indigo6alpha | 412 points | Mar 22 2018 02:21:04

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Submissions restricted till further notice

DISCORD LINK: (updated in the sidebar as well)

Hi guys,

We're restricting new posts until we fix the problem we have on our hands. We desperately want this sub to stay active and not be banned, so please bear with us.

You can post your opinions here in the comments.

EDIT: For those of you who are out-of-the-loop, a bunch of subreddits were banned sometime back (a few hours ago from what I understand). These subs didn't particularly host the kind of the content we post here, but it was sudden and unexpected nevertheless. So, we're taking proactive measures to avoid that happening to us, even though we're starting a bit late.


[-] KylosApprentice | 346 points | Mar 22 2018 03:07:57

Gentlemen, it's been an honor.


[-] Jonnythebull | 47 points | Mar 22 2018 10:51:55


[-] jaimico34 | 9 points | Mar 23 2018 02:12:24

The perfect answer


[-] FineFilth | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 23:35:31

looks like people leaving work on Friday..


[-] DeathtotheCavalry | 6 points | Mar 23 2018 01:06:35



[-] shy247er | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 23:53:56


[-] omni461 | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 23:33:58

"Ladies and gentlemen, it has been an honor"

fixed it for you ;)


[-] N0Us3r | 175 points | Mar 22 2018 02:29:02

Nice, my life is oficially over.


[-] [deleted] | 16 points | Mar 22 2018 04:48:58



[-] Bullet_King1996 | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 07:55:45

/u/indigo6alpha maybe you should pin this link as a backup so everyone can see it?


[-] [deleted] | 43 points | Mar 22 2018 16:08:09



[-] RKellyPissOnTrump | 8 points | Mar 22 2018 17:56:36

I had no idea this existed. Just the excuse I needed to leave Reddit altogether. Thanks so much. :)


[-] ThePooSlidesRightOut | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 14:49:16

What did it say? The post has been deleted


[-] stephenclarkg | 3 points | Mar 26 2018 05:39:54


[-] Muh_Condishuns | 2 points | Mar 25 2018 11:28:17

The mods here have a problem with the politics of the people who created raddle so posting links to it here are now thought crime. I already bookmarked it, trustworthy links are trickling in. More would if the mdos would stop deleting the fucking links to raddle.


[-] nuvpr | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 14:40:18

Maybe it's the fact that the forum on raddle is not associated nor affiliated with this subreddit, and the mods here don't want to give out that impression?.. Also I personally gave raddle a try and the mods there are even more censorship-happy than reddit currently, so it's no wonder the mods here have a problem with them.


[-] DownshiftedRare | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 16:33:49


[-] briank6932 | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 01:30:08

how do you search on this website?


[-] [deleted] | -5 points | Mar 22 2018 04:58:10



[-] Doip | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 06:08:27

holy shit a 3 letter username


[-] lbt | 9 points | Mar 22 2018 06:19:14

I joined Reddit about 15 months after it went live. A lot has changed!


[-] tekjansen505 | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 07:11:31

I went over to raddle and the thing I was excited most about is that I could create a 3 letter username.


[-] gazongagizmo | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 08:22:12

that's like, a 6-digit ICQ number...


[-] kormer | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 12:53:18

I have a five digit Slashdot number... Is not that exciting.


[-] nemothorx | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 15:39:44

Four digit slashdot number checking in. You're not missing much.

Can't say my three digit wikipedia userID has gotten me any fame or glory that I'm aware of either.

(Maybe all the action is over in 6-digit-ICQ-number land. Mine is seven long)


[-] SetsChaos | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 18:47:00

Double digit IQ checking in. Wait.


[-] ne0f | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 16:54:22

my 5 digit steamid hasn't done much either


[-] Manifest | 2 points | Mar 25 2018 03:21:38

ICQ 36524 checking in. I later learned that it was worth actual money at one point.


[-] bob51zhang | -10 points | Mar 22 2018 06:02:58

Why not voat?


[-] [deleted] | 13 points | Mar 22 2018 07:29:40



[-] BobsBarker12 | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 14:24:30

No one was talking about your white power sub.


[-] [deleted] | 119 points | Mar 22 2018 03:26:12



[-] Mudkip1 | 91 points | Mar 22 2018 04:04:39

this is what pisses me off the most about this whole situation, lol. i can't believe all the media attention reddit's gotten over t_d and theyve still not done jack shit about it


[-] Zedwardson | 26 points | Mar 22 2018 21:34:58

The Donald actually meets the rules of reddit, and to want them shut down since you disagree with them politically is just the wanna be fascist coming out.


[-] beebop222222 | 22 points | Mar 23 2018 22:14:51

it openly supports racism, sexism, bigotry, and white nationalism, how is that following the rules of reddit?


[-] Zedwardson | 9 points | Mar 23 2018 23:59:09

only if you think that "supporting trump" is equal to that.

Some stuff is posted, and the mods clean it up.


[-] Relik | -1 points | Mar 26 2018 08:18:53

You are so full of shit. Do you have any idea how many paid trolls spend every day trying to make t_d look bad? You probably believe in Russians but not in the very real Nazi collaborator George Soros & outfits like Media Matters.


[-] Acmnin | 11 points | Mar 22 2018 21:45:18

“You’re the puppet” “You’re the fascist”


[-] Zedwardson | 20 points | Mar 22 2018 22:09:45

No, I don't like trump, he not a good president. But people have lost their minds about him and it sad and silly.

You don't like the Donald since you don't like Trump. Heck, I don't liek trump, but I don't think they should be shut down. I also don't care for some other groups, but I don't think I have the right to shut them down since I disagree with them. Just let his stupid ideas get to the light and the sun with scorch it away.


[-] [deleted] | -5 points | Mar 22 2018 22:15:59



[-] Zedwardson | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 22:35:51



[-] Acmnin | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 22:36:17

You know their are easier ways to say you’re an idiot.


[-] [deleted] | 0 points | Mar 23 2018 04:56:24



[-] Acmnin | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 04:58:44

The community exists to be a cult of personality for the most unqualified narcissistic shitpile possible.

Cancerous is the only way to describe its influence in this site.


[-] skekze | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 05:02:36

do users in r/awww send you hangman nooses?


[-] Savv3 | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 09:24:16

How? They comment and post more vile shit than I have seen in the entirety of fat people hate, but their targets are Muslims and other pinpoints of their hate, instead of fat people. "Rules" must be real relaxed then.


[-] sirmidor | 21 points | Mar 22 2018 17:18:32

The reason The Donald is still up is because the mods of that subreddit comply with Reddit staff whenever asked. There's no reason for them to get banned when they're complying immediately when asked to.


[-] Acmnin | 34 points | Mar 22 2018 21:44:21

Yeah... except that it leaves hate inciting and racist posts up on their sub for months until pointed out. They are only moderating when forced.


[-] 459pm | 0 points | Mar 26 2018 05:38:04

it leaves hate inciting and racist posts up on their sub for months

If you don't actively seek to limit the speech of people /u/Acmnin finds distasteful or unethical, you're promoting fascism, not /u/Acmnin.


[-] Acmnin | 2 points | Mar 26 2018 06:36:30

Advocating genocide, telling people they want to take them on helicopter rides(to throw them out), etc.. etc., that the moderators remove after admins tell them. Fuck off man.


[-] 459pm | 0 points | Mar 26 2018 06:40:14

Advocating genocide

Have you ever actually been on T_D?

telling people they want to take them on helicopter rides(to throw them out)

That Pinochet meme is old as dirt and hasn't "incited" shit.

that the moderators remove after admins tell them.

Wow, almost like they police the sub according to reddit's rules. You do realize they're not required to actively make their subreddit tasteful under your standards, right? Just obey the admins, which they do?


[-] Acmnin | 2 points | Mar 26 2018 06:42:23

Idiot. They are supposed to be moderating the content that admins inform them of without having to be told, we’ve started waiting months to show how they aren’t even attempting to follow the sitewide rules. I’m part of a subreddit that documents the hate speech that flows through there, please drop your bologna off at the deli, we aren’t buying here.


[-] 459pm | 0 points | Mar 26 2018 22:12:34

I’m part of a subreddit that documents the hate speech that flows through there

Holy shit, you guys do let anyone and everyone you disagree with live rent-free in your heads.

we aren’t buying here.

You're on /r/megalinks. Stop LARPing as a "revolutionary" lol


[-] [deleted] | 0 points | Mar 26 2018 22:45:30



[-] 459pm | 0 points | Mar 26 2018 22:46:43

Spoken like a person with the true moral high-ground in the conversation about acceptable discourse.


[-] syllabic | 21 points | Mar 22 2018 17:41:24

99% of the people that complain about that sub never visit it and only guess and assume about what kinds of things are posted there

Then they make demands to the admins based on their assumptions.


[-] dida2010 | 35 points | Mar 23 2018 01:45:28

If you ask a decent question against their ideology, you get banned


[-] syllabic | 27 points | Mar 23 2018 01:53:17

There are lots of subs on reddit that force ideological purity. I think they're all idiots but I'm not calling for them to get banned.


[-] skekze | 2 points | Mar 25 2018 05:01:27

when echo chambers spill violence outside their bubble, that bubble is open to be popped.


[-] nuvpr | 2 points | Mar 25 2018 15:21:55

spill violence

Did t_d actually advocate violence at any point? Legit question.


[-] skekze | 3 points | Mar 25 2018 16:00:55

I got sent a noose because someone thought I was a black guy.

Yet, here's some more recent examples.


[-] BowlOfZombies | 0 points | Mar 27 2018 10:51:33

Sheriff’s office says: ‘No known ties’ between Parkland shooting suspect and supremacists


[-] skekze | 1 points | Mar 27 2018 16:04:51

meme peddler to murderer, guess the_donald is a clubhouse for wannabes and memers that time will sort out.


[-] msnmck | 2 points | Mar 26 2018 03:30:01

That's like 90% of reddit. The fuck you been? That's why I only come here and r/CrackWatch


[-] skekze | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 04:41:06

Reddit is the bazaar, you'll find whatever you're looking for, but the price is something else.


[-] Xmus942 | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 18:24:36

lol, I also only come here can to CrackWatch.


[-] Zedwardson | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 13:49:48

Same thing happens at a LOT of subs


[-] Cybersteel | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 15:08:13

like 4chan?


