 10:56:14

Is the app the only way to access it? Looked at the link on my phone and the only way it seems I can access it is thru the app.


[-] djdevilmonkey | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 16:45:13

Yes you have to make a free account and download it for your phone or computer. It's not a bad program, it's like Skype but targeted more for gamers. And it allows you to build "channels" (like groups or communities), like the mega one.

Anyway download the app for whatever you want it on, create an account, then add channel and put that link in.


[-] Rini94 | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 10:34:04

Discord is good but the actual links posted get lost in the conversation.


[-] EGDoto | 12 points | Mar 22 2018 01:52:10

This would be best, it would keep community together in one place and we would be able to stay informed if there is better replacment later.

Edit: There is one, just noticed it on sidebar.


[-] compuserveuser | 12 points | Mar 22 2018 01:54:49

I have never used it but have been curious about it.

is this it?

Just want to make sure I am on the right page.


[-] kaiumaka | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 02:05:12



[-] compuserveuser | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 06:06:38

Thanks guys


[-] dontneedtoattack | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 02:02:40

That's the one


[-] [deleted] | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 04:12:49



[-] therealmgo | 0 points | Mar 22 2018 04:42:54

I'm part of a discord group made specifically for a subject Reddit took down. It's an alternative in my opinion


[-] NayrbEroom | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 01:48:26

Never used Discord, would it work the same way?


[-] Dracorvo | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 01:53:14

More or less - you need an account to post, set mods, can be viewed anon, but to find it you need the link.


[-] aykyle | 8 points | Mar 22 2018 02:12:43

Well. One way would be to redirect this sub to a sub with 0 posts and only the Discord link. And another post back to this sub for archived posts.

Or. Purge the entire sub and leave only a link to Discord. The downside would be losing all past links. Upside is Reddit won't ban the sub.


[-] NayrbEroom | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 02:28:14

Well if Reddit is going to ban the sub I doubt they would leave it for us to archive. Even if we stop all submissions right now.


[-] waimser | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 04:21:39

Would something like the wayback machine be of help for past links maybe?


[-] aykyle | 3 points | Mar 23 2018 03:36:38

Would have to have every single page archived. And wayback doesn't do that. You can view what links were there, just can't see it unless they were archived.


[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 17:52:13



[-] luigikiller1000 | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 18:49:07

Just because it doesn't work for you?


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 19:48:07



[-] luigikiller1000 | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 19:49:19

I've never once seen this issue before. If they're suspending all of your accounts then maybe you're doing something wrong?


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 23:08:50



[-] davvyCrocker | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 01:44:13

... Because your using the same IP to create the accounts. Your obviously doing somthing for this to happen. Millions of people use it fine.


[-] davvyCrocker | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 01:42:10

That's just you


[-] stratofarius | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 01:57:59

Seems like the best idea.


[-] Xmus942 | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 15:02:31

If some nationwide law is causing Reddit to crack down on subreddits, who's to say that same law won't cause Discord to crack down even harder after we migrate to a Discord Server?


[-] Sullen_Sigh | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 02:24:41

I think the idea of a discord app would be good.


[-] qefbuo | 18 points | Mar 22 2018 02:12:51

You could find another web-forum but you'll still be on borrowed time, or you could move to a p2p/decentralized solution which removes the possibility of shutdown or censorship.

A list of some projects which remove the problem of censorship:

there's forum applications for retroshare though havn't used it myself, does look promising considering you can anonymise via tor/i2p.

The problem this does introduce is ip address exposure, so whatever you use if you want to remain private then you need to use something to mask your ip like, tor or i2p or a vpn. Otherwise you might end up with annoying copyright infringement notices.

There's other forum options out there but I can't think of the names.

The biggest upside of a p2p solution is you never have to worry about being censored, every single user would need to be shutdown to close the network.


Of course you can put legal pressure on the developers if they're not anonymous but if it's an opensource project all anyone needs to do is pick up the torch.

