another_broken_cog | 35 points | Apr 01 2018 08:18:17

[DOCUMENTARY] James Burke's BBC The Day the Universe Changed: A Personal View by James Burke 1985 XviD (7.63GB)

[James Burke]( is a science historian who made several documentaries series.


His work is all interesting, enlightening, timeless, and intriguing. Time spent in his company is guaranteed to be well rewarded.


This series explores the philosophical idea that the universe essentially only exists as one perceives it through what one knows. Or, as written in the quote for the preface to the first edition of Bjarne Stroustrup's "The C++ Programming Language":

Language shapes the way we think,

and determines what we can think about.



More from James Burke:

James Burke's Connections Series 1, 2, 3

James Burke's After the Warming 1990, The Men Who Walked on the Moon 1979, and assorted documentaries



PW: the name of this subreddit

encoded Base64 key



Download questions?

Read side bar on right


Key does not work?

Read side bar on right


[-] C_McButterpants | 1 points | Apr 01 2018 20:35:25

Thank you.

Key does not work? Read side bar on right

Does it actually cover this - it should, ofc - but I don't see it.


[-] another_broken_cog | 1 points | Apr 01 2018 23:20:22

Well, it is implied in the item 1.

Anyway, I made it easier, by providing the deciphering link on top of the encoded key. Paste that string in the decode box, click on live mode or decode, and get the server key from the box below.

This is typical procedure in this reddit. Knowing this allows you to access nearly all shown here. The other bits are variations of this procedure.


[-] C_McButterpants | 1 points | Apr 01 2018 23:23:54

Sry. I wasn't implying that I couldn't work it out. Just saying that those who do have trouble (and there seems to be one in every thread) isn't going to decipher it from the sidebar. Read all that!! haha. It's because they don't even read the post header that they're in this position in the first place.


[-] another_broken_cog | 1 points | Apr 01 2018 23:32:19

ok. you may be right. perhaps the structure of the post could be improved for making it even more noob-safe. I will work on that.


[-] C_McButterpants | 1 points | Apr 01 2018 23:36:48

Ah mate no. It wasn't implied as any kind of criticism. Your post's perfectly straightforward. If anything, it's the sidebar that needs re-jigging - though not many follow all the rules anyway; especially No. 1 & 3.


[-] another_broken_cog | 1 points | Apr 02 2018 00:02:19

nah nah nah, mate, no offense taken. you are right that the side bar is not that explicit, and perhaps the post contents is not either. there is room for improvement. I was noob once, but I persisted, and perhaps it did not seem that hard for me. maybe others may find it too difficult. let's make it easier for noobs.

no worries.

Just be sure do watch everything from James Burke. It is really worth it.