[-] akkbar | 18 points | Mar 22 2018 20:40:44

except they are obviously a hate group and whatever the case may be, they are bad for business and they do break the rules constantly. They just comply with whatever damage control shit is asked of them after the fact. Doesnt really fix the shit that gets posted there.


[-] [deleted] | -2 points | Mar 25 2018 19:19:27



[-] akkbar | 2 points | Mar 25 2018 20:15:19

The_Cesspoll is leaking


[-] DoctorPepeX | 4 points | Mar 25 2018 19:18:59

Bill Clinton is a rapist



[-] KidAstronaut | -7 points | Mar 22 2018 17:56:31

Or it and it’s user base are under investigation.


[-] sirmidor | 8 points | Mar 22 2018 18:03:35

Yes, let's believe a conspiracy instead of the obvious answer without any evidence.


[-] kaching335 | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 18:18:02

investigation isn't conspiracy lol


[-] sirmidor | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 18:42:57

Thinking there is an investigation without any evidence is a conspiracy, yes.


[-] KidAstronaut | -1 points | Mar 22 2018 18:10:48

Its not a conspiracy, it’s a possibility that is so seated in reality you’d have to be an ignoramus to not even consider the possibility. Reddit’s warrant canary flew a long time ago, and Mueller’s investigation is partly focused on Russian influence and propaganda, of which T_D is likely chock full of. Like. Have you been paying attention at all? Facebook isn’t the only platform in question.


[-] sirmidor | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 18:45:23

Is it so hard to believe Spez when he just straight up says the mods of TD always comply and thus there's no reason to ban the subreddit? Is that so incredulous that there must be a federal investigation?


[-] KidAstronaut | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 18:58:04

It’s literally illegal for Reddit to admit to an investigation or a subpoena. You are aware of that right?


[-] sirmidor | 9 points | Mar 22 2018 19:00:41

No shit. The point is you're believing there is an investigation for no reason. Instead of just taking the believable option, you take the less believable option, because you want it to be so.


[-] KidAstronaut | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 19:15:40

I’m not believeing there is. I simply believe it’s a very real possibility.


[-] stephenclarkg | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 05:40:07


[-] Mudkip1 | 2 points | Mar 26 2018 05:45:53

already knew about it, but thank you!


[-] franick1987 | -2 points | Mar 22 2018 19:37:53

What does media attention have to do with a sub that has less hate than rpolitics?


[-] [deleted] | -127 points | Mar 22 2018 04:24:27



[-] brynm | 37 points | Mar 22 2018 05:40:14

Suuuure, the sub that calls for right wing death squads is a voice of sanity.

Notice the comment calling for death squads isn't the one that's deleted it's the one that says "You want death squads? Seriously?" that gets deleted


[-] ethanbrecke | 30 points | Mar 22 2018 05:13:54

I respectfully disagree, I think its almost the other way around. There are few subs of sanity, in the shithole that T_D has created.


[-] [deleted] | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 04:09:09



[-] colrouge | 17 points | Mar 22 2018 04:14:13

wow. that place seems VERY political


[-] lbt | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 04:18:25

It started as an anarchist Reddit clone but is branching out. It’s open to everyone except right-wing trolls so Megalinks should be totally fine.


[-] eduardog3000 | 13 points | Mar 22 2018 09:30:07


Even as someone on the left: bleh.


[-] Scaramussa | -8 points | Mar 22 2018 12:24:28

That's terrible. They ban "fascists" and they are probably a bunch of ignorant that can't even define the word.


[-] [deleted] | -17 points | Mar 22 2018 05:32:48



[-] lbt | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 05:41:15

Not really but there are some left wing memes that could be considered trolling. You can ignore anything you don’t like.


[-] RadiantRoyal | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 06:31:46

so kind of like real reddit then?


[-] Muh_Condishuns | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 12:04:23

People on this site goosestep pretty hard, Left or Right. The amount of groupthink on /politics scares me more than The_Donald, though. But I don't trust any sub 100% dedicated to goosestepping with some political person or party's ideas.

"Howard Johnson is right!" /Howard_Johnson

Rule 1: any talk against Howard Johnson(God) will be banned.

Rule 2: any talk of Howard Johnson functioning under God is a ban. There are plenty of other Howard-hating subs out there.

Rule 3: you don't like Howard? Fucking leave! The future of the Internet is obviously adult children defending pointless "turf" and gaslighting each other. can I get a HJ is Right!

Rule 4: Oceania is more correct than Eurasia. Howard_Johnson believes in Make Oceania Great Again(MOGA) and we will not tolerate:





*Oceanic slurs

any talk that might make someone challenge their current believes is an automatic ban


[-] faithkills | -1 points | Mar 22 2018 19:10:35

Yep. Trump arguably won because people were tired of being bullied and censored by fb et al. But td has become just the same from the other side.

Still it's all useful. Just like with dinosaur media. If you only listen to NPR or only listen to Fox you only know half the lies. Gotta listen to it all so you you know all the lies and thence can figure out the truth.


[-] Lastkowitz | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 03:24:14

NPR is actually way more moderate than most news sites these days. I listen to it because it gives facts over opinion. Not saying it isn't left leaning, but less so than the news sites declaring Trump as an incompetent psychopath.


[-] faithkills | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 19:20:29

Yes NPR is the best of the left and it's definitely more moderated but it's not strong on facts. I am considering shows like "On Point", "Fresh Air", "Here and Now", under the 'NPR' rubrik, and they have long since given up any pretense to objectivity. I do remember the good old days when NPR opposed wars of opportunity and the surveillance state. Long gone.

The actual 'news' shows are even worse imo. Their pretense of objectivity is given more effort, but pretense isn't enough in an internet world. Stylistically I find the 'talking to a 5 year old' tone and grammar they use entirely insulting. Of course they do know who their audience mostly is.

I think it's still important to listen because as I said, between the lies from Fox and NPR we can sift out the truth.

Generally if NPR is complaining about some republican corruption it's probably true. Generally if Fox is complaining about some democrat corruption it's probably true.

If they both agree (like Assad chemming his own people when he's already won except for the fat lady) you know it's definitely a lie.


[-] Lastkowitz | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 19:44:24

No offense but I disagree and I do not feel like dragging on a debate about objective news sites and stations. Our opinions differ and there really is no point in dragging it on as neither of us are going to change the other's opinion. Best just to say that I respectively disagree with your opinion and not waste time dragging it out across ten back and forth posts. Have a nice day. :)


[-] faithkills | 1 points | Mar 29 2018 21:14:20

say that I respectively disagree with your opinion and not waste time dragging it out across ten back and forth posts. Have a nice day. :)

I assume you mean 'respectfully'.

But then I should be charitable about an NPR listener's vocabulary and grammar;)

Seriously you should listen to it all, then you can piece together what's true.

Or not.

But they all lie, and they all especially lie when promoting the latest casūs belli.


[-] Avid28 | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 07:49:09

Obviously they support our dumbass in chief.


[-] BasedMcCulloch | -62 points | Mar 22 2018 04:13:56

while they leave t_d untouched.

While this community isn't the place for politics, all this clusterfuckery absolutely boils down to progressive left-wing policies that are anti-gun (r/gundeals got killed) and social authoritarianism that will police your speech for wrongthink.

You may hate Trump with all your being and correctly point out that t_d is itself an echo-chamber, but beneath their bravado and "spicy memes", they're actually interested in protecting your constitutional rights. Pose a sincere opinion that goes against the grain in t_d and you might be buried in downvotes and called a "cuck", but you won't be banned unless you're blatantly trolling or aggressively contrarian. Do the same in r/politics and you will be silenced simply for having "problematic" opinions.

Too many of y'all are frogs complaining about the obnoxious squawking bird on the shore while the Zuckerberg scorpions (and Twitter, and Reddit, and limousine liberals, and "#Resistance") hop a ride on your back.

Besides: if you think t_d is terrible now with all of its users happily sequestering themselves in their community, what the fuck do you think will happen if you crash their clubhouse and flush them out? Reddit will burn.


[-] kamahaoma | 21 points | Mar 22 2018 04:50:49

Besides: if you think t_d is terrible now with all of its users happily sequestering themselves in their community, what the fuck do you think will happen if you crash their clubhouse and flush them out? Reddit will burn.

I mean, going into other subs and starting shit is already the favorite pastime of t_d users. They are not happily sequestered away. If they were everyone else would be happy to just ignore them instead of griping about it all the time.

I'm sure if the admins banned t_d there would be a temporary increase, but long-term I think without that echo chamber providing encouragement for their behavior we would see less of it overall.


[-] [deleted] | -6 points | Mar 22 2018 11:17:13



[-] BobsBarker12 | 8 points | Mar 22 2018 14:04:37

So yous are fine with certain subs being censored and think this one should get a pass?

No one has called for extrajudicial killings here as far as I know, unlike t_d.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 14:26:16



[-] BobsBarker12 | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 14:28:52

One of the best parts of them coming here to brigade is that most r/megalinks content would be deemed offense or part of some Soros backed conspiracy and promptly banned for being involved in the liberal agenda.

Completely incompatible user types but someone mentioned their sub here so brigade they shall.

Edit: Looking at Anchovie123's account it was obvious he was going to delete his comments. I made a paste stating exactly that 20 minutes ago. In that paste I posted an archive of his comments for posterity, this includes the deleted comment from above:

Ah yes i enjoy reading TDs weekly POC lynch threads that go up /s

Cheers, Anchovie123. You are incredibly easy to read. Never play poker.


[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 14:36:20



[-] BobsBarker12 | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 14:40:32



[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 14:49:54



[-] BobsBarker12 | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 14:52:52

yous see TD as some kind of evil monster



[-] noddddd | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 19:49:12

I just think its hilarious

No you don't, you're clearly butthurt about it.


[-] kamahaoma | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 12:19:25

If that's how you feel then what are you doing in this sub in the first place? Are you one of those people I was talking about who goes into random subs just to rant and rave?


[-] HeartyBeast | 12 points | Mar 22 2018 07:30:32

Pose a sincere opinion that goes against the grain in t_d and you might be buried in downvotes and called a "cuck", but you won't be banned

Hahahaha ha ha. Ha!


[-] Lunatic2014 | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 18:07:12

Fuck outta here. T_D bans anyone who doesn't share their opinions. You can say that extremism is a problem, but when you point out extremists who ban anyone who don't agree as heroes in this tale, then you look silly.