Another one:


[-] Xirious | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 04:05:14

Zeronet is more widely used I think.


[-] qefbuo | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 07:22:22

Yea there's zeronet which is more website based, trouble is someone has to make the website but maybe someone already has, or do I call it a zeronet site?


[-] Excess | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 16:22:55

The problem this does introduce is ip address exposure, so whatever you use if you want to remain private then you need to use something to mask your ip like, tor or i2p or a vpn. Otherwise you might end up with annoying copyright infringement notices.

Apparently you can download retroshare with TOR bundled as a 1-click solution, so you don't have the hassle of downloading/configuring TOR independently. Great for beginners.


[-] rillo561 | 14 points | Mar 22 2018 02:29:49

Damn, didn't know Reddit was doing this. SMFH


[-] redrosebluesky | 10 points | Mar 22 2018 12:40:38

when they fired victoria to commercialize AMAs and when they banned fatpeoplehate, and with all the blatant propaganda placed on the "front page," it was easy to see the direction. this site is cancer


[-] mw212 | 0 points | Mar 22 2018 16:55:00

Yeah, r/gundeals and this sub are big reasons I use Reddit at all. Too bad I can’t leave all that r/nba and r/nfl off-season shit posting.


[-] MotMan72 | 13 points | Mar 23 2018 02:39:33

Too bad I guess I am headed over to r a d d l e . m e


[-] chronic_indifference | 12 points | Mar 22 2018 02:18:21

GameFAQs lets you make private boards now. You can have your own mod team, stuff is easily searchable, you can post stickies. Pretty sure you can't report stuff to official site mods, so it would be tough to take it all down.

Besides Reddit and Discord, that's the only other message board I know anything about, so it's just a thought.


[-] patrohi | 12 points | Mar 22 2018 02:22:26

/r/RedditAlternatives discusses things about this.


[-] Bolognious_Maximus | 7 points | Mar 23 2018 01:03:03


[-] DontDoItMom | 10 points | Mar 22 2018 18:07:09

/r/megaporn already make their own forum and 2000+ members already registered


[-] UseForThrowAwayStuff | 6 points | Mar 25 2018 01:56:21

haha porn always paves the path of innovation


[-] AnonymousHerbMan | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 21:54:02

The jerking never stops


[-] Shinypip | 10 points | Mar 23 2018 05:14:19

It's over boys. MEGA tried to stop us. We persevered. Now Reddit comes knocking. I trust I'll see you on the other side.

A few years on this sub, and they were filled with great movies and TV shows.


[-] TheMegaPoster | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 18:10:58

I joined a private tracker recently and I can give a few invites. But you would need to seed 1:1, but there's many torrents that are FL (freeleach) which means you can download and seed without affecting your ratio. Also there's bonus points awarded for seeding larger torrents even if you aren't uploading any data currently.


[-] _thenotsodarkknight_ | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 11:14:21

Hey! I'm interested. Could you pm me?


[-] TheMegaPoster | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 19:03:56

PM Me with your email and I can send one.


[-] Xmus942 | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 15:42:45

I'd also be interested. Can you PM me too.


[-] TheMegaPoster | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 19:03:44

I've already invited a few, so i'm out of invites for now, but tomorrow I'll get 3 more and PM you one then.


[-] Xmus942 | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 04:17:11

Awesome. Thanks.


[-] TheMegaPoster | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 05:01:50

np. and If I don't remember to send you one tomorrow, send me a message anytime in the PMs and it will be ready for you.


[-] trasheusclay | 9 points | Mar 22 2018 02:21:56

I think the discord is the best backup plan, at least in the short term if Reddit does something. I just joined tonight, and it looks pretty cool over there.

Here's the link from the sidebar:


[-] onedayasalion-x | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 17:45:07

I'm getting a 'link expired' message. It's there an updated link?


[-] trasheusclay | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 17:58:13

The link in our sidebar seems to have refreshed to a working link now. Here it is:


[-] onedayasalion-x | 3 points | Mar 24 2018 17:59:04

That worked! Thank you!


