LaGrrrande | 202 points | Apr 01 2018 23:56:03

[TV] (2016) Westworld - Chronological Fan Edit [x264 1GB]

Since I doubt you guys want to go through all of the hassle of screwing around with scripts and command lines to download and assemble the 1,000 piece fan edit from this thread, here is the full chronological Dolores fan edit of Westworld.

Edit - Do not watch this if you haven't watched the series yet.

Base 64 Decode



[-] randy_dingo | 4 points | Apr 02 2018 02:08:20

Redirect dead.


[-] RealLeftWinger | 2 points | Apr 02 2018 04:55:42

I'm getting 404 as well.


[-] ImA13x | 3 points | Apr 02 2018 20:35:15

Did you replace "Westworld" with "mega" in the link you get from base64?


[-] trinibeast | 2 points | Apr 02 2018 00:42:15

What's this?


[-] thunder2132 | 24 points | Apr 02 2018 00:49:23

If I explain it, it ruins a lot of the fun of the show. Basically, if you haven't already seen Westworld, then don't watch this. Want me to explain anyway?


[-] trinibeast | 14 points | Apr 02 2018 01:04:11

I saw Westworld, just wondering what's this


[-] thunder2132 | 20 points | Apr 02 2018 01:06:35

It's a fan edit that straightens out Delores' timeline. It's shown way out of sequence in the show, so this is everything in order from her perspective.


[-] Plays_You_Wonderwall | 101 points | Apr 02 2018 01:07:35

It doesn't look like anything to me.


[-] thunder2132 | 9 points | Apr 02 2018 01:12:54

Heheh, that line got some great use. Oddly I just started re-watching this series for the first time this afternoon. The second watch through is so much fun when you know what to look for.


[-] jomiran | -1 points | Apr 02 2018 03:07:53

gad damit


[-] There_was_no_chickin | -2 points | Apr 02 2018 05:53:22

Omg I'm sick of this line


[-] lunaticBotch | 2 points | Apr 02 2018 08:28:11

It's shown way out of sequence in the show

Was it? I don't remember much from the show, but i remember it all making sense at the time, so it is worth the watch?


[-] thunder2132 | 5 points | Apr 02 2018 10:32:00

Yep, that was the whole big reveal in the last episodes, kinda the crux of the whole show. Any time you see Delores you have to question when it's happening in the timeline since she has access to all of her memories, and sees some of them as living dreams. Many of her dream states are where she currently is, and what you think is her current storyline is actually the dream.

I'm going to watch this, but after I finish my second watch-through of the show, just to see if I missed anything.


[-] alakaboem | -2 points | Apr 02 2018 01:32:00

why would you want to deliberately undercut the point of the structure of the show...?


[-] thunder2132 | 13 points | Apr 02 2018 01:36:26

If you've already seen it, or if part of it confused you. If it were me I'd watch this to see if I'd missed any clues on my first couple of watch-throughs. Since I'm on my second watch-through now I may check this out after I'm done.

Not with this show, but with the Doctor's relationship with River Song on Doctor Who, I've wanted to see that done with a fan edit where it's from her perspective.


[-] makes_mistakes | 3 points | Apr 02 2018 03:06:05

The is a youtube video somewhere that does that. Remember watching it a couple of years ago


[-] UncorrelatedCerebrum | 4 points | Apr 02 2018 03:34:17

Spoilers. It’s definitely worth it to watch the show to get the full effect.


[-] thunder2132 | 2 points | Apr 03 2018 00:50:34

Here's an updated one, it covers up through 2016 (the last she appeared)


[-] thunder2132 | 1 points | Apr 02 2018 10:34:57

I'll probably check that out, maybe see if there's an updated one to include her more recent outings. I mean, it's not that confusing, we just see it from the Doctor's perspective, so her emotions kind of go all over the place. Seeing it from her perspective (baby -> psycho killer -> in love with the Doctor -> believing she killed him -> Imprisonment -> marriage -> pardoned -> death) would shed a bit more light on how she's acting at different points.


[-] astrobrain | 7 points | Apr 02 2018 02:40:45

My mom... I love her to death, but she was born 80 years ago in rural Alabama. I don't want to say she's simple, but complex storytelling devices confuse her. She loves contemporary television. Oftentimes she doesn't understand when things are shown out of order, and it really keeps her from enjoying the show.

This is going to be fantastic for her.


[-] PowderedWigMachine | 2 points | Apr 02 2018 01:42:37

It'd ruin it for someone who hasn't seen it before but if you've already seen it, why not? I watched Chronologically Lost a while ago and I thought it was a really interesting take on a show I'd already seen twice.


[-] Alseid | 1 points | Apr 02 2018 10:03:11

Why not? It's a fun exercise that's been done by fans on all sorts of movies and shows that are presented out of chronological order: Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Memento, Arrested Development, the whole MCU.

It's not meant to replace the original nor to be the first version someone watches of the movie or show, just a different way of looking at it for people who already saw the real thing.


[-] UserIsOptional | 2 points | Apr 02 2018 03:11:50

Is there a normal version around here?


[-] LaGrrrande | 6 points | Apr 02 2018 03:21:18

Search is coming up with at least a dozen different uploads of Westworld season one, ranging from 6GB to over 200GB.


[-] UserIsOptional | 1 points | Apr 02 2018 03:34:47

My search only showed me a year old link for some reason. But thank you


[-] whywhywhyisthis | 2 points | Apr 02 2018 04:56:06

Grab yourself some 4k remuxes and sit prettyyyyy


[-] PhiWeaver | 1 points | Apr 02 2018 01:35:30

say what?


[-] Adr990 | 1 points | Apr 02 2018 09:18:49

Awesome, thanks!


[-] Superblunt85 | 1 points | Apr 02 2018 14:16:28

How sure are we that the people behind chronologically structuring it are 100% right? I once watched a chronological fan edit of LOST, and noticed a ton of chronology errors.


[-] LaGrrrande | 2 points | Apr 02 2018 14:24:31

I think it would be easier with Westworld because there are only two timelines to deal with, and one of the characters being played by a different actor in the earlier timeline. Plus, Westworld is only like ten episodes made up of ~ten hours of content, compared to LOST's 121 episodes and ~90 hours of content.


[-] Zedwardson | 1 points | Apr 02 2018 17:52:22

This doesn't look like anything to me.


[-] Icecoldk1lla | 1 points | Apr 02 2018 23:29:11

Thnx for this.


[-] Nelly_platinum | 1 points | Apr 03 2018 02:01:28

thank you


[-] hayLAYdee | 1 points | Apr 03 2018 03:54:24

How is this different from the embedded version on their page?


[-] LaGrrrande | 1 points | Apr 03 2018 11:13:47

It's pulled directly from their page.


[-] Maora234 | 0 points | Apr 02 2018 06:42:33

How do I go about getting it?