[-] CTU | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 04:18:36

They banned gun deals? Wow that is a shit move


[-] Curlgradphi | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 18:51:06

all this clusterfuckery absolutely boils down to progressive left-wing policies that are anti-gun (r/gundeals got killed)

Yeah, this couldn't possibly have anything to do with a new law that is likely coming in, under Trump, which makes websites responsible for certain activities on their sites, including firearms sales.

No, just blame the SJWs because that's nice and fits with your agenda and doesn't require you to actually think or do any research.

you might be buried in downvotes and called a "cuck", but you won't be banned

Yes you will you moron.


[-] tinydancer86 | -1 points | Mar 22 2018 17:31:19

It's not the obsession with guns that bothers me, it's that you want to use them to murder people..


[-] PopcornInMyTeeth | -2 points | Mar 22 2018 12:24:45



[-] uwotm8_888 | 116 points | Mar 22 2018 03:03:23

somebody should get on archiving this whole sub

Get the automod to automatically deny all submissions until matter is resolved.
Edit: r/megahosting. for regrouping if banhammer is really fast


[-] zackogenic | 114 points | Mar 22 2018 04:11:19

I'm working on archiving the post titles, URL/selfposts, and date as well as author. Not comments, not sure if that would be worth it.

Got 2.8k posts so far, but I'm sure there's better ways.

Here is the new version with 16k+ posts:!RFVDGa6D!RLtEY4pM3wShgSph29LLEvRfL86a8JeIinPp8ismBy8 I now got the comments on link posts that were by OP, as well as flair(user and post), and score.

No comments, but I can get those later if the sub doesn't die.


[-] 0430ke | 31 points | Mar 22 2018 05:42:04

A lot of people put the key in the comments. But you are doing God's work my friend.


[-] gazongagizmo | 12 points | Mar 22 2018 08:24:32

No comments, but I can get those later if the sub doesn't die.

i agree that they're below the other parts priority-wise, but some comments are very important to the structure. not only because of the keys, as they sometimes get posted there, but also sometimes archive passwords, and general discussion that helps to elucidate the content. e.g. a gigantic pack of audiobooks that's zipped into one archive, and the poster didn't post a table-of-contents, but some friendly user downloaded the whole thing and shared its TOC with us


[-] zackogenic | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 18:10:03

I agree. Thing is that parsing comments makes each post take about 100 times as long it seems. Would it make sense to only save root comments from the OP, and only on link posts?(Not self posts)

That should get most of the keys. The other cases not so much.


[-] eggnewton | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 18:30:08

It would make sense to only save root comments. Maybe even just the top few because the comments with essential info are usually upvoted to the top.


[-] aykyle | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 03:30:16

[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 14:01:48



[-] zackogenic | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 01:06:28


There are about 121 posts of his, and many of the content is gone, but I tried a few and at least some of it is still there.


[-] matt99me | 1 points | Mar 27 2018 15:36:39

pls tell me how to download subreddit.


[-] ginjaninja3223 | 37 points | Mar 22 2018 03:54:01

I’ve worked on archiving it in the past - will resume those efforts tonight


[-] uwotm8_888 | 12 points | Mar 22 2018 04:04:39

we need multiple people on it.


[-] ginjaninja3223 | 15 points | Mar 22 2018 04:20:12

I'm using Reddit Data Extractor, it's kind of odd to use, if anyone has a better way of doing it please let me know


[-] bestem | 16 points | Mar 22 2018 16:31:22

People over at /r/DataHoarder might know a better way. They archive all sorts of things all the time, there's no reason to assume they've never archived an entire subreddit.


[-] PhiWeaver | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 01:51:36

Someone on Raddle already did a big archive:


[-] bestem | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 01:52:23

I said that when he was still working on it, and having problems with not getting more than a certain number of posts.


[-] zackogenic | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 07:17:13

Looks like that can only download the top 1000 posts.


[-] sevengali | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 10:01:43

This is a limitation of Reddit and there's no way to avoid it. You used to be able to specify "get me all links between these two dates" to get around it but they removed this.

Edit: that's still doable until the 30th if you want to write your own Python script using PRAW.


[-] ginjaninja3223 | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 14:19:34

Yeah I’ve run into this issue, and I’m also running into an issue where it only saves every like 10th post. I have no idea how to fix it


[-] wobuxihuanbaichi | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 04:43:19

you can post it on the discord and raddle once you're done.


[-] ginjaninja3223 | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 23:02:07

Looks like someone beat me to it


[-] doot_doot_doot_doo | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 04:38:30

pretty sure there was a user here who had a site that was dedicated to mirroring links psoted. I can't find it for shit right now but I'm someone around here knows who/what I'm talking about


[-] jamesdeleany | 28 points | Mar 22 2018 05:10:20

I think is this: by u/Cartmanishere.

Edit: Maybe some heavy posters here should back him up on the post load so we can have a solid base to rebuild if anything happens.


[-] zackogenic | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 21:48:26

Certainly doesn't have everything that's here. Very cool though.


[-] doot_doot_doot_doo | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 05:12:04

yup, that's it/him. thanks.


[-] Bullet_King1996 | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 07:53:34

This is gooood


[-] taosk8r | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 04:57:42

I really hope everyone will join the discord on the sidebar for potential regrouping as well. It seems to have a hell of a lot of people, but everyone should have a backup spot. Ive been copying all the websites that back this up from a 7 month ago post, and Im not really sure what happens to saved comments if they are on a banned sub.


[-] waylonk | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 21:06:33

The guys over at /r/datahoarder might be able to help out in this endeavor. They kick ass.


[-] Ironicalogical | 114 points | Mar 22 2018 03:46:27

reddit is slowly taking steps in preparation to go public down the road.

Mark my words, this is just the beginning. They will sanitize everything about this site, and it will die because of it.


[-] RKellyPissOnTrump | 27 points | Mar 22 2018 17:39:25

Oh well. Back to forums we'll go. We were better off there in the first place.


[-] Drumitar | 10 points | Mar 22 2018 19:56:32

can you pm soom good forums


[-] taosk8r | 4 points | Mar 23 2018 04:58:35

Go join the discord on the sidebar.


[-] caza-dore | 3 points | Mar 23 2018 11:03:16

Can you post a discord invite link? The one on the sidebar is broken for me


[-] taosk8r | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 19:22:17

Man, I asked in the discord, and all I got was the same link thats on the sidebar. :(


[-] Sgt2k17 | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 21:47:13

thanks, all the others I tried were expired.


[-] taosk8r | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 19:18:59

Crap, for some reason my sent mail wont show the link I sent you, and I got another guy asking.. Can you link it back to me? lol


[-] Sgt2k17 | 2 points | Mar 26 2018 11:22:57 was the one you posted that worked for me.


[-] taosk8r | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 21:17:20

I got em, thanks. :)


[-] taosk8r | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 19:33:09

lmk if it fails, Ill try again


[-] choose_a_accountname | 2 points | Mar 25 2018 01:53:11

All the invites are expired.


[-] taosk8r | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 01:54:19


[-] choose_a_accountname | 1 points | Mar 27 2018 14:38:53

It's also expired.


[-] MCPO_John117 | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 17:49:17

Can you pm me the discord link too?


[-] taosk8r | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 19:32:45

Ok, got a new one, please lmk if it fails, and Ill see what I can do.


[-] waylonk | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 21:03:41

expired :(


[-] taosk8r | 2 points | Mar 26 2018 01:54:13


[-] waylonk | 2 points | Mar 26 2018 02:26:17



[-] taosk8r | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 19:22:10

Man, I asked in the discord, and all I got was the same link thats on the sidebar. :(


[-] sketch_fest | 0 points | Mar 23 2018 04:37:53

[-] rocmisok | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 23:34:01

agreed. what are some good forums to join?


[-] Acmnin | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 21:49:22

Truly. Better conversations and with so many forums almost impossible to control a narrative and brainwash people.


[-] JPWRana | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 05:12:15

Which forums do you recommend?


[-] Boob_Preski | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 09:27:06

We should move to discourse.


[-] appropriateinside | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 18:04:25

Are you sure this isn't about the new Senate Bill that removes protections to site owners from the content users post?


[-] NewAccountHello | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 23:01:05

lasted longer than digg at least :/


[-] Mussu007 | 88 points | Mar 22 2018 04:21:15

Whatever is the outcome, I just want to thank the uploaders. You da real MVP


[-] deadashellhp | 84 points | Mar 22 2018 02:28:09

Whatever the outcome, thanks to all. Good fortune.


[-] Miss_Bullshit | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 21:18:25

I haven't hung out here for long but I really appreciate everyone who have kept it going. I'd be really sad to see this community go.


[-] deadashellhp | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 21:34:27

Apparently it’s simply shifting locales, but we aren’t allowed to talk about it, which is pretty shitty.


[-] kaching335 | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 23:25:12

Well, the mods here don't want everyone to jump ship. They're trying to figure out what to do


[-] deadashellhp | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 00:32:58

It would be classy to let people make up their own minds instead of censoring alternative options. The community is the important thing, not where it resides.


[-] BloodHawkDarkWolf | 75 points | Mar 22 2018 04:55:16

If anyone is interested in why Reddit is doing this, it may have something to do with this.

Basically the law that says that websites aren't responsible for what happens on their site is being amended. Companies will be more culpable legally.

A bill has passed the senate and is being sent to the President to sign. Bear in mind that if Reddit is making these changes due to impending changes to the law moving to another website might not be feasible as all sites would be affected by the change in the law, and it might even affect things like Discord. Despite all this, the reddit policy bans transactions, but only for certain goods or services.

It's debatable whether this subreddit qualifies for the transactions listed under this policy change. This subreddit might be affected by this policy change, it might not. Reddit might also decide to ban it for other reasons that have nothing to do with this policy change.

For those unaware the moderators of /r/megaporn were apparently told a while back that that subreddit was going to be banned.

No one knows what's going to happen, but maybe some concrete information will help some people feel better. At least you will know what's going on instead of pure speculation.

It's been an honor knowing all of you. Thanks so much to everyone, everyone who shared you made a very sick person in desperate times much happier. You made my life bearable, and i can never thank you enough.


[-] time_flask | 5 points | Mar 24 2018 22:53:18

Amazing so the US elects a Republican party that you'd think would be all for "less restrictions, more freedom, let the market decide" and instead they're "more retrictions than ever before, also we'll monitor hat you're allowed to post and share online and thus influence what you're allowed to think and what communities you can create" just wow.