[-] Y0UR_Messiah | 8 points | Mar 22 2018 01:48:32

Maybe we should start using one of those free message boards.


[-] boogiefoot | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 03:19:35

this. Has worked great in the past.


[-] TheyTheirsThem | 8 points | Mar 22 2018 18:14:06

Well, as a wise person summed up the Patriot act: The good news is thatb the government has the tools to battle terrorists, the bad news is that pretty much everyone is now a terrorist. Just look upon this as TSA expanding into every aspect of our lives. But hey, who needs freedom as long as one is promised that they'll be safe (not).


[-] -TheBabadook | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 19:55:01

TSA's new rules :( Lines are much longer. They need to innovate that shit asap


[-] culturedkid | 7 points | Mar 24 2018 14:41:46



[-] Xmus942 | 3 points | Mar 24 2018 15:40:12



[-] culturedkid | 3 points | Mar 24 2018 15:41:34



[-] TonySharkks | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 02:23:01

When we get rousted from Reddit we can regroup and organize on the discord (link in sidebar). Sign up and have it bookmarked for when the inevitable ban hammer comes.


[-] iamaquantumcomputer | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 10:46:13

The link is broken


[-] raleighs | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 23:52:00


[-] Anaron | 6 points | Mar 24 2018 05:15:11

I think the best option would be to create a forum. It's what the people over at r/megaporn did (see here).


[-] matt99me | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 03:31:09

best longterm option, will be a forum like megaporn did, thanks for discord. it never gets deleted.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 01:42:54



[-] matt99me | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 02:57:56

its in 1st or 2nd post.


[-] Highlander1536 | 5 points | Mar 25 2018 19:17:22



[-] KwyjiboTheGringo | 5 points | Mar 26 2018 01:21:33

All I can say is that the raddle site seems sketchy. I understand that it looks like reddit so there is some appeal to switching over to it, but it's lacking basic features, like a search function and sorting comments by rating. And on top of that they have a pretty leftist slant that I don't trust them to detach themselves from when it comes to allowing people to upload content that they don't agree with for one reason or another.


[-] Chatan-Cho | -1 points | Mar 26 2018 11:48:24


"Pretty leftist slant" is putting it lightly. I'm a life-long leftie, and these guys are crazy. They banned a guy globally from the website for disagreeing with something one of the admins posted about race and appropriating Black Lives Matter.

They run a forum about how all white people suck, another forum about how "all cops are bastards" (that is the name), and they want to remove all police/justice systems in the country.

If you disagree with the admin Tequila_Wolf, they call you out on trolling and say you are "skirting the ToS" and threaten to ban you.

That said, I don't care if the admins are hard-core leftists - Like you, I care about whether or not people are able to openly disagree with them. It won't be long until someone posts a movie or TV show on there that disagrees with their agenda and they go off banning people.


[-] RL3 | 2 points | Mar 26 2018 17:30:24

Just FYI - they're currently screeching about this comment over on their site.

You're absolutely right though, banning people for stepping out of line with their politics is exactly why this community should stay well away from such a site. For all it's flaws, Reddit's administration don't turn around saying "I've decided your argument breaks our TOS, banned".


[-] GodnBabyJesusHelpUs | 2 points | Mar 27 2018 04:32:12



[-] Chatan-Cho | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 22:51:24

Cool. I'm glad they are thin-skinned enough to get ruffled over a small comment garnering little attention on another site. I'm not even going to bother looking at it though...not worth the time.


[-] RL3 | 2 points | Mar 27 2018 07:26:31

It can be rather amusing:

The republicans are like the extreme ideological right, like just shy of Nazi levels.

I mean some of these lot are so delusional that they might implode if they encountered an actual far right party.

I'm here to "screech" like their comment suggests, I don't make use of /f/MEGAlinks but it seems like the linked comment didn't bother reading the FAQ or wiki or anything here, and literally just expects a site that's reddit but on another domain? people are silly.

