unpaq | 20 points | Mar 26 2018 14:24:51

[MOVIE] I Kill Giants (2017) [WEBDL AVC 1080p AC3 6CH 3.6GB]



[-] SubZorro | 2 points | Mar 26 2018 14:29:15

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^opensubtitles.org ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] Good_Ol_Jack_Burton | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 17:41:44

I have tried to find a rating for this movie everywhere. Can anyone tell me what it is? It's not a huge deal, but if I'm able to watch it with my daughter, I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into, lol.

Nevermind, life is good. I found it.


[-] 5H4D0W_ReapeR | 2 points | Mar 26 2018 18:32:44

In my personal opinion, if you did watch Bridge to Terabithia before, this movie and Bridge to Terabithia are similar in nature but I feel like the latter is more enjoyable.


[-] Good_Ol_Jack_Burton | 1 points | Mar 26 2018 19:03:07

I didn't watch Bridge to Terabithia, but I read the book in school a long time ago. That was good enough for me. This just looks like something my daughter would get into. I'll probably watch it first to make sure it isn't too heavy for her. Thanks!


[-] bpfn | 1 points | Mar 27 2018 18:02:02

This is x264, correct? I usually see "6CH" next to x265/HEVC so I just wanted to make sure.