[-] Lastkowitz | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 03:27:27

Couldn't this stuff hosted on mega and linked here be considered 'stolen goods'? I don't want to start a fight, just wondering where it falls legally?


[-] BloodHawkDarkWolf | 4 points | Mar 24 2018 05:58:38

It could be. It could also not be. I can see both sides of it, and I don't think there's a clear answer one way or the other.

At the end of the day the only opinion that matters is what Reddit thinks about it. If they wanted the subreddit gone it would have been gone long before now, believe me. They know about it, there have been DMCA takedowns, etc. The new version of the law makes website owners potentially liable (civilly and criminally) for what happens on their site, so they're just trying to cover their asses.

I can't really blame them for that. It sucks, but anyone else who owns a business would do the same thing. It's not just reddit. Craigslist has banned any personals involving physical contact. They just can't afford the liability.

They said in their announcement they would like to keep offering it because they know it is a service people want, and they hope to bring it back some day, but companies can't afford to open themselves up to lawsuits from this.

I hate to be political about it, but this is what you get from a Republican congress and President. Last year they allowed isps to sell your data and repealed net neutrality, now this.

Thanks for fucking the internet (and everyone) permanently, Republican voters. You ruined it. Great fucking job.

Here's a better article about the ramifications of this


[-] Lastkowitz | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 06:29:57

Im not a Republican, but I will play advocate for a moment and say there's no way they would know this would happen to the web. Trump never mentioned repealing net neutrality until he was elected. (from what I remember, I barely paid attention to the elections since it was basically two shitty choices on how we want to kill our country) and they certainly didn't know about this policy. Granted it sucks, but playing blame game with people at this point when everyone is so divided and don't want to recognize their own problems but blame others is only going to lead to anger and arguments. I personally think we need a bail plan, just in case. Some place on another part of the web that's linked here just in case this place ever does go down we can reconvene there. Like a family fire plan. :)


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 18:10:20



[-] [deleted] | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 18:41:53



[-] AsherGray | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 17:26:21

Reddit operates in the US. This bill addresses the liability of third party misuse.


[-] zackogenic | 0 points | Mar 22 2018 21:48:48

Not yet...


[-] ScyllaHide | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 18:19:21

looks like US only.


[-] QSCFE | 58 points | Mar 22 2018 17:23:09

[ANNOUNCEMENT] if they banned this sub check this mirror site that dedicated to mirroring links posted here by our hero u/Cartmanishere.


[-] UltimateSausage | 3 points | Mar 23 2018 13:34:27

Do you know how much of r/megalinks is mirrored in that site?


[-] elijah369 | 3 points | Mar 24 2018 04:15:37

Total Users 4418 Total Posts 1758 Accounts Generated 378 Category Total Posts Total Size TV 732 10884.51GB Movie 696 6716.15GB Music 110 386.11GB Tutorial 81 427.04GB Ebook 61 69.29GB Documentary 32 457.27GB Game 24 238.45GB Software 8 16.39GB


[-] HeisenDiaN | 48 points | Mar 22 2018 03:17:35

For fuck's sake Reddit.


[-] matt99me | 44 points | Mar 22 2018 02:56:08

This sub is unique, and most of the shares are not available elsewhere. I hav found lots of self help content here. PLs make some strict rules, 1) do not share latest movies , that are still showing in movie theatres, 2) if you get a warning from reddit about any product , some people reshare it again , this must be stop.


[-] kormer | 10 points | Mar 22 2018 12:56:37

I've been loving all the comic book shares. Not because you can't find the content elsewhere, but because it's already organized into a reading order for me.


[-] Subtle_Omega | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 13:39:28

There are some websites where you can get the comicbooks from. Some of them have reading order as well.


[-] shadows4n1c | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 22:46:43

Dls.n3y and H.B0 are known to stay on top of their stuff


[-] ComputerEntgineer | 40 points | Mar 22 2018 17:58:36

I don't feel as though I've said this enough: Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who's uploaded.

Thank you to everyone who's provided useful comments on the uploads.

Thanks to the mods for keeping this place organized.

Thanks to users who've found workaround for common problems.

Just. Thanks.


[-] Tagliavini | 29 points | Mar 22 2018 11:43:28

I've got around 75,000 books to read, a few dozen languages to learn, and the tools to become a python master.

Take your time. :)


[-] ScyllaHide | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 18:24:01

muhuhahahaha :D


[-] SourceDetective | 28 points | Mar 24 2018 00:54:25



[-] BanGy | 3 points | Mar 24 2018 02:06:52

Oh thank god.


[-] -TheBabadook | 3 points | Mar 24 2018 02:17:34

Bless you!


[-] Doip | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 07:40:06

Happy cake day


[-] -TheBabadook | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 13:39:12

Thank you!


[-] vcdupper | 28 points | Mar 25 2018 20:05:56

iPhunwa2 5:48 AM
Hey, any updates yet indigo? If you need any help just let me know.

indigo6alpha 6:05 AM
Hey, thanks, I'm working on the browser extensions. I should be able to finish it by today.

Everyone stay tuned, no one has abandoned you.


[-] [deleted] | 24 points | Mar 22 2018 03:49:21



[-] 4KVideoGameWalkthrou | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 04:23:31

hopefully this stays lowkey


[-] [deleted] | 8 points | Mar 22 2018 04:30:07



[-] lbt | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 04:59:52

Zik, another 11 year Redditor I see! Can Raddle handle the traffic it’s about to receive?


[-] Doip | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 06:09:00

and another 3 letter username my god


[-] winkdtm | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 04:02:29

What was the link?


[-] Silas_Mason | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 08:50:17

It's a radical anarcho-communism site that shuns free speech... I don't think you have to worry about it getting too much attention.


[-] dragonoa | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 14:06:39

Most of us aren't communists, just anarchists. The communists all left because we didn't get along.


[-] HystericalFunction | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 09:05:07

Ah, thank you, I've joined. But is there a site we could use that is less... anarcho-communist? They smell weird. And not good weird like hippies.


[-] Scaramussa | -2 points | Mar 22 2018 12:25:03

It looks worse


[-] That_Guuuuuuuy | 24 points | Mar 22 2018 04:26:19

Why dont we just encode everything in base64 and ban anybody who does do that? Sidebar, subreddit username etc.


[-] bigtittygothbf | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 12:43:46

Great idea! Maybe anyone with able to code can make an extension that decodes base64 live.


[-] ScyllaHide | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 18:34:07

good idea!


[-] Caelondian_Brushers | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 23:16:32

Found it interesting that /r/megaporn double encoded the link to the new place.

Edit: Helpful bot but embarrassingly not what I wanted to do at the moment.


[-] Vepanion | 24 points | Mar 23 2018 20:54:28

I think we can reactivate it, it's not like that really makes a difference, they're gonna ban us or not, either way


[-] T-R-A-N-Q-U-I-L-O | 13 points | Mar 23 2018 21:07:27

Exactly. This is stupid.


[-] Vepanion | 5 points | Mar 25 2018 19:02:06



please respond


[-] OzOzOzOwOwOw | 19 points | Mar 22 2018 14:02:44

Only solution I can think of based on /r/megaporn 's events, is encoding titles in base64 such that companies who own the material being posted can't just scroll through and start sending out mass DMCA requests (which is what will get us banned).

Will be a hassle but will likely allow us to stay here


[-] youfuckedupdude | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 12:25:18

they got this from admins.


[-] -TheBabadook | 18 points | Mar 22 2018 02:39:40

Praying to God it's solved by Saturday! (Dragon Ball Super finale!!)


[-] OtochimarU | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 03:47:20

There are other ways to get DBS, I watch it live and then get the web-rip. not only from here.


[-] pistaul | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 15:42:34

It would be available on Kissanime too


[-] newhavenlao | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 18:07:24

animepill. Good for animes and in a timely manner. THen i wait for the mega here for 1080p


[-] doot_doot_doot_doo | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 04:39:21

torrent it via vpn if you can. i mean that's where they get posted here from


[-] Axelstrife | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 01:45:22

So hyped for this aswell as extremely sad it's ending so soon.


[-] T-R-A-N-Q-U-I-L-O | 18 points | Mar 24 2018 21:27:09

Uhh this is so stupid. At least communicate with us mods.


[-] JustHereToConfirmIt | 7 points | Mar 24 2018 22:35:29

Yea, where are we in terms of re opening posts?


[-] compuserveuser | 3 points | Mar 25 2018 04:22:42



[-] jomiran | 16 points | Mar 22 2018 03:36:54

Can we get a full archive of the sub?


[-] jamesdeleany | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 03:41:37

Yes this... How much time do you reckon to do a full archive?


[-] uwotm8_888 | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 04:05:18

since this is text based im guessing 40-50 gbs.
Edit: i was wrong listen to guy below,


[-] zackogenic | 26 points | Mar 22 2018 04:15:45

Nowhere near that. 2.8k posts(including the title, post text or link, and author and post date, not comments) is 3.22MB.

Not sure how many posts there are here, but the whole of wikipedia in text form is less than 10 GB.

The real challenge is getting past reddit's rate limiter.


[-] Caresind | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 22:33:11

spin up docker containers with new IP's on all of them and multi thread?


[-] [deleted] | 15 points | Mar 22 2018 04:20:53



[-] Bullet_King1996 | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 07:55:03

Mods should pin this.


[-] RL3 | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 09:25:43

No, they shouldn't. Raddle has a heavy political agenda and likely won't be a friend to MEGALinks. A Reddit clone built around banning anything not aligned with the far-left can't be considered a safe haven.


[-] Foxfyre | 8 points | Mar 23 2018 16:00:05

Mistaking far left politicians for far left people. Most regular lefties don't give a damn about stuff like /r/megalinks.

Edit: Also, just found this: Along with plenty of other anti-left posts.


[-] Bullet_King1996 | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 09:26:36

I wasn’t aware of this.. is there any post about that somewhere?


[-] RL3 | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 09:35:20

Much of their FAQ reads more like a victim-playing political manifesto than anything else. You'll also notice that the featured communities are almost all political.

Their TOS are overly concerned with how they want to ban "bigotry" and "oppression", which in these circles usually translates to "anything we disagree with politically". Given that similar groups view a lot of media as being ___phobic I would not be surprised at all if a MEGALinks sub over there ended up being interfered with.