Well, if they'd not been sending people over here to pretend that their site was a genuine Reddit alternative rather than a political circlejerk impressions might have been different...


[-] GodnBabyJesusHelpUs | 1 points | Mar 27 2018 04:31:37



[-] KwyjiboTheGringo | 1 points | Mar 27 2018 04:38:20

Damn, they are really throwing a little baby fit over this comment over on their site.


[-] Chatan-Cho | 3 points | Mar 27 2018 05:03:03

Yeah. Sadly I let myself get the better of me and took a peek. I will give credit and say Tequila (yeah, I called you out by name) actually argued back with a little reason. The others, though, took the political argument too much to heart, which wasn't the point.

That said, and now I'll call out the other admin (but I forget their name, my bad) so they aren't as "jelly" of Tequila...I'm a tad bit worried about their maturity level, considering they felt the need to start a whole thread about it in the first place rather than just taking it as criticism and moving on, like an adult should.

But oh well. Either /r/megalinks will keep on chugging on and /f/megalinks will be forgotten about, or /r/megalinks will fail and the community will become so fragmented that it won't matter anymore anyway. I don't see 100,000 people picking up and moving to a featureless site. But I could be wrong.


[-] Cygnus__A | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 03:24:45

Why hasn't someone started using the block chain for this kind of stuff? Torrents, megalinks, etcs should all be posted on a blicjchsin that way it is truly distributees.


[-] DarkmessageCH | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 06:24:20

Because every transaction costs money on the blockchain. Storing large files there is financially not viable. Either every downloader would have to pay for the downloads or the uploader would have to pay for every download of his stuff.


[-] Cygnus__A | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 14:28:17

Not the file itself. Just the link.


[-] jantoniopena96 | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 23:49:45

it sucks that i found out about the subreddit a day before all this :(


[-] [deleted] | 4 points | Mar 23 2018 22:21:47



[-] pokedonthejapsubway | 5 points | Mar 24 2018 17:42:20

Because you need someone who is willing to pay for the domain/hosting long term. no point jumping ship to a place the owner can only afford to pay out of their own pocket for 2 months before expecting the userbase to chip in with donations (which they won't get)


[-] Anaron | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 05:13:49

That's likely the best option.


[-] xJennyRosex | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 01:47:21

Is there a discord server or something?


[-] ampeed | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 02:00:36

Discord is on the side bar and pretty active.


[-] iamaquantumcomputer | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 10:46:35

link says "expired"


[-] ampeed | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 11:06:09

I work a 12 hour shift but can send you the link after work if you can't find it.


[-] iamaquantumcomputer | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 11:14:54


!remindMe 12 hours


[-] raleighs | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 23:52:36


[-] ruralcricket | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 02:58:45

/r/zippyshare ?


[-] TheGoodSheep | 16 points | Mar 22 2018 08:33:51

Why would they kill megalinks and not zippyshare? Same species, so to speak


[-] Cyromaniap | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 12:15:27

Same species, different domain.


[-] luigikiller1000 | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 18:51:08

Still bannable under the same rule


[-] Cyromaniap | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 19:05:25

Oh I know lol was just a play on words.


[-] MakoRuu | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 06:51:07

We need a deep web forum that's not easily accessible from Google.


[-] PhiWeaver | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 07:13:24

What about a browser addon?
Showing a feed of releases


[-] ZettTheArcWarden | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 11:30:54

you should make the sub private and link the new alternative in the privacy description and information where to find previously posted links ( ceddit etc. )

that way everyone who will get here will find what has previously been posted here and will know where to find stuff in the future


[-] QSCFE | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 17:54:22

ceddit and other solutions will not work anymore I think reddit fixed the issue and we can't recover deleted posts.


[-] ZettTheArcWarden | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 23:46:11

I was talking about past links that people might have saved or links that are linked through search engines


[-] QSCFE | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 23:51:29

check this mirror site that dedicated to mirroring links posted here by our hero u/Cartmanishere .


