BlurONYoutube | 50 points | Mar 27 2018 19:36:27

[EPUB] Takeshi Kovacs Series by Richard Morgan

Somebody requested, so here.



[-] warbird2k | 13 points | Mar 27 2018 20:32:26

I guess this is what Altered Carbon is based on?


[-] lmwfy | 8 points | Mar 27 2018 21:31:34

I read the title, squinted my eyes and said, "Where do I know that name from.."


[-] supergauntlet | 3 points | Mar 28 2018 15:31:38

[-] iMadeThisToSayThanks | 2 points | Mar 28 2018 18:30:10

Altered Carbon is based on the first book. They made some alterations, particularly to the Envoy backstory. It's better in the books. The 2nd and particularly 3rd book go deeper into it. But the tv show made some changes for the better (such as Poe). I don't know how they will do season two of the show, the 2nd and 3rd books are more action than the cyber-noir thriller of the first. But also, totally different worlds, Takeshi is in a totally different sleeve, etc


[-] warbird2k | 1 points | Mar 28 2018 19:02:26

Thanks for the info. Maybe I'll try reading starting from the 2nd book then. See how it is (too much to read at the moment though... and not enough time!!)


[-] matiasbaldanza | 1 points | Mar 30 2018 17:57:22

Although you can begin reading this series with the second book, I'd like to recommend book #1. It is too good of a cyberpunk ride to miss, if you enjoy the genre.


[-] Noexa | 1 points | Mar 27 2018 19:47:17

You are an amazing person! Thank you :)