You cannot trust political radicals to uphold non-censorship. Sure, they're committed to not handing over user data to authorities, but I don't think it's the free platform we'd be looking for.


[-] mrchees3 | 18 points | Mar 22 2018 13:33:13

Damn, it’s like a mirror-opposite version of voat.


[-] Scaramussa | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 12:31:56

You're right, just check the subs there. It's probably more oppressive than reddit


[-] Jonnythebull | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 08:38:08

Yep. Everyone on this sub should know about it just in case the worse does happen to this sub.


[-] DisastrousProgrammer | 15 points | Mar 22 2018 06:35:05

Hey, I used to host a pickup products sharing subreddit. Our subreddit got banned and all the moderators are IP banned from reddit. Here's our story.

A certain company kept on reporting their products, we get a notice from reddit that our subreddit has an usually large number of DMCA requests and we need to do something.

We ban all products from that particular company from the sub. That was the only company that was complaining. However, an individual from that company personally had a beef with one of the moderators. (unimportant to any implications of what might happen here but if you want to know, someone from that company tried to doxx our members by offering money over paypal as a 'thanks' then serving them legal notices once they got their emails. One of our mods retaliated to release his old youtube videos. The old youtube videos were instructional vids on how to sexually assault women and get away with it, full with actual infield video him demonstrating his techniques (that's right, videos of him sexually assaulting women). When authorities found out about it he was banned from visiting several countries. He has reinvented himself as a self-help guru and actually gotten all traces of his old videos removed from the internet. )

That company keeps on going to posts 2-6 months old and posting links to pirated versions of their own products, then reporting it. We get a ton of reports that we can't do anything about, and our subreddit gets banned.

We recreate a private version later. We figure reddit appeased the company and the company got what they wanted so Reddit wouldn't care about us anymore. Nope. A few days later not only did our subreddit get banned, but the mods get their accounts banned too.

Here's what we wished we had done: Kept a list of all the users who contributed something, so that we could contact them to group together on a later time/date. It's a bit task, but I would try to start archiving the subreddit now.

Open up a parallel subreddit on . Also, advertise people to join the discord server on the right. Once the sub goes down, the most important thing is that all the people here know where to connect.

Edit: left out an important detail, fixed.


[-] bungcuddler | 20 points | Mar 22 2018 17:35:10

I would rather not have this community be associated with an alt-right haven like voat.


[-] nuvpr | -1 points | Mar 23 2018 01:43:08

i can't stand people with different political opinions being on the same website as me

what is /r/the_donald?

Enjoy your dead subreddit kid.


[-] bungcuddler | 6 points | Mar 23 2018 06:00:08

Yeah td is also trash.


[-] nuvpr | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 10:20:03

News flash: trash exists everywhere. If you're gonna isolate yourself from it even when it's not in your way then might as well do it proper and disconnect from the internet as a whole.


[-] Lastkowitz | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 03:33:36

There is a difference between going on a subreddit and going on a site that mainly hosts things that someone finds objectionable to find one forum. You could try seeing things from the other side. Same goes for a Republican who would hate to see this sub go to an alt left forum.


[-] nuvpr | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 07:23:11

You don't have to deal with these "objectionable things" at all if you're gonna make and moderate your own subverse (voat equivalent for subreddit), just like you don't have to deal with t_d here... If the platform works, it works. Worrying about who is sharing the website with you is completely irrelevant and silly.


[-] Lastkowitz | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 12:49:11

My point was that someone left leaning might be upset to have to be a part of something that is so far right. Its different here where t_d and other subs aren't the main dominating force. And this sub is pretty apolitical, so moving it to a mainly political place would be an odd choice, and needlessly split a good community.


[-] nuvpr | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 13:40:58

You know a website like twitter has a shitton of ISIS militants, alt-righties, regressive lefties and others extremes, right? Yet non-extremes have assimilated into it just fine, because neither side are forced to deal with each other and everyone coexists without issues. That's because twitter is "a platform" and not "the ISIS platform"; anyone can use it as long as they abide by the rules. Same thing goes for reddit and voat, except the latter has very relaxed rules.

If your complaint about voat is that it's super right (so assuming you're left leaning) then move there and balance it out, make your own left leaning subverses if you want and no one's gonna stop you... See, that's all that matters; not being censored. You said this sub is apolitical and that's true, so why should its visitors care where it's located?


[-] Lastkowitz | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 14:19:12

Three things

1: Comparing Voat to Twitter isnt a good one since its more common than not that someone who sees their views as 'correct' will stray over to someone saying something else and start fights because their views are different and it seems like these days most people can't take a different view of the world. This happens on both sides of the isle, it isn't a left or a right thing, it's a political climate thing. This happens on Reddit too, sure, but Reddit has such a diverse set of subreddits and communities that its much less noticeable. If we were to move to Voat someone would stray into an area to simply start something, whether they're liberal or conservative, and then it could cause trouble for us.

B: I am not arguing against Voat because of any political views I have. I am perfectly capable of existing within a community that doesn't share my own views on politics. But not everyone can, and I am arguing against Voat because I want this community to stay mostly intact in yhe event of a need to jump ship.

And IV: The fact that this sub is apolitical means that most people come here not to worry about discussing politics. I know I personally come here to find new and interesting things to watch or read and share my tastes and experiences with others, not to observe political rhetoric from either side. If we moved it somewhere that mostly revolves around politics, it could ruin this beautiful apolitical group we formed that is more interested in sharing movies than whatever Trump is doing this week.

As a sidebar, making a liberal sub on Voat would cause more arguments than I think anyone would prefer to see.


[-] nuvpr | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 11:46:38

1, B, IV


This happens on Reddit too, sure, but Reddit has such a diverse set of subreddits and communities that its much less noticeable

No not really, I moderate a bunch of obscure subs and even those get numerous trolls who start political fights, it's bound to happen anywhere. And I think the comparison between reddit/voat and twitter is fair, since they both have blocking/filtering features that helps you isolate what you don't want to see.

But not everyone can

Their problem. But chances are this type of people never set foot in megalinks or reddit in the first place, I'd wager they already avoid reddit because of the far right subs on it... Let's talk about you though, would you move to /v/megalinks when push comes to shove?

If we moved it somewhere that mostly revolves around politics

Voat doesn't "revolve around politics", it's just a platform as I said in my previous comment, it having a large number of political users doesn't mean it can't be used by anyone else... Megalinks is apolitical here, it's gonna be apolitical there. Megalinks gets trolls here, it will get trolls there. All these issues are up to who is moderating the subverse, not who's running the entire website.


[-] Lastkowitz | 2 points | Mar 25 2018 19:52:37

Would I move to Voat if we had to? Sure. Political differences don't bother me at all. But I'm the type who wants people to be comfortable within a community, and I am sure some people won't like it. If Voat is our only chance, then we should take it and at least keep the sub alive somewhere. On the other hand, if there is a more politically neutral place we could hold up, I would recommend going there solely because it would be less alienating for people. But we're not even sure this place will burn, so I suppose its all hypothetical.


[-] nuvpr | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 00:28:01

Fair enough, and I do see your point.

On the other hand, if there is a more politically neutral place we could hold up, I would recommend going there

Someone ITT mentioned Zeronet, that would be neutral and also safe from copyright takedowns (in theory), however it may not be as accessible as reddit or normal websites in general (difficulty in mobile access, special program required...etc).


[-] BobsBarker12 | 15 points | Mar 22 2018 14:03:10

As many r/megalinks followers are now noticing, once you mention t_d you get bridgaded by a bunch of fascist nazi trolls. This is why many subs warn against directly referencing them. Because Nazis.


[-] bunnymud | -21 points | Mar 22 2018 15:18:41




[-] BobsBarker12 | 17 points | Mar 22 2018 15:26:22




[-] bungcuddler | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 17:36:18

That other dude is proving your point pretty well.


[-] sexrobot_sexrobot | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 07:32:21

88 comments. How appropriate.


[-] bunnymud | -19 points | Mar 22 2018 15:53:55




[-] PopcornInMyTeeth | 12 points | Mar 22 2018 16:54:47

The all caps really sells your point. If it weren't for that I probably wouldn't have taken you seriously...


[-] DaveSheepel | 11 points | Mar 22 2018 17:00:32

Found the triggered broflake


[-] bunnymud | -12 points | Mar 22 2018 17:02:30

So pointing and laughing is considered as being "Triggered"?



[-] King--Noctis | 14 points | Mar 22 2018 16:05:49

This subreddit won't be banned unless it gets lots of takedown requests like megaporn. It won't get banned because of the policy changes. You guys are being way too paranoid.


[-] Cygnus__A | 14 points | Mar 22 2018 19:09:01

Digg was a huge website at one point. The admins made a few dumb changes and lost everything. Just saying.


[-] SourceDetective | 14 points | Mar 25 2018 01:09:55



[-] -TheBabadook | 2 points | Mar 25 2018 01:30:30

[-] [deleted] | 14 points | Mar 25 2018 23:12:22



[-] King--Noctis | 13 points | Mar 24 2018 16:33:42

This is getting dumb.


[-] pokedonthejapsubway | 8 points | Mar 24 2018 16:57:07

for real...what a joke. retard makes a retarded post, mods buy into it, lock the sub & cut all communication except "we're working on a solution" (to a non existent problem...)

they should keep submissions restricted to approved users (uploaders) so that tards like /u/NayrbEroom can't make shit-stirring posts which caused this fucking mess in the first place.


[-] King--Noctis | 4 points | Mar 24 2018 17:13:17

Yep. This subreddit will be taken down if there are enough take down requests. Which will happen inevitably. But the policy changes won't affect this sub's status.


[-] [deleted] | 13 points | Mar 25 2018 22:14:11



[-] BatmantoshReturns | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 07:58:03

What's the difference between Raddle and Voat?


[-] Caelondian_Brushers | 3 points | Mar 26 2018 08:57:42

From what I've read on a comment in this thread, is that each of those are on either end of the political spectrum. One's very right and the other very left. "raddle is the mirror-opposite of voat". Something along those lines.


[-] linuxwes | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 13:25:05

What's the difference between Raddle and Voat?

Voat disabled their megalinks sub, Raddle didn't.


[-] pharos92 | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 23:19:09

I don’t know personally! As long as megalinks survives


[-] MakoRuu | 12 points | Mar 22 2018 06:52:03

We need a deep web forum that's not easily accessible from Google.