[-] ZettTheArcWarden | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 13:45:01

nice, thanks


[-] DiscoRage | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 15:49:25

Voat? Is that still a thing?


[-] GermanAutos | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 17:20:32

Was gonna say this. It is, but dead compared to Nazi Reddit.


[-] DiscoRage | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 19:08:26

That sounds perfect.


[-] LiquidAurum | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 21:02:43

We will build a foundation!


[-] thegreatestminer | 4 points | Mar 23 2018 22:05:55

Eh, considering the megalinks subverse over there is already disabled by admins, the chances of us making one on Voat is pretty bleak.


[-] dj_chapz | 3 points | Mar 23 2018 10:06:33

There is (was) apparently a Discord server for this, says in the sidebar, its just atm not really working. Why not make a DC server, create channels for different topics and post them in there?

Anyone with the link can join. Its searchable... I think it would be a good alternative until something better comes along.


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 19:03:57

It works just fine for me. Try again.


[-] iMadeThisToSayThanks | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 17:17:12

says the link has expired


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 17:18:37

Yeah, I guess it's not giving out new invites no doubt due to the influx of users wanting to know what's going on. Anyone who already had an invite can still get in.


[-] GurbHedgeTheHedgeHog | 3 points | Mar 24 2018 02:40:29

Reddit has betrayed us. Who wants to start a new forum site with me? We can open source the fuck outta it


[-] [deleted] | 3 points | Mar 24 2018 06:57:04



[-] kaiumaka | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 02:12:30

I think that fatpeoplehate moved to before the ban hammer.


[-] NayrbEroom | 21 points | Mar 22 2018 02:14:33

As far as I know voat is a cesspool. And likely a long time in the future if voat becomes successful it will face the same challenges Reddit faces today.


[-] evilbunny_50 | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 02:55:09

Voat is, yes, but mainly because it's dedicated to free speech of all kinds but has been mostly populated with the folks ejected from here. Lots of casual racism and bits however as a user base they are fiercely dedicated to their free speech even the stuff they don't like.

Adding in more polite users who don't care about the more controversial speech wont hurt voat and will likely improve it.

Besides you can totally block communities from showing up in your feed with a single click so once you ID the bad ones you just block them and thats it.


[-] NayrbEroom | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 03:15:38

Fair enough


[-] Scaramussa | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 01:14:41

Isn't a viable option?


[-] whywhywhyisthis | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 05:07:28

There's a lot of antisemitism on voat...


[-] AReverieofEnvisage | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 03:07:44

All I know is that I got a copy of Secret Garden before they banned the subreddit. I'm happy.


[-] FallenArch3809 | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 04:08:07

Mirror it on ZeroNet?


[-] alwayzhongry | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 20:55:40

if the sub is taken down, is there a backup somewhere? like maybe the waybackmachine/time machine website? or a way to scrape all posts and titles (including links/keys) into an excel file or .csv?


[-] Xmus942 | 2 points | Mar 25 2018 17:15:16

Guys, I think we're all overreacting. I really don't think we need to consider jumping ship to another website. According to ARS Technica, Reddit is banning some subs in response to the passing of the Fight Online Sex Trafficing Act (FOSTA).

But there are three things to consider:

  1. This bill is aimed squarely at websites like Backpage that allow prostitutes to advertise their services.

  2. Reddit is only considering subs that have anything to do with narcotics, sex (this is why MegaPorn moderators received a letter saying they would be banned) and guns. Piracy was not mentioned.

  3. This bill is not likely to survive a lawsuit on first-amendment grounds.

You can read more here:


[-] BoobsMcGuffin | 0 points | Mar 26 2018 04:13:25

Ah. Yes. That site. I learned about it because I was a juror during a trial that involved prostitutes roughly a year ago. As a result, I have never and will never visit that site. Just a heads up - law enforcement regularly monitor that site - just in case you're getting any ideas. May the odds be ever in your favor.