Something somebody owns on a garage server they can hide from search engines. This place went from 500 users to almost 100,000 in less than six months. We got too popular.


[-] ScyllaHide | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 18:23:28

well we should all unsub, but keep shortcut :D


[-] ElectroXexual | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 18:53:04

Zeronet maybe?


[-] gitzip | 12 points | Mar 24 2018 10:56:48

why not simply keep it rolling? We all know how this ends anyways.


[-] Silas_Mason | 11 points | Mar 22 2018 03:07:09

What a drag, I used this sub to know when DVD quality streams were available for ol' exodus.


[-] DasMoon55 | 11 points | Mar 22 2018 06:39:58

Can i request a how to kill yourself pdf?


[-] bigtittygothbf | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 12:40:29

One PDF please


[-] R3a1ityCheque | 11 points | Mar 22 2018 09:29:47

Jesus, Reddit's going to be so fucking boring when they're finished with this purge.


[-] Caresind | 5 points | Mar 23 2018 22:34:04

Don't worry Ajit Pai said we can still post our cat videos.


[-] voodoomudcake | 11 points | Mar 22 2018 17:15:29

Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you.

Please join the discord channel so that we can remain together after the admins torch this entire community.


[-] MaccasAU | 3 points | Mar 23 2018 07:43:34

How do you join the discord channel?


[-] Muscar | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 13:16:27

Link is in the sidebar


[-] MCPO_John117 | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 17:53:04

Links broken, can you pm me a working one?


[-] Muscar | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 19:53:38

/u/indigo6alpha has updated the link in the sidebar, here it is:


[-] shirleeey | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 14:06:08


It looks like it has broken again. Any way to get an updated version? Thanks!


[-] Muscar | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 14:17:47

Oh, weird. Try sending a PM to /u/indigo6alpha


[-] DrCalamari | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 12:18:49

It seems the link in the sidebar is not working. Any other way to join the discord channel?


[-] voodoomudcake | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 12:43:10

I just messaged the mods bringing this to their attention.


[-] choose_a_accountname | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 01:55:44

I'ts already expired.


[-] NayrbEroom | 10 points | Mar 22 2018 03:03:52

Lot of conversation going on on the Discord server


[-] MCPO_John117 | 3 points | Mar 23 2018 17:51:51

Can you pm me the discord link? The one on sidebar is broken :(


[-] AlaskanThunderwhat | 10 points | Mar 22 2018 03:14:08

Been visiting year for years, if it goes down I'm going to miss it :( Edit: Visiting *here


[-] ic_97 | 10 points | Mar 22 2018 04:06:39

I came to reddit because of megalinks i really don't want it to be put to ground.


[-] heavymetalelf | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 07:49:22



[-] R3a1ityCheque | 10 points | Mar 22 2018 18:56:51

Is it worth considering something like Basically a p2p distributed website. It's hosted by the users, as long as one is online then the site stays up, no middle man.

Given that the entirety of this sub isnt very data-heavy it could be pretty easily maintained and be very resistant. I just think if we move to "another reddit" then this is likely to happen again and again.


[-] MaccasAU | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 07:43:51

Great idea


[-] RKellyPissOnTrump | 10 points | Mar 23 2018 03:41:54

Just when I'm ready to upload rarities like Weinerville, Double Dare, What Would You Do, and Legends of the Hidden Temple. Bah. Oh well. Patience.


[-] but_wye_Tho | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 18:08:36



[-] Mr_Goose | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 14:21:15

Wow. I need all of those! Been looking forever!


[-] RKellyPissOnTrump | 5 points | Mar 23 2018 18:57:00

Some of them are good quality GAS rips, and some of them are shitty VHS rips.

51 episodes of Double Dare (Some DD and some FDD, but all Marc Summers)

28 episodes of Weinerville

and 31 episodes of What Would You Do

I promise I'll upload and post them all when the restrictions are lifted, or if not here, somewhere else.


[-] Shittyshooped | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 00:30:18

Shitty quality just adds to the nostalgia, can you post to raddle?


[-] RKellyPissOnTrump | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 05:43:37

Some of them are good quality GAS rips, and some of them are shitty VHS rips.

I'm on it now. Season 1 of Legends has been posted.


[-] Mr_Goose | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 20:52:22

Oh man. Please do and I’ll find them where ever they are!


[-] RKellyPissOnTrump | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 23:24:16

[-] Numinak | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 15:49:45

How dare you tease us like that!


[-] [deleted] | 10 points | Mar 24 2018 00:09:45



[-] bakajin100 | 10 points | Mar 25 2018 16:05:20

Well shit I just found this sub a couple of weeks ago. Those who were posting hard to find copies of older films or out of print stuff I thank you. Hell, even those posting old crappy sitcoms.


[-] DrShlomo | 9 points | Mar 22 2018 17:53:30

Can people relax we haven't been banned yet

The mods of this sub have done a fantastic job of keeping the last mega-haven going, perhaps I'm being optimistic but I think we might just come out of this one too.


[-] D_Ashido | 9 points | Mar 22 2018 20:35:55

I just want to thank each and everyone of you guys that have been supplying my commute with high octane anime and live action alike for the past few years. Nobody has really been an asshat when it came to doing the password captcha or the mega url link. Everyone just got with the program and made it work. Everyone should pat themselves on the back because even if we lose everything by being banned, we will all remember that great thing we had going here.



[-] NEETologist | 9 points | Mar 23 2018 02:17:26

My life is Officially OVER.


[-] SnowdensOfYesteryear | 8 points | Mar 22 2018 03:24:24

How does restricting submissions prevent the sub from being banned?


[-] indigo6alpha | 23 points | Mar 22 2018 03:28:15

This is a temporary measure, a more easier alternative to making the sub private. Neither of these measures will prevent a ban, but it gives us mods time to come up with a solution without having the sub flooded with more content while we're testing it.


[-] RashadTheReactor | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 03:54:51

did you receive an official notice from Reddit like other subs or is it a precaution


[-] indigo6alpha | 26 points | Mar 22 2018 03:56:17

It's a precaution


[-] ExtraTerrestriaI | 11 points | Mar 22 2018 04:28:23

Thank you for trying to be responsible.


[-] MortWellian | 9 points | Mar 22 2018 05:02:55

I appreciate you stepping up but all I can find on the bans are subs that are selling or being an intermediary for sales, here's the announcement. It's a good idea to plan for emergencies, but I think you might be giving yourself more stress than than is needed, and you have time to look around for solid alternatives.


[-] indigo6alpha | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 05:32:06

Yes, I saw that. I'm just fast tracking the efforts that were already underway. The earlier plan was to make the sub private while we worked on this, but that didn't seem practical.


[-] MortWellian | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 05:51:17

Finding some place to mirror here might be a good route for the near term. ~~There's nothing on the legal horizon to push them into do anything any time soon~~, and being a no drama sub is a great way to guarantee there's bigger and louder fish for them to fry.

Edit: I didn't think that the bill going through congress is broad enough to effect this sub, and has a decent chance of having the courts gut it, but I can understand the nervousness over it.


[-] m0rfiend | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 11:45:56

respect all the mods work at trying to keep this subreddit alive.


[-] ishanbhatnagar74 | 8 points | Mar 25 2018 04:52:21

Whatever the result maybe, from the bottom of my heart, thanks to each and every uploader.


[-] TheKugr | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 07:16:08

It hasn't been touched in like two years but is r/privatemega still a valid fallback?


[-] MaccasAU | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 07:43:14



[-] greatryry | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 03:53:54

Send the invites!


[-] FlamingBunny999 | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 07:30:12

How do you get into it?


[-] TheKugr | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 15:20:43

Awhile ago this sub was in danger of shutting down kinda like this so one of the mods made that and whitelisted people who commented. I wouldn't worry about it cause aside from me there's been no mention of actually using it this time around and the last post in that sub was almost two years ago.


[-] viper8828 | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 11:07:30

all i have to say is fuck the future and companies having too much control over us.


[-] ThePooSlidesRightOut | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 11:24:03

Time to archive those ebook collections, i guess


[-] DisastrousProgrammer | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 22:27:26

I would set this sub to private and keep submissions restricted for 2 weeks while attention on reddit's illegal subs are high.

Once the hype blows over operate as usual.


[-] vcdupper | 7 points | Mar 23 2018 13:34:54

Because then we would have to go through 100,000 users & change their permissions


[-] Co1dhand | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 18:46:02

How do you change the permissions? does it happen on the user's end? or the the admins end? because if it's the latter, I might actually be able to script it.


[-] a1z1c1 | 7 points | Mar 24 2018 16:12:11

Still waiting for this sub to be active again.


[-] Devilsrider | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 03:24:22



[-] sexrobot_sexrobot | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 09:36:27

The censorship provided by SESTA/FOSTA is a great prelude to the end of net neutrality next month. Thanks Trump!


[-] Luchador1138 | 6 points | Mar 22 2018 20:00:14

The same thing happened to Megaporn but more sooner, they backed up their stuff, and started a "type" of forum site that they are now posting all their megalinks on. It might be something that this subreddit might want to consider if the shit hits the fan.


[-] ur_avg_redditor | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 06:33:01

Can u DM me a link for that 'forum'.


[-] JeremyHafford | 6 points | Mar 23 2018 05:00:13

Well, it's been a good run. Back to full time torrenting it is.


[-] buck-yar | 6 points | Mar 23 2018 14:53:43 is not locked, lets go there. I just uploaded In Time (2011)(11gb)


[-] Co1dhand | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 18:43:30

sadly, not active enough, we could just use the discord channel I guess, till then... So say we all


[-] Shittyshooped | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 00:24:02

Have you not come across the disappearing raddle link?


[-] Co1dhand | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 12:16:04

No I did not, what's that?


[-] Laruae | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 22:37:16


[-] Sk3tchy1970 | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 21:19:38

Can you send me an invite to the discord channel? Thanks.


[-] Co1dhand | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 22:31:55

sure thing,


[-] BigBabyBitchButtBoy | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 09:30:23



[-] iMadeThisToSayThanks | 6 points | Mar 23 2018 20:57:44

we could go old school and go back to usenet?


[-] Caresind | 6 points | Mar 23 2018 22:43:54 with a bunch of old content up to 2016. That should help potentially get old data reducing the amount of data required to scrape to get a full dataset.

Source this post on /r/DataHoarder

There's apparently also a 1.7 billion Reddit posts on BigQuery. I don't know if they've kept it alive I don't know how to check BigQuery


[-] PhiWeaver | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 01:50:34

Someone on Raddle already did a big archive:


[-] CageMonster | 6 points | Mar 25 2018 12:42:38

Can't we find another website where we can post the links for download?


[-] King--Noctis | 6 points | Mar 25 2018 19:29:29

Damn the mods abandoned us


[-] AmusingChan | 6 points | Mar 26 2018 08:15:34

Everyone thinking of archiving this heaven, how about we get together and talk this out instead of everyone just making separate copies of the same stuff. Would be more efficient, no?


[-] SpoomMcKay | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 04:25:32

Thank you to everyone that contributed to this sub. All of you who posted links, you are the real heroes.


[-] _theMAUCHO_ | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 13:17:01

Thank you so much for everything everyone. Much joy has been had by the awesome gifts you've shared with us. See you in the next thing! Laters my online bros! :D


[-] shadows4n1c | 5 points | Mar 22 2018 22:43:34

Gotta get a forum hosted in a country that gives no damn about U.S. and its copyright laws.

And whoever makes it needs to be super opsec... KAT got killed because of a money trail leading to a single iTunes mp3 purchase...


[-] neckbeardgamers | 5 points | Mar 23 2018 10:33:20

What is the point?

So, we're taking proactive measures to avoid [being banned]

If your proactive measure is killing new submissions, the subreddit may as well be banned anyway. Even though you are not allowing new submissions the sub still must have thousands of active warez links that could be a grounds for taking it down at any moment.


[-] indigo6alpha | 10 points | Mar 23 2018 13:23:12

The solution we're working on is the proactive measure. Submission restriction is just to stop the sub being flooded with new posts, which will make it difficult for us to test the solution.


[-] neckbeardgamers | 4 points | Mar 24 2018 01:10:08

There is no solution you can come up with on Reddit, you cannot keep it secret what this sub has been doing for years. Like I said all the old pirated links are still available to everyone, anyway. Even if you remove the old links admins can probably see what you have been doing, or anyone in the public can check

No solution could work on Reddit, eventually Reddit admins will decide to ban this subreddit. If a solution is found, no serious effort should be invested in a Reddit based solution. A non-reddit solution would probably be the best solution, for one I remember how much superior megauploadforum ever was to this sub. In the meantime restricting new post submissions means this sub ceased for all purposes. I don't know how long it will take admins to put enough of their attention on this sub to ban it, but they eventually will. And restricting submissions just means this sub isn't catering to its purpose in the meantime, meaning that the limited lifespan this sub has anyway is being proactively shortened by you mods.


[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 14:05:59



[-] Fkmorgan | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 15:49:51

Probably some new way of anonymising or encrypting new posts/titles. Or else they're trying to setup a new site and seeing can they migrate all the data across (I know there's already one mirrored site).


[-] -TheBabadook | 3 points | Mar 23 2018 17:18:16

Probably some new way of anonymising or encrypting new posts/titles

That wouldn't solve anything. The Mods/admins would still know what goes on here. They gotta chat with them and defend the sub (as well as think of external options outside of Reddit)


[-] uwotm8_888 | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 05:21:35

a new method is being discussed in discord. join and find out.


[-] [deleted] | 5 points | Mar 23 2018 18:20:30

how do i liiiiiive without you...


[-] vishnu_vijayan | 5 points | Mar 24 2018 07:37:17

What has been decided ? Is there a new forum, website, anything where we are going to move ?


[-] [deleted] | 5 points | Mar 24 2018 17:28:54



[-] pokedonthejapsubway | 3 points | Mar 24 2018 18:00:34

Raddle will be abandoned as soon as submissions are enabled tbh

you have a better chance of getting something you're after in the discord requests chan


[-] linuxwes | 4 points | Mar 25 2018 14:28:53

The fact that the mods are removing posts about raddle suggests raddle is probably a good option. I'm just going to sign up for all the options and see which one gains traction.


[-] DamTheTorpedoes1864 | 5 points | Mar 25 2018 02:17:27

"Gentlemen, it's been a privilege flying with you."

(Clip from Apollo 13)


[-] umangd03 | 5 points | Mar 25 2018 07:28:36

I just want to say that, the people on this sub are amazing! And going through the comments, the efforts everyone is putting in archiving peoples hard work(posts), makes me an even bigger fan of this sub.

Love, Subscriber


[-] MrPeanut111 | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 04:10:23

Hey guys, just a question: what was keeping this sub legal for so long? What makes it ok?


[-] Y0UR_Messiah | 15 points | Mar 22 2018 04:19:10

I believe because we didn't actually hold any files on here. Only the links. So maybe that's a loophole, who knows.


[-] gazongagizmo | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 08:27:46

that never stopped pirate bay's prosecutors.

honestly, it probably was flying under the radar that kept us shielded for so long. that, or the encryption system of mega (content mafia chooses to go after sites that have easier access to uploaders)


[-] RatisKill | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 04:43:05

Anyone considered building an online forum?


[-] uwotm8_888 | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 06:33:54

there is talks of it.


[-] Soapra | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 04:58:58

Thanks to all the people that were committed in posting all the great content. Much appreciated.


[-] Fedor_Gavnyukov | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 07:12:42

there was an alternative created about a month or two ago that is a private sub by invite only. it's megahosting


[-] Scaramussa | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 20:48:22


Can I get an invite?


[-] Fedor_Gavnyukov | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 21:06:30

message the mods


[-] chandika8 | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 09:08:18

First and now this. Guess I'm just going to have to kill myself.


[-] Jonnythebull | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 12:43:42

Have you found an alternative to alluc? Used that a lot when I didn't have the time to download something. Real shame


[-] skekze | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 16:46:34

follow the pron link alluc gives you and it still finds movies and tv shows and porn, guess they are just sticking with a general search engine.


[-] Jonnythebull | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 16:50:18

Ah Ok, thanks!


[-] AssuredlyAThrowAway | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 09:32:54

If they ban this subreddit they would have to ban /r/documentaries (which is a former default); it won't happen.


[-] m0rfiend | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 11:49:52

who knows, 2018 is a weird year so far.


[-] achimba | 3 points | Mar 23 2018 18:45:23

Thank you for the pointer. I love me some documentaries.


[-] [deleted] | 0 points | Mar 22 2018 14:58:36



[-] prodical | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 15:58:54

Both contain links to copyrighted content...


[-] matt99me | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 14:45:15

List of subreddits that are banned There is still possibility that megalinks may survive.


[-] lc9 | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 18:50:39

I think we should move discord, and have a bot that archives and sorts all release shares


[-] MaccasAU | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 07:45:56

Bots a good idea


[-] dat_shit_gray | 4 points | Mar 23 2018 02:36:04




[-] OtochimarU | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 03:50:11

Well, I don't understand what the issue is but Hopefully gets resolved not by banning this sub, I really like this one and the zippy one.


[-] TheEvenDarkerKnight | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 04:14:54

if we're done for good, it was fun while it lasted


[-] SourceDetective | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 04:25:31

Hey mods of /r/megalinks, although /r/MegaAnime is a much smaller subreddit, do you think it is best that I restrict submissions as well?


[-] indigo6alpha | 10 points | Mar 22 2018 04:40:02

Submission restriction isn't the endgame. We're working on a proper solution for this. You can DM on the discord server (link in the sidebar). My username is indigo6alpha#4990 on discord.


[-] SourceDetective | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 05:34:34

Ty! Request sent!


[-] Muscar | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 13:18:28

I'm clicking the link for the discord server but it says " The instant invite is invalid or has expired".


[-] indigo6alpha | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 13:20:16

I have updated the link.


[-] krakatoa619 | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 04:48:56

There's also this discussion over r/piracy.


[-] jsu70033 | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 08:05:15

link? cant find any


[-] krakatoa619 | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 08:07:31

here ya go


[-] RatisKill | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 05:08:33

I think the sudden ban wave is the result of the U.S Senate passing FOSTA/SESTA. If this is true then this sub is next along with others like it.


[-] reddituser23933 | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 06:19:24

Wow just want to say thanks to everyone who's uploaded, helped someone find something, etc.

This sub has been a really amazing place to find a variety of stuff, often educational. I can't count the times I saw something uploaded and googled something and learned something new.

Anyways...thanks again.


[-] Avid28 | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 07:49:54

Anywhere else we can go to find a community like this to help "collect" links in one place?


[-] m0rfiend | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 11:48:25

the dmca notices via google tend to be a good place to search when starting from scratch


[-] acertenay | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 09:52:18

so whats the final decision?


[-] scene_missing | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 12:53:47

I don't see what changes you could make... The sub is what it is. If it gets banned, I don't see any way to have a Megalinks sub without links to Mega.


[-] AB6Daf | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 15:56:07

PSA: I've made r/cxnsored for communities to regroup after bans.


[-] callie8926 | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 16:47:39

ive loved this subreddit very much ive found somethings that would hard to find really accessible on this subreddit.Its been a pleasure to be a part of .


[-] TheyTheirsThem | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 16:52:38

Well, they came for the guns and decided to take everything else as well. It is sad how people who are willing to sacrifice the freedom of others are suddenly shocked when their freedoms are gone as well. DUH!


[-] KokiriEmerald | 3 points | Mar 22 2018 16:54:56



[-] Djas_ | 3 points | Mar 23 2018 11:42:36

..and I just got here :/


[-] MrFlagg | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 03:09:12

i saw one of the gore subreddits on about this as well

such is the price of shareholders


[-] herwins | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 04:44:58

new site megalinks specific: with ads


[-] L30R0D | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 14:24:28

Goddammit reddit!

Hope this is not the end


[-] vis_sub | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 16:32:23

Thanks a lot...hope we can keep this subreddit going...


[-] Tuner-Kid | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 20:22:25

Close it off with entry requests. sounds F*cked up but that may be a requirement. Some Closed Subs harbor former tracker members.


[-] LayKool | 2 points | Mar 22 2018 20:39:50

If you posted the links without describing what the link is for you wouldn't have to worry about search engines. Sure you would need to do additional work to determine what the upload is but it's a small price to pay. The way things are set up it's easy for the down loader and for those trying to prevent them.