[-] Xmus942 | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 18:49:52

I've actually used that site 3 times to fuck escorts. The trick to using it safely is this website called The Erotic Review (TER) that has reviews for escorts. You have to cross-reference the postings on Backpage with that site to ensure you're not getting setup.

That being said, it's still possible for someone with good reviews to get compromised by the police, but I don't use it anymore.


[-] iffy360 | 2 points | Mar 25 2018 18:25:58

Anyone got the discord link? I clicked the link on the sidebar but it says the link has expired


[-] raleighs | 2 points | Mar 25 2018 23:53:02


[-] gfreeman1998 | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 02:23:37

My man.


[-] sniperkitty10 | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 03:31:57

Expired again?


[-] iffy360 | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 12:16:24

Thanks bro


[-] sniperkitty10 | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 18:33:34

I was in the discord but it was removed from my client. Not sure what happened with it


[-] iffy360 | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 18:37:01

Oh right. Maybe it died then and someone needs to create a new one.


[-] sniperkitty10 | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 18:41:31

Potentially. There were no signs of potential deletion and I was on until late last night. And I can't find any other information about it aside from us talking about it here.


[-] jo698 | 2 points | Mar 26 2018 09:33:05

Can anyone share a working DISCORD invite?


[-] Avid28 | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 01:47:07

Would making it private avoid the ban?

Just don't let anyone view it who isn't already subbed?


[-] NayrbEroom | 13 points | Mar 22 2018 01:48:02

No reddit mods would still be able to see it I imagine, plus we're probably already on a shortlist.


[-] Avid28 | 8 points | Mar 22 2018 02:05:40

yea but I think it's more if it's publicly available it's a shorter list.

Since it's more like a torrent site, etc. Private at least it's just a set # of people.


[-] NayrbEroom | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 02:16:25

Unlikely as well, I think the idea is that Reddit wants to eventually go public in the market and having any type of illegal activity would look bad to investors. So if Reddit is serious about it I think that they would ban every single one that could be considered illegal. I imagine this is just the beginning.


[-] Tuner-Kid | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 07:42:13

Could we hide in Tumblrs Sea of porn? or migrate to a less popular Website like myspace with PM's for Locations


[-] DoJu318 | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 02:33:44

yourmovie .org

For movies is pretty decent, quality is not that good, files are around 2GB but it's better than nothing.


[-] iPhunwa2 | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 02:45:34

New submissions have been disabled until further notice.

Please post your opinions and suggestions in that thread.


[-] acertenay | 10 points | Mar 23 2018 11:37:40

Would you atleast allow submissions again? Piracy and opendirectories still allow submissions.


[-] acertenay | 7 points | Mar 23 2018 06:48:02

is there any decision ?


[-] iPhunwa2 | 3 points | Mar 24 2018 06:00:49

There should be one soon, hopefully in a day or two.


[-] acertenay | 15 points | Mar 24 2018 07:54:10

Atleast open the submissions. You are killing the subreddit yourself. Piracy and opendirectories still allow submissions


[-] CALL_ME_AN_ASSMAN | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 09:14:15

I always wanted to ask this. Now that this sub might be banned, I have to ask it.

Are you Bihari?


[-] lonelyfriend | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 04:37:51

are you from Assam or are you just an assman?


[-] CALL_ME_AN_ASSMAN | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 04:57:21

I am an Assman.


[-] Cherwood | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 02:21:14

Fuck, never new about the situation until now. Do you know where I could get the last ep of TWD? Since you were the one uploading most of them


[-] T-R-A-N-Q-U-I-L-O | 6 points | Mar 25 2018 06:13:53

So uhh you gonna tell us anything?


[-] King--Noctis | 6 points | Mar 25 2018 19:30:23

my opinion is that you should tell us what the fuck is going on


[-] CmonWeAllFart | 5 points | Mar 24 2018 08:13:03

grow a pair!