[-] nuvpr | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 01:35:17

Make a board on 8ch


[-] dat_shit_gray | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 02:36:57

thank you to all that have uploaded and commented. I was looking forward to uploading some stuff this weekend, but god...

Hope this gets resolved and thank you all.


[-] L11K | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 03:07:30

So Long, and Thanks for All the ~~trasure~~ Fish!

Fellow pirates.


[-] Mountain_Chicken | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 16:11:55

This, plus alluc shutting down, is looking to be quite the problem


[-] CageMonster | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 21:56:01

Is there any other alternative?

Damn i loved this sub.


[-] trojan_dog | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 01:58:39

cant believe its come to this.


[-] SpaceInvaderB | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 05:18:09

I sure hope not cause


[-] CmonWeAllFart | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 08:26:01

Does anyone know what happens to files in Mega storage that is above the Free Quota after an Achievement expires. Will my data be deleted?


[-] Mini_Coin | 2 points | Mar 24 2018 19:26:52

Damn. It's been nice knowing y'all.


[-] Jatin_Nagpal | 2 points | Mar 25 2018 12:53:12

Let's just migrate it from reddit.

I've even set up a community poll on the discord about which type of platform the community would prefer for the purpose. It's up over at the discord, and the mods can post it here if they prefer. (Also sent a mod message about it.)

(This is the poll, btw: )


[-] Roguevade | 2 points | Mar 25 2018 21:24:36

Hi does anyone have updated discord link? This one expired


[-] VirginSaesenthessis | 2 points | Mar 26 2018 04:14:53

Reddit has completely gone to shit in the last few years. Time for a new place to pop up.


[-] madwilliamflint | 2 points | Mar 26 2018 13:36:32

So... what does freezing submissions accomplish?


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 14:46:54

If no new submissions are posted, the sub might not get banned. Why is so hard for people to understand?

Anyway, the sub appears to be open again. There's an announcement about it HERE. Guess freezing submissions paid off, huh?


[-] madwilliamflint | 3 points | Mar 26 2018 15:37:49

It just doesn't make any sense. If a sub were going to be banned on principle, what does 'new submissions' have to do with it?


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 2 points | Mar 26 2018 15:39:08

Stopping submissions may have allowed the sub to remain, as long as no new submissions were put up. Doesn't matter now anyway, the sub is back.


[-] uwotm8_888 | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 03:10:28

and sticky this thread please instead of discussion thread


[-] Soni091090 | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 03:15:16

Game Over! Thanks for playing.


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 03:34:32

Well fuck. Hopefully it will all get sorted out.


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 03:43:39

Well shit...


[-] StevenMcFlyJr | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 03:58:08

Is this my fault at all ??


[-] I-am-what-I-am-a-god | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 00:09:29



[-] StevenMcFlyJr | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 00:24:07



[-] I-am-what-I-am-a-god | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 00:27:11

You downloaded too many copies of coco


[-] StevenMcFlyJr | 0 points | Mar 23 2018 00:28:46

Pish posh. Coco u say? Dear god man, why would I want some pixared rubbish?


[-] I-am-what-I-am-a-god | 0 points | Mar 23 2018 00:31:33



[-] StevenMcFlyJr | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 01:13:00

Yes, I do love to run in marathons :-)


[-] I-am-what-I-am-a-god | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 02:34:57

Does that white pointy hood get in the way?


[-] StevenMcFlyJr | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 06:55:58

Nah. That's not a hood, that's my work hat. Would u like fries with that?


[-] SingularityRS | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 04:03:33



[-] SHAYSJESUS | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 07:56:05

damn baby this is sad news i hope we're ok 🤠💔 Thank you too all the poster's you made a very sad cowboy happy 🙏🏽🖤


[-] rima999 | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 09:45:09

What is the exact reason for this? Do they suspect we are breaking copyright laws? Can the mods tell Reddit that not everyone lives in a place with such laws. I can download/ upload all the books I want and it is perfectly legal.


[-] m0rfiend | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 11:54:43

consider where the servers are located. and the usa has shown indifference in prosecuting IP cases, when paid enough by special interest, to let geographical boundaries matter.


[-] Riddle_Snowcraft | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 09:50:38

As long as this sub stays safe, I'll bear. I'd rather protect what we've built than push careless behaviour.


[-] zroowei | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 11:15:09

i was gonna suggest but its disabled


[-] kapuh | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 23:21:43

The whole platform is full of shit either way.


[-] Scaramussa | 1 points | Mar 22 2018 12:29:18

We need something at least similar to Aether and not another extreme left wing website


[-] jojo2018 | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 01:39:18

Bye guys and thanks to all


[-] LlewelynMoss1 | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 05:11:02

Good idea. Hope we can keep it alive. This is a great community


[-] Co1dhand | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 12:03:58

Mods, why don't you make the sub private?


[-] kaching335 | 3 points | Mar 24 2018 05:49:36

That wouldn't solve anything


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 20:20:58



[-] guitarburst05 | 6 points | Mar 24 2018 04:05:58

Not until they ditch that godawful rapidgator.


[-] CptJHark | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 05:27:22

I just found out about this sub like a month last year. I hope it works out somehow. I still haven't found the SVU Collection link lol..


[-] iAmZephhy | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 09:47:11

I only just discovered this sub too.

It's a damn shame.


[-] jtrolfsen | 1 points | Mar 24 2018 18:02:14

if we cannot upload here, how about we just put all of our links in the discord instead, cut out reddit as the middle man


[-] pokedonthejapsubway | 11 points | Mar 24 2018 18:10:46

you can post links in the discord but there's no dedicated link-only room so you have to sift through conversations to find anything


[-] choose_a_accountname | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 01:56:55

Does anyone have a link to the discord server which actually works.


[-] indigo6alpha | 0 points | Mar 25 2018 03:07:03

It's on the sidebar


[-] -TheBabadook | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 16:10:48

Any update on the situation?


[-] culturedkid | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 15:01:23

discord invite plz


[-] Voxtrio | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 15:25:36

Check the sidebar


[-] culturedkid | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 15:25:59

Said it was expired


[-] pokedonthejapsubway | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 15:32:10

if you tried the invite in the OP and sidebar and both are expired then you're banned

press F to pay respects


[-] culturedkid | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 15:36:06

nvm got it, thx


[-] culturedkid | 0 points | Mar 25 2018 15:33:17

I don’t understand how I would have been banned. I hadn’t even been on discord before.


[-] Nyrusse | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 19:03:43

What about a Group in vk?


[-] DisastrousProgrammer | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 20:45:11

Should I make a temp subreddit on Voat in the meanwhile?

I think it's a good idea, but I have a feeling it might be a bad idea. Thoughts???


[-] DeathtotheCavalry | 1 points | Mar 25 2018 22:36:10

could we title each post in a code (such as base64 language) and have google translate or something equivalency read it?


[-] indigo6alpha | 2 points | Mar 26 2018 01:00:21

That's very similar what we're going to have, except we won't be using any external services


[-] acertenay | 2 points | Mar 26 2018 07:54:46

So what are we going to do? What's the decision?


[-] -TheBabadook | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 02:56:02

except we won't be using any external services



[-] TheGoodSheep | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 08:18:17

I will miss this site. At least I remembered my account


[-] Cygnus__A | 0 points | Mar 23 2018 03:41:24

Can we just make this private?


[-] -TheBabadook | 4 points | Mar 23 2018 13:36:00

Why does everyone think that would help? It wouldn't


[-] 33ro | 0 points | Mar 23 2018 09:13:53

We definitely could :)


[-] mininestime | 0 points | Mar 23 2018 23:16:57

So im a tad confused. Why are you restricting new submissions?

Really no reason not to allow new things to be posted. Personally id look into using one of the few other reddit like sites and going from there. voat ect. See if they allow it. I want to get all of season 2 of the santa clara diet and cant seem to do it without going thru multiple megalinks one at a time bah!


[-] Shittyshooped | 11 points | Mar 24 2018 00:22:09

I want to get all of season 2 of the santa clara diet and cant seem to do it without going thru multiple megalinks one at a time bah!

Small price to pay for free shit.. I tell myself that every time I have to do a captcha eighty different times for one file


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 4 points | Mar 24 2018 02:58:30

You clearly haven't fully grasped what's happening, have you?


[-] mininestime | 7 points | Mar 25 2018 02:20:31

I get it, just nothing changes. The outcome is either they ban the sub or not. No way really to stop that. We can hope they dont, but disabling the sub is pretty much the same as it being banned, since its pretty useless then.


[-] TySwindel | -1 points | Mar 22 2018 04:11:48

Can’t we make the sub private and then sort of do how the weed dealers do it where I grew up. You have to know someone who is already in to get an invite.

I don’t know if that will help if Reddit used algorithms or whatever to see if banned content is coming in but at least it won’t be public facing.


[-] [deleted] | -3 points | Mar 22 2018 02:33:40



[-] Mussu007 | 4 points | Mar 22 2018 04:19:31

Technically the posts here are illegal, and after the Facebook extravaganza all social media will now take strong action ( my presumption ). Hence, the problem


[-] [deleted] | -4 points | Mar 22 2018 05:21:12



[-] uwotm8_888 | 7 points | Mar 22 2018 05:35:26

it locks off files after too many requests.


[-] KokiriEmerald | -5 points | Mar 22 2018 22:26:29


Zippyshare > mega anyway fight me irl


[-] taosk8r | 1 points | Mar 23 2018 05:07:53

Bah.. Its way more throttled in my experience. But thats a good thing to have as a backup.


[-] Caresind | -5 points | Mar 23 2018 22:35:37

Oh no! Reddit is even more cancer than it's already been for the last several years we're just going to have to move to distributed immutable blockchain solutions. What a drag. I guess the next regulatory step they'll have to take is to shut down the internet at that point.


[-] ledessert | -6 points | Mar 22 2018 19:15:25

blocking submissions is useless, this sub is illegal anyways so just continue till it dies !


[-] Y0UR_Messiah | 2 points | Mar 23 2018 18:39:53



[-] bunnymud | -8 points | Mar 22 2018 04:00:58

Hello Voat


[-] MayMeiMaiMae | -19 points | Mar 23 2018 01:20:18

Whyyyyyyyyyy! Is it the SJWs fault?.


[-] RCS47 | 3 points | Mar 24 2018 07:43:10

No, its T_D bringing too much media heat on reddit.