[-] aykyle | 3 points | Mar 23 2018 16:00:26

H.R.1865 FOSTA just passed the Senate. So I'd start getting your ducks in a row because this will just force Reddit to purge every single thing that could hold them accountable. And unless Reddit moves out of the US, there's no way to tell what's going to go. And it's best to assume even the smallest of things would result in being sucked in the vacuum.


[-] -SeaPig- | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 22:35:17

I don't see a whole lot of ads for prostitution and sex trafficking on this subreddit, which FOSTA (Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act) specifically targets.


[-] aykyle | 6 points | Mar 23 2018 22:53:41

That's a guise. It removes the protection of section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934. So, websites are held responsible for their user's actions, even if they are unaware of them. To the point where criminal charges could be pressed against the site owners and they face jail time up to 25 years in prison.

So basically, even though pirating movies isn't as bad as the other stuff. It's still illegal and Reddit owners could be held responsible for our actions of pirating. So, Reddit is obviously going to purge any and all things that COULD get them in trouble. As a safety precaution.

But depending how deep they're willing to go, it might not even concern us


[-] StubbsCastaway | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 03:26:45

I have never used discord. How would I go about searching for links using it? I'm signed up and have the app loaded and am in the Mega channel. What next? (hypothetically since I doubt we have any links up yet)


[-] waimser | -3 points | Mar 22 2018 04:28:29

Its in he side bar, and posted several times in the thread. You just vlick the link in a browser and it takes you to the channel.

Has its own app if you like it. In the app you join a vhannel with the same link.


[-] StubbsCastaway | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 04:47:17

As I said: I have done all that.

I'm signed up and have the app loaded and am in the Mega channel.

It's searching for uploads that I am askling about, not getting to discord and downloading the app.

Here on Reddit all the links are listed one after another, and comments are in the threads. Discord seems to be chat oriented, so how would we post upload links and search for them? Is there some easy way to show them like we see them visually on Reddit or am I stuck doing a search for a movie I want?


[-] waimser | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 11:17:51

Ahhhh. Se there, i think im in the same boat as you. Im gonna poke around in the next few days. Myself.

My guess. Theres different rooms/channels to join. Once youre on the server the text chat posted in those channels should stay there for you in the app. Im guessing people simply post links in the appropriate channel.

Nowhere near as good as something like reddit or a forum, but it should work to a degree... I hope.


[-] StubbsCastaway | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 14:02:16

Yeah, I think all I can do myself is sit and wait for better men than me to figure this out. I'm not completely tech ignorant, but I am definitely a follower, not a leader in this case. Thankfully, we have people who do know how to manage these things, and who are willing to satisfy our cravings purely for the glory :p

E: Guys, please don't downvote comments simply due to a misunderstanding. That's not what the system is for.


[-] waimser | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 06:45:47

Dont worry bout the downvotes. The way i see it, my post seems way oit of context(which it might be cause i either replied to the wrong post or straight up didnt read yours), might as well give it enough downvoted so its not visible. In cases like this, i think it works well.


[-] OtochimarU | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 04:07:55

I always have an alt or 2 sites to get from, I can't say I don't use this sub a lot but I found the use of reddit a few months ago, never knew what it was about until then (yes I was living under a rock, inside a dark cave, underground, in the depths of the Caribbean ocean) but the quality found here is not easy to find elsewhere, so It will be a sad day of headache if the sub gets banned, hope it doesn't happen, lets pray to our gods.


[-] Bobby_Booey | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 05:52:06

What about that Reddit clone that seemed to be picking up steam a few years back (when people were almost ready to revolt against Reddit for some reason that don't recall)?


[-] luigikiller1000 | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 18:50:39

Voat? I don't think it's going very well


[-] Liam_piddy | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 06:12:31

Would they still shut this subreddit down if we made it into a private subreddit? Probably wrong but just a thought


[-] Dant3067 | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 06:16:38

if anyone wants to help me with retroshare pm me


[-] GrimChaos | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 02:46:49

I think I need help too... I think I have it up and running but I just need friends to make it work???


[-] wulfschtagg | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 11:28:47

How would a Mastodon instance be as a replacement? Just spitballing here, I have no idea how easy or difficult it is to set up and maintain a new instance, but the decentralised nature of the network would be beneficial, right? I only joined a bunch of instances over a year ago to test it out, and the smaller instances are pretty much likes interest-based subreddits.


[-] The-motto | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 14:14:02

Lets form a TELEGRAM GROUP!!


[-] jojo2018 | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 01:14:57

Idk how archiving works but a user at r/piracy has that idea of archiving a sub at . Maybe we should do this?


[-] Tuner-Kid | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 07:36:47

These are text based posts so archiving them is an option but when the are resubmitted to another forum they are only as good as the bridges Megalinks>snaplinks> if you drop them off somewhere those accounts will be at the mercy of the hoster. it is a very hard thing to figure out. if we send them to archive they will be most likely shot down one by one. I wouldn't be apposed but it would put some of us at risk.


[-] LiquidAurum | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 20:59:43

Time to open a subvoat (is that what it's called?)


[-] quarterburn | 12 points | Mar 23 2018 22:53:56

I mean if you really want to kill megalinks moving to voat is the fastest way to do it. What a shit pile that place is.


[-] LiquidAurum | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 00:27:07

Oh really? Haven't really even tried it I know that's where a lot of killed subs went, what's wrong with the place?


[-] GurbHedgeTheHedgeHog | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 02:44:10

Shouldn't we just diversify, and post to multiple sites under an umbrella megalinks name


[-] quarterburn | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 23:41:50

The only people that use it are far right wingers so everything (and I do mean everything) has a right wing political slant to it. The top post in their version of /r/aww is a dog doing a bellamy salute with a nazi arm patch.


[-] Anaron | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 05:07:06

I believe it's called "subverse".


[-] JamesMurray11 | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 09:08:16

It was the best place where i used to get most of my stuff.

Raddle is till growing and i think it takes time for users to start sharing.



[-] Mrfrodough | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 02:15:56

So some are saying is a good way to search mega. Ive fiddled with it a little and search results seem a bit thin. Any particular way to go about it for best results?


[-] cristka | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 03:34:25


[-] sniperkitty10 | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 16:55:12

Anyone know what happened to the discord server? Seems to have disappeared?


[-] fortminorlp | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 02:25:45



[-] IsuruHerath | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 06:37:32


[-] VyfeXX | 0 points | Mar 22 2018 22:53:25

What about a discord?


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 00:32:35

Check the sidebar.


[-] VyfeXX | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 00:34:29

yeah my bad i found it shortly after, but do you actually post links on the discord or nah?


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 00:35:21

Dunno. You could ask and see.


[-] mrizzle1991 | 0 points | Mar 23 2018 00:33:33

Noooo im so sad about this, Hopefully they dont delete the subreddit. I don't want to be forced to use or torrents.


[-] taosk8r | 0 points | Mar 23 2018 04:40:01

Alright, so Im not going to tell anyone what to do about it or anything, I guess, but I want to point out that this comment and the replies exist on the post about all the other bans.


[-] 1e7643-8rh34 | -1 points | Mar 26 2018 05:50:13

PM me for inv to a private tracker. Not required, but if you could donate, that would be best. I say that because I don't donate and feel a bit bad about it. PM me.


[-] [deleted] | -2 points | Mar 22 2018 01:52:57



[-] NayrbEroom | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 02:12:42

Likely to be banned as well!


[-] sirber | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 02:12:02

the question was about another site, not another sub


[-] [deleted] | -2 points | Mar 22 2018 12:41:26



[-] MrTattyBojangles | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 15:54:23

We already have one.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 15:59:16



[-] MrTattyBojangles | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 15:59:52

No worries.


[-] Cqouta | -10 points | Mar 22 2018 03:48:52

Move off site. Kek.

Also, new subs will be instabanned.
